Post news Report RSS MISERY 2.2 released

The MISERY Development Team (MDT) is celebrating the culmination of a three and a half year labor of love with the release of MISERY 2.2 for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat on September 23rd, 2017. We thank our fans for the overwhelming support and encouragement they have given the team. You inspired us to keep our noses to the grind stone and produce a project we can be truly proud of.

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The MISERY Development Team (MDT) is celebrating the culmination of a three and a half year labor of love with the release of MISERY 2.2 for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat on September 23rd, 2017. We thank our fans for the overwhelming support and encouragement they have given the team. You inspired us to keep our noses to the grind stone and produce a project we can be truly proud of.

Fancy a smoke?MISERY 2.2 is happening

The devastating number of natural disasters during development have greatly impacted both our fans and team members. The recent earthquakes in Southern Mexico have directly impacted one of our team and left us with a dilemma: Should we push forward and release as advertised or wait possibly several weeks before the demonstration videos can be completed?

Our fans have waited very patiently, and while the mod deserves a consolidated fanfare and all the polish we are accustomed to providing with earlier releases, we simply couldn’t deprive our fans of what they have been waiting for any longer.

We welcome our fans to try out the mod while we are busy generating all the finishing touches it deserves. In addition to the release, we have an all new website to welcome you to MISERY 2.2


Feedback on the mod can be provided there, on our ModDb Bugs thread at

Please avail yourself of the FAQ and Game Guide on the website and review the installation instructions on the Bugs thread before reporting a potential bug. Kind regards Misery Development Team

Thanks again and kind regards

Misery Development Ltd.

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Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 81)
FlMihai - - 29 comments

Can't wait for it to download and install!

Thank you very much for this!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+11 votes
freedomer - - 255 comments

Is this real life?!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
Chewye - - 1 comments

Is this just fantasy? :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
N.Aaroe Author
N.Aaroe - - 2,709 comments

Caught in a zoneslide.

Reply Good karma+11 votes
Guest - - 700,079 comments

escape from anomaly

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
Bando007 - - 46 comments

No escape from reality

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
N.Aaroe Author
N.Aaroe - - 2,709 comments

Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see

Reply Good karma+7 votes
zmaj777 - - 216 comments

I'm just a poor stalker, I need no sympathy

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
N.Aaroe Author
N.Aaroe - - 2,709 comments

Because my aim will come, when bandits go
A little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me

Reply Good karma+12 votes
Guest - - 700,079 comments

Mama, just killed a merc,
Put my gun against his head,
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
monolithwarrior1996 - - 54 comments

Mama, stalking's just begun,
But now I've gone and thrown it all away...

Mama, ooh,
Didn't mean to make you cry,
If I'm not stalking again this time tomorrow,
Carry on, carry on
Because only stalking matters

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

its too late, my time has come, sends shivers down my spine, armour breaking all the time

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monolithwarrior1996 - - 54 comments

Goodbye, brother stalkers, I've got to go.
Gotta leave you all behind and face the Zone...

Mama, ooh,
I don't wanna die,
I sometimes wish I wasn't a stalker at all...

I'm just a poor stalker, nobody loves me,
"He's just a poor stalker, from a poor family,"
"Spare him his life from the Zone's monstrosity..."

So you think you can shoot me and stab me in the eye?
So you think you can wound me and leave me to die?
Oh baby, can't do this to me, baby,
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta Chernobyl!

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view. - - 1,658 comments

Amazing work guys, it is time for me to play what I should really play.

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grazegrabber - - 103 comments

Awesome. You guys rock. :) Great to wake up to. Better than breakfast :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Squeak74b - - 1 comments

MDT, thank you for all the hard work you've put into this mod. I'm going to enjoy getting my face stomped in for the next 40+ hours now!

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SpecShadow - - 686 comments

Thanks for reminder - I need to find lighter (got nasty surprise after artifact hunt).

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Dragonlord - - 1,934 comments

Can somebody confirm if the combat is still a fsking joke and insult (with NPC in bandit outfit taking only 25% of headshot damage compared to you in an exo) like in 2.0 or 2.1?

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Ciome - - 7 comments

Combat is fair about damage, unfair about aim

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Dragonlord - - 1,934 comments

Can't confirm the damage part (but the aim part). I tested Misery 1.x and 2.x versions and an NPC with a small pistol could 1Hit kill me against armored head while the next time a bandit with no head-protection still faught back after a direct head-shot from an sniper rifle.

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naryanrobinson - - 649 comments

Where can I read the changelog?

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kcs123 - - 943 comments

Full change log is way too long and would be tedious to read.
Some changes could also be huge spoiler, it is better to discover them by yourself. However important new features are listed on this page:
Might be polished more in future when we recall what change is important and it is not already mentioned.

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zazezat - - 11 comments

You're not going to spoil anything regardless - people NEED an EXTENSIVE change-log to judge whether or not it's worth coming back. How can you spoil that which nobody it's intended for cares?
I've been playing since the first version, and from what this 'changelog' shows it's not even close to being enough for a re-download. Yes I know you've been working on it really hard, and that it takes time, but what's the point of it if you make it seem as though only the players should care about the mod, not vice versa?

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mnemonick - - 208 comments

H0LY SH!T, how did I miss this update?!
I've been waiting patiently since the 2.2 announcement. Can't wait to check it out, now that you guys are happy with it! :D

...12 minutes left on the download. Oh, the anticipation. :P

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yoshjoz - - 153 comments

By the almighty Poltergeist, I can't wait to play it!

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Matias_Arregin - - 98 comments

Can we see all the changes of this release in a list?

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arkdiablo - - 53 comments

This may have been addressed already but is a new game required to play or will old saves still work?

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Ignatz - - 427 comments

Seriously? You've released the 2.0 when I was in the middle of an impossible exam period. Next massive update came out when I was struggling against my Bachelor's thesis. Now I'm in the middle od Master's thesis and boooom, Misery 2.2!
I've told you already TWICE, if I fail my studies miserably, then you will get from me less mayo on french fries!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Homewolf - - 3 comments

Awesome! So stoked to see 2.2 released!

Great work guys! Can't wait to play. :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Ciome - - 7 comments

Hi. I'm really happy to be able to finally play this version. after some days, though, I really feel that the AI is cheating too much with its aim. I am a sniper, and I should be the one with the upper hand on long distances, but I keep getting hit in no time at distances of hundreds of meters by enemies that don't even have a decent optic for such distances, let alone a sniper rifle.

Same goes for grenades that basically land on my feet even if they throw them from tens of meters away and from behind obstacles (they basically throw them with almost no LOS and have almost perfect aim)

Please adjust this thing, it's impossible to play at long distances.

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kcs123 - - 943 comments

Adjust it by yourself for your own personal preference. Info how to do it is on this page:

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Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments

As a former contributor to the mod, I'm hoping that the team finally removed the pro-Nazi propaganda, being nothing less than Hitler's "Mein Kampf". Is this so?

It's presence was a total surprise to me, and considering that there was no countervailing propaganda that would have been JUST AS PLAUSIBLE being present in the region, for example, Karl Marx's "Communist Manifesto," disturbed me, deeply. It's hard to come to any other conclusion that "Mein Kampf's" lone presence in the Zone was a message. Communism, and the many millions of innocent people that were murdered over its anti-Natural Law tenets, is an anathema to me (it is IMPOSSIBLE to defy Natural Law, one can only temporarily pervert its proper exercise). But its grotesque perversions does NOT justify OTHER grotesque perversions, that is, "Mein Kampf." Two books whose ideals resulted in the slaughter of many millions of people, most of whom were innocent.

But the reason for the presence of Hitler's book in Misery's version of the Zone seemingly became all too clear to me later, when a real life coup took place in western Ukraine with funding largely from George Soros and the machinations of the United States.

That book's presence was no innocently meant "accident."

More here:

If Hitler's book is still in the mod, maybe the team counterbalanced it with a book of Marx's, or, FAR better, the presence of any one of the books listed here...?

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,620 comments

Hitler believed in natural law. His book is just as valid as any other on the topic. And no, Mein Kampf didn't lead to "mass slaughter". The allies declared war while hitler was saving his people from the Danzig corridor (oppression by govt, removal of rights and jailing of Germans), communists in East Prussia (Poland controlled the area in between and prevented trains with supplies to pass) and Bloomberg massacre (58'000 Germans killed and 1.5 million German refugees waiting across state-lines). If your anti-historical then you'll conveniently forget about the numerous peace offers Hitler made from before the war and DURING the entire war. It was not the intention for Germans to massacre any group of people:

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Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments

I have watched the film footage of Polish lorries (trucks) driving over the top of civilian German ethnics who were forced to lie in ditches and wait for the vehicles to crush them while alive. Absolutely horrific.

I've read about how the French/British refused to honor the Versailles Treaty when Germany exactly met certain thresholds that were supposed to lift embargoes and controls over the nation. ALL of these things that were done were profoundly wrong.

But there is a Larger Picture, of course.

Who FUNDS the "revolt" or "revolution" is the one who OWNS the revolution; it is the FINANCIERS who the soldiers end up serving, and the bottom line is that due to the Versailles Treaty, Germany was literally in an IMPOSSIBLE situation in regards to finance almost anything. So, where did it get the funding to do what it did?

It was AMERICAN bankers who financed German resurgence. It was also AMERICAN bankers who financed the Soviet Communist revolution. See here for more: Antony Sutton's method of proving his "hard to believe" (yet TRUE) points is flawless: he followed the RECEIPTS. One can say or write anything, but in the end, the ONLY form of evidence that BOLDLY states an ACTUAL position is a RECEIPT. Nothing else comes close.

Look at the last 30+ years of all of the wars that America has engaged in: how many of those conflicts were preceded with America financing/arming/training its enemy beforehand? This behavior is so routine as to become almost ludicrous in its outright predictability.

But America wasn't the first nation to use such grotesque ploys. These kinds of morally reprehensible actions have been going on for THOUSANDS of years, perfected by one of the most heinous human beings to ever walk the planet, Julius Caesar, who most politicians ADMIRE.

Which gets to my point about the Ukrainian coup. It's ALL there, the same predictable pattern. My country and its financiers bankrolled agencies that fomented massive civil unrest in the country, just like it's happening here now. Then, a false flag attack is used as an excuse to unleash unholy Hell against the civilians.

We should, as a People, know FAR better by now how these sick perverted priests of unnatural law operate. It is time for us to stand up to them and shout "No more!"

Doing anything less leads to needless misery, death and destruction.

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kcs123 - - 943 comments

Main Kampf was included in game while I was not being part of team, but as regular player I was not having impression that this mod glorify Nazi in any way.

Just the fact that Nazi ideology exist even up today and all others who does not share their ideology should not lower guard.

However, I can calm you down, that item is removed from game.
While I didn't take it as offending too much many people did, including members of MDT. It still can be uspeting reminder, so it is removed.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments

I'm VERY pleased to hear that.

In my opinion, the ONLY ideology that should be studied is Natural Law. It's inviolable, and undeniable. Students in school should be ENCOURAGED to try to BREAK it, only to discover that it CANNOT be broken, only delayed, and then with greatly amplified consequences. By discovering that it's unbreakable, the citizenry will develop a deep respect for its strength, and will value being conscious of its traits.

But there's a Reason why it's not taught in schools: it engenders CRITICAL THINKING skills and that's the last thing the owners of this world want. It makes the collection of all of Life's riches harder to do. The people would learn that they DON'T need their rulers.

Just practice Natural Law.

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NantoCodd - - 24 comments

I have no problem with Mein Kampf book being an item you can find in the mod. Afterall, the only usage this problematic book bring to the zone is as repair item... Imagine a stalker ripping pages of the book to wipe excess oil from his shotgun, or sewing it to his jacket as an emergency insulation.

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Anthony817 - - 2,777 comments

Holy ****! I can't believe it has been a whole 3 full years! I loved watching YouTubers play this mod very much.

I can relate having a mod not release after many years.

I have taken over a Battlefield 2 total conversion mod based in the 1950-53 Korean War called Battlefield: Korea. Our mod took a full 11 years to release as it started in 2005, and came out in 2016.

Shameful plug sorry.

I can understand what you guys must be going through. All I can say, is that I am a HUGE freaking fan of this mod, and would love to see more from you in the future.

Please keep it up guys, much of Moddb loves you, and TONS of YouTubers do as well or they wouldn't play this mod so much.

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kcs123 - - 943 comments

Thanks for kind words, it have even more merit when comes from another modder.

Yes, development road was filled with all kind of obstacles, from issues in private lives to fighting with x_ray with next to non exist documentation. But we managed to deliver it somehow.

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

@Kcs123: I don't want to change the range of vision, I want to reduce their aim

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,620 comments

Untick "hardcore AI aim".

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
kcs123 - - 943 comments

Those two are tied. More "visible" you are to NPC, more accurate they are and faster point weapon to your spot.

AI behaviour is strongly prone to subjective opinion, how good hardware you have (more FPS - easier to respond) and how skilled gamer you are in genereal.

There are already oposite reports, that AI is too nerfed at some occasions and that they are superpowerful aim robots.
True is somewhere in the middle.

Therefore, try to adjust settings to your personal preference on your own. It is impossible to please everyone.

You can use old most simple trick to lower down eye_range in file "m_stalker.ltx" by 25 - 50m until you are comfortable with NPC behaviour, or edit values in items_outfit.ltx as explained in earlier post.

Hardcore AI toggle in menu options mainly have influence how fast NPC can point his gun toward new loacation after you have changed position. That and how fast they will pull trigger, to some degree.

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Ciome - - 7 comments

yeah, there are sme opposite cases too. Sometimes (almost never) the AI is slow to react or doesn't react at all. I found 4 bandits walking near yanov and they almost didn't react to me shooting them.

From the game files, it seems like being prone or lower doesn't change the range of detection, only day/night and outfit do. Did I get it right?

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kcs123 - - 943 comments

Those bandits that seems that does not react were most probably neutral squads.

Neutral mercs or bandit squads will be spawned on occasions. That is intended, to keep you guessing if some NPC is able to spot you at given distance or not.

It is intended that higher difficulty comes from making NPC less predictable rather than NPC having artificially good aim or vision range.

I have seen on youtube several veteran players walking around with flashlights turned on wandering why NPCs are so agressive. While NPC do not react directly to flashlight light beam due to game engine limitations, you are more "visible" to them, so they will spot you almost imediately if they look to your direction.

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kcs123 - - 943 comments

Being low crouched still have influence on NPC detection as AI scripts check actor stance trough calculations. I think that those have more influence on threeshold, how long it will take when NPC start to react/switch to combat mode.

If you don't know what you have to pay attention to, it might seem that there is no difference at all.

When comes from range with detection, most influence will have values from outfit.ltx. And that only matter when NPC is not alerted yet.

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Ciome - - 7 comments

edit: wrong place

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

@TheUnbeholden: it's already unticked

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Random_Zombie#1 - - 32 comments

Mmmmman, I can't wait to sink my teeth into a bloodsucker.

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Random_Zombie#1 - - 32 comments

Did you guys remove the ammo counter?

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kcs123 - - 943 comments

Yes. It is intended.

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