Post news RSS Half-Life: Enriched - Media Update #4

A look at new and improved Xen models, updated 'On A Rail' and the MODDB Top 100!

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In last weeks' article, I asked for your vote in the MODDB Mod of the Year competition and with the support from the near 400 followers on this page and friends on Discord, Half-Life: Enriched made it into the Top 100! Thanks a lot for all of your votes, much appreciated!

This week you can vote again on the MODs in the Top 100 to decide who's going to be (upcoming) MOD of the Year 2022. If you enjoy my work, please consider voting for HL: Enriched again! It's up there with some other really good MODs, so be sure to check those out too if you haven't already. Hit the button below and find the VOTE button for Half-Life: Enriched! Thanks again for the support!

Mod of the Year Awards

Work continues on the 'Gonarch Lair' chapter! To spice things up, I've updated several Xen models such as the spore and the tree and an updated Barnacle model. The crystals in the front are new models I've made from scratch and come in various shapes and colours to spice up the Xen enviroments.

new xenmodels

Gonarch's Lair isn't a very large map but (just as with other outdoor areas) I've taken up the task of completely redoing all the terrain, which takes up a lot of time. In the image below you can see a top view of the original maps versus the remade map. As you can see, the entire battle will be a seamless encounter this time around!


The base layout is completely done but there is still plenty of work left. Hopefully you'll be able to play the new chapter and the new alpha this Christmas! In the meantime, enjoy the latest gameplay video featuring the updated 'On A Rail' chapter. It has recieved full support for detail textures!

Thanks for reading and your vote for the MODDB Top 100!

PsyWarVeteran - - 2,109 comments

I can tell by looking at all those curves and bends that the terrain and cliffs will look much more organic, nice job.

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Dermoker - - 144 comments

decompiled hl:s lookin ahh maps : skull: :skull: :skull:

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Excision_Weed - - 200 comments

But have you removed the nonsensical parts where you shoot signs to turn the tram thingy in On A Rail?

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Hezus Author
Hezus - - 566 comments

Shooting the signs might not be the must realistic approach but it beats getting off the train all the time to flip the switches. I could probably add a button but keep the shooting mechanism intact for players who prefer doing it that way.

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Maestra_Fenix - - 52 comments

Isn't a bad idea to think how to introduce them to the player. I have seen several times new players who have no idea about this, and there's nothing in game that tells you that

1: These are switches
2: You interact with them by shooting at them

Considering how Valve designs setpieces and puzzles, this was a slight oversight on them.
If there's enough entdata left, perhaps you could go with putting manual ground levers as well, although the whole thing needs to be thought first, in order to reach a proper solution to this small issue.

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Nitestokeh - - 100 comments

The crystals' shape looks too sterile to me, they looked a lot better with spiky tops

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Cvoxalury - - 1,309 comments

They look very much like natural emeralds, aquamarine or other beryls. Hexagonal crystals, they grow like those sliced columns.

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