Post news Report RSS Easter Update

Welcome to the Easter update! First of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of content, as we had two of our members computers break down, which resulted in one being not capable to produce anything and the other losing quite some models. But ending on a happier note, we still have enough content to show off.

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Welcome to the Easter update! First of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of content, as we had two of our members computers break down, which resulted in one being not capable to produce anything and the other losing quite some models. But ending on a happier note, we still have enough content to show off.

Kane Nash


This is the crown jewel of the update if you ask me. Though I have to note, the undeployed version will go under some changes, the body will stay the same, but the legs are either going to be bigger, 6 of them somewhat similar to the cyborg reaper ones or 12 small legs, giving it a more creepy look. Thoughts?

Pizza Atomica


War factory by Pizza Atomica. When we saw this, we instantly accepted this design. Helge took on modeling it, and got pretty close, we plan on having it textured soon





Some models Shriken cooked up. The command center design was the most horrible thing to deal with. We literally had like 50 renders of different models, almost all designed in different ways, until finally something came out of it. With a dash of tea. The power plant went over a few designs, one being a more industrial and this one, a more shrine like design. It is kind of like a tribute to the old power plant, but with a futuristic feel for it. Some members feel that the left attachment on it needs to be edited. What do you think?



This is some work by one of our newest members AstralXYZ. A take on the nod fence to portray Nod's temple like image. More from him will come soon.



Helge's go at modeling the war-factory by pizza. It went under a few concepts, from segmented back into smooth, then back into segmented but shorter. The edits were made by Shriken. what do you think?

I apologize for the lack of in game pictures, or to be exact, none. We did have some models in game, but as far as that goes, it was decided they will not be used. We have our texture artist setting his computer back on so expect quite a lot in the next update.

Last but not least. We have some major discussions on the story topic. So we decided to resolve it by a simple question to the community. What do you expect? TCN back, GDI/Nod coalition (maybe just portrayed differently), Kane ascending through the overlords a**hole?(chuckle). Or maybe a completely new view, with only some points of CnC4 added? (Forget about Colonel James though, not having a character based on a prolonged PMS)

Nomad - PR manager.

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NoSoldier - - 421 comments

"Or maybe a completely new view, with only some points of CnC4 added?" - This is my point.

But anyway, nice update.

Only one thing doesnt fit. The Comm. center looks like it has Rotors. And rotors doesnt really fit to a Nodstyled-Comm. Center :V

Next to this... What about the WF? It looks like the proportions dont fit to each other.

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SilentNomad Author
SilentNomad - - 47 comments

We will make sure to revise that, thank you for your input :)

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gdi_commando - - 133 comments

The whole CnC 4 storyline was good, it was just handled really badly. I mean really DRASTICALLY badly. Colonel James was a stupid addition to the story and should, as thus, be removed.
But if you keep it on similar lines (without the becoming a kane clone part) and then super enhance the later parts with ACTUAL Scrin assaults rather than just one dweeby tower then it could be epic.
You would ofcourse need to beef out the storyline pre-scrin as it was a bit lacking in a lot of stuff. Also the super weapons were a bit rubbish in TT.
For example, on the last level(?) where you hack or defend the Scrin Tower you could have that either lead into a gigantic planetary assault or you could then shift the whole story to another planet.

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Burger_Kong - - 2,051 comments

I think the communication center(not the tea pot one) needs a little redesigning. Currently I felt like looking at a helipad or repair bay\service depot. The MCV, between 6 big legs or 12 small legs.. I don't know which to decide. Others are simply great. :)

As for the story, I think a new one with a little C&C4 points. The Scrin Tower could stay like it is. TCN stays but with tiberian field. While ion storm, vein hole monster and some other stuff seen in TS can be your choice to include them or not. GDI, Nod and Scrin as major factions. The Forgotten and Idris Corporation can be minor factions but has major role in the storyline. Kane as the immortal bastard who killed his brother Abel not some alien that EA made up.. Answers to the unanswered questions in C&C4. And lastly scrap the original ending, each faction gets its own ending like the old days.

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SilentNomad Author
SilentNomad - - 47 comments

well it is still untextured and not animated, but the main radar dish will be more lively when given those things. Might still undergo some changes too.

Erm TCN is a big topic for us right now, vein hole monster is more of a gameplay thing. GDI, Scrin and Nod indeed will be major factions, but focus stays on GDI and Nod first, when we release the demo, it will be mostly GDI and Nod stuff, maybe, no promises, scrin. Idris corporation got scraped as a faction, but you never know what might happen. Currently planned extra factions: Cabal, the forgotten. Cabal getting primary focus after the Scrin, Nod and GDI release.
Kane is an alien, too many facts dating before CnC4 to support that theory. Murdering able - I interpret that in a different form, maybe able was also an alien?... But that is speculation and doesn't matter. Kane is an alien, it is a fact, because he is immortal and has knowledge surpassing human understanding. As for each separate ending - not a bad idea, but we are not a big developer, we will try to manage as best as we can. All I can say is that it would be really hard to make this idea come true just due to the immense amounts of work it would require which isn't really that necessary, but you never know what future holds.

Thanks for your input :)

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Jason_King_of_Salt - - 2,364 comments

Firestorm is not old enough?

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SPR - - 205 comments

Looking good guys

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silo1991 - - 70 comments

the nod history i think the final must be the sameone as CnC4 but the rest of the history do whatever you want guys :D

and i got a question in the forgotten history will be mentioned michael mc neal

PS: i know this is too soon for ask but just in case

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Gunship_Mark_II - - 4,864 comments

Posted @ C&C Evolution, thanks.

And by the way, your models details are awesome ;)

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playmsbk - - 2,388 comments

TT's story was pretty well-thought, but scrap the GDI-Nod alliance, it'd never happen if Kane's in-charge of Nod. Keep the TCN though, like it's GDI's tech based on some researches from the Second Tib War. Also have different endings for GDI and Nod, like for GDI destroying Nod and capturing Kane or Nod transforming the planet and having Kane and some chosen people ascend through the Tower. You could even have a full campaign for the Scrin, where it ends with them destroying humanity and capturing the planet. Of course you'd never tell which ending can be considered canon for those who follow your story, anyone can end his favorite saga with his favorite faction.

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SilentNomad Author
SilentNomad - - 47 comments

Like I mentioned before TCN still is an interesting topic. For the alliance, personally, I think it isn't a good idea, so we will see. Separate endings? Like I said, it would take a lot of extra resources, but I like the idea. Well I'll point this out in the next team meeting, see what everyone think.

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Jason_King_of_Salt - - 2,364 comments

The MCV looks to shanty for me. It looks like it's held together with Kane prayers and Duct tape. Everything else is cool.

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Templarfreak - - 6,723 comments

Glad to see an update finally.

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SilentNomad Author
SilentNomad - - 47 comments

Seriously, once a month is quite enough xD We have lives too you know.

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GOLANX - - 236 comments

as i saw it using TT type story, Kane had the tacitus and the ability to read it and create the TCN, but at the end of KW as kane said, Nod is a shadow of what it once was, so kane doesn't have the resources to build it, let alone protect it, and that is why he goes to GDI, cause GDI can, build and protect it, but they don't have the knowledge to do so, therefore both factions are needed in an alliance in order to build it, cause neither can do so seperatly. also the main storyline of while i was working was that a major separatist would rise who wants the TCN to go.

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SilentNomad Author
SilentNomad - - 47 comments

Well its still unsure that we will keep the TCN in general, but in any case, time will tell.

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Mreaper - - 223 comments

I like the construction yard, but the TW one had way better legs.

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SilentNomad Author
SilentNomad - - 47 comments

Legs is the one thing that will be edited when we do the model :)

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