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This project has gone non-public. I'm really tired of the braindead comments about optional HD models. Shall all the whiners create something better. CM has become a just-for-fun project again.

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This project has gone non-public. I'm really tired of the braindead comments about optional HD models. Shall all the whiners create something better.

CM has started as a just-for-fun project. It was never planned as a community project. Now its time to become a just-for-fun project again in order to preserve my nerves.

Have a nice day.

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RockRebel - - 965 comments

Well, that a huge kick in the balls...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+17 votes
Gunship_Mark_II - - 4,864 comments

really huge... D:

*Make sad face*

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
RockRebel - - 965 comments

And about the optional HD models.... it's true, not all of them are that great. They could use a little work, atleast on their heads/faces... sure they're optional but all mods need feedback, even for optional stuff !

Oh and about that "Shall all the whiners create something better" part... that was just stupid. I mean, seriously, FEEDBACK. If they're saying that they don't look good, it's because it's most likely true. But hey, it's your mod, do what you want with it. But think about the fact you won't be able to share your work with the world.... some will like it some will not. But that's what a mod, a game or even a movie or a book have ! Fans and haters.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
Gunship_Mark_II - - 4,864 comments

Haters gonna hate - Watchers didn't play

Yeah, i know, I'm too modmaker but if i read some comments that my work is someone dislike it i JUST IGNORE IT. If more peoples dislike mah work i will recreate it or make alternative skin/model/texture/particle.

So FAKEFACTORY don't leave you watchers.

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thatguyphilip - - 404 comments

so, is there like, even a sense in you keeping your moddb page anymore?

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slambo312 - - 148 comments

Yes there is, idiot. We can download the old versions.

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xXMaNiAcXx - - 4,807 comments

Sorry to hear that Fakefactory, I just love your models, they are way better than valve's, I wish you someday get a job in Valve, good luck with your mod, love ya!

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~ZOMG - - 19 comments

If only they were his models.

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AUG_DUDE - - 4,124 comments

wait, what?
fakefactory's hardcore fan? i didn't spected that from this dude.

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

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Commissar1032 - - 489 comments

Dammit. O well at least file-front still has the old versions. @Fake Factory please do not delete the old versions. I really enjoyed your mod. I am sorry to see that the trolls partially got to ya.

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PeacefulPatriot - - 1,514 comments

This, is a dissapointment. Best of luck to you. Will the previous Cinematic Mods still be available?

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bartpp7 - - 382 comments

Ffs this what happrns when ppl dont sit down and shut up we'll miss u ff

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SourHyperion1 - - 860 comments

Sounds Familiar, look at my mod, Good luck with it. Believe me Brah, I feel your pain. You *** hats talkin **** should just put a cork in it and leave

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Captain-Arse - - 467 comments

You deserve a standing ovation for the work you've already done and released to us, i personally love fiddling with all the models in CM. *claps x20*
You will be missed here.

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Twitwi - - 132 comments

This can't be for real... It just can't, I have just brought an alienware laptop with a decent enough graphic card to be able to play fake factory, and now you go private.

Best wishes, but isn't this a foolish step?
even if people (look in the comments not a single one hatin') didn't like your HD models, you were able to turn them off.

And what about the new Alyx model, the one which should look like the original just with a smoother feel and such, what about it?
I want to see the finished version of that model! It would be sweet.

Again best wishes on your mod.

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Zorrentos - - 1,323 comments

Really to bad! That some whiners are gonna ruin it for the whole community ...

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EliteAssassin - - 920 comments

Im kind of disappointed. Now when I finally have enough gigabytes to download the next version you decide to go private. Oh well, those people should have stopped whining because if they dont like it its not like they have to use the models.

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fameless.face - - 412 comments


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AntoineDTank - - 4 comments

"Here's a metaphor:

I'm selling lemonade, everyone is saying it's too sweet. I'm going to stop making lemonade because they don't like it.
Solution: Keep making lemonade but keep refining the recipe until they like it.

Ignoring constructive criticism is the wrong way to improve a mod. "

Thanks to eXeC64 to resume exactly my thought.

You don't deserve to create a mod if you keep to be stubborn about criticism.

And seriously, stop having a fantasm about Alyx every time too.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
radutanasie - - 949 comments

Through my comment, regarding the HD models, I never meant for this to happen. Though, I regret nothing.

I consider Fakefactory's decision on going private a coward's act to the request of the community for better character models. Nothing is perfect, not even your mod, but without some criticism and help from the community you will never be able to achieve something near perfect.

But perhaps it is better this way. You will be able to have fun working on your mod with a couple of people.

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booman - - 3,654 comments

I hope you guys change your mind. This is a great modification!
At least keep working on it and do a final release. You don't have to post updates, specially when members keep giving you negative criticism.
Its ridiculous to keep tweaking your model just to appease the crowd. Some people will NEVER be happy!
So keep modding for your own personal satisfaction not for the modding community. If you ever decide to release it, I'll download it and play it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-4 votes
Florence - - 46 comments

Egomania much?

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Sporkeh - - 807 comments

You sound agitated.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Nickel_Dare - - 393 comments

kinda stupid .. sorry to say but its true...
I still have the Installer so i will propably Upload it somewhen on another side ..
But this war realy unneedet..
as someone else said before..
its FEEDBACK ... dont even try to mod or map if you cant stand the feedback .. but hey .. its ur projekt so keep fun doing with it whatever u want.

Btw: If evryones fast enaugh ...

Its still available

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pfannkuchen_gesicht - - 520 comments

some people really can't stand criticism, what a shame.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
djibe89 - - 280 comments

Dear Fakefactory,
please read my message !!!!

I know what it is to work hard on a project and receive pointless comments.

However, could you still put updates ON YOUR WEBSITE ?

We all love you Fake.
For real.

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Gregthegen - - 778 comments

Agreed, though no mod is perfect, every friend that I showed this mod to seemed to enjoy it three times as much as the Vanella HL2. Perhaps I am ignorant of where all of this hate for fakefactory came from. If it is a legitimate concern someone please replly to this with the reasons for it, otherwise I would consider this mod to be the best one out there for HL2 Singleplayer.

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L3CT3R - - 22 comments


@ FakeFactory
sag mal das ist doch nicht dein ernst oder klar kann mir gut vorstellen das es ziemlich nervt wenn 5 Jahre harte Arbeit immer auf die HD Models reduziert werden wobei ich sie sehr gut finde also ich glaube nicht das es in deinem sinne war hier bei moddb dabei zu seien und dann den Hut zu werfen lass die doch schreiben was sie wollen du hast auf alle fälle eine große Fanbase es gibt eine menge Leute die deine Arbeit mögen und respektieren und wenn ich mir die comments so anschaue haben auch einige ihre Meinung bereits geändert nachdem sie die mod getestet hatten ich für meinen Fall weis deine Arbeit zu schätzen und werde mich dafür demnächst auch erkenntlich zeigen hoffe das du weitermachst und deine neue Version doch noch für alle online stellst
mfg: L3CT3R

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Nokiaman - - 976 comments


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ytres - - 1,800 comments


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BlazeHedgehog - - 304 comments

So who wants to start taking bets on when he'll come back? Because you know he's gonna miss all the attention he was getting.

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Nickel_Dare - - 393 comments

just let him go .. if he feels like hes has to do it then just let him go..
But HE will lose all of his fans ...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
L3CT3R - - 22 comments


langsam habe ich das Gefühl hier läuft eine Kampagne gegen dich mod kommt doch von Modification (Änderung, Modifikation, Veränderung, Modifizierung, Umbau, Abänderung, Abwandlung, Umänderung) war mir nicht klar das man das nicht darf weil Half-Life der Heilig Gral ist den man nicht verändert sind auch irgendwie immer die selben die hier meckern könnte natürlich auch englisch schreiben aber so gehe ich wenigstens nicht die gefahr ein so viele negative votes zu bekommen weil da sind hier auch einige am werkeln alle positiven comments zu deiner mod hier negativ zu bewerten

Reply Good karma Bad karma-6 votes
Ravious - - 241 comments

How sad.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-4 votes
Nickel_Dare - - 393 comments

@ L3CT3R
Iwi verstehe ich deine sätze nie wirklich , ich würd gern wissen wovon du redest du redest...
Ich würde mich freuen wenn du das nächstemal vlt einfach Punkt ( . ) und Kommata verwendest ( , ) :)
Keine kritik gegen dich , vlt bin ich ja der einziege der probleme hat das zu verstehen ^^

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L3CT3R - - 22 comments

@ Speedfire493
Ehrlich gesagt war ich da einfach zu faul, aber für dich werde ich das natürlich in Zukunft tun, wobei ich glaube das du sehr gut verstehst was ich meine.
Schreibst du auch immer und überall mit (. & ,) wenn du online bist? Zudem wenn du andere Leute wegen ihrer Rechtschreibung rügst sollte bei dir alles tip - top seien.
Also wenn ich mir das so anschaue haben sich da auch ein paar Fehler eingeschlichen.
mfg: l3ct3r

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
L3CT3R - - 22 comments

@ FakeFactory
Sag mal das ist doch nicht dein ernst oder?
Klar kann mir gut vorstellen das es ziemlich nervt wenn 5 Jahre harte Arbeit immer auf die HD Models reduziert werden.
Wobei ich sie sehr gut finde, also ich glaube nicht das es in deinem sinne war hier bei moddb dabei zu seien und dann den Hut zu werfen.
Lass die doch schreiben was sie wollen du hast auf alle fälle eine große Fanbase, es gibt eine menge Leute die deine Arbeit mögen und respektieren.
Wenn ich mir die comments so anschaue haben einige ihre Meinung bereits geändert nachdem sie die mod getestet hatten.
Ich für meinen Fall weis deine Arbeit zu schätzen und werde mich dafür demnächst auch erkenntlich zeigen.
Hoffe das du weitermachst und deine neue Version doch noch für alle online stellst.
mfg: l3ct3r

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
ElderGamer - - 131 comments

All the negative and positive karma spam on this page is crazy. It's too really too bad you had to drop out of the mod. I enjoyed your work.

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L3CT3R - - 22 comments

Langsam habe ich das Gefühl hier läuft eine Kampagne gegen dich,
mod kommt doch von Modification (Änderung, Modifikation, Veränderung,
Modifizierung, Umbau, Abänderung, Abwandlung, Umänderung).
War mir nicht klar das man das nicht darf, weil Half-Life der Heilige Gral ist den man nicht verändert.
Sind auch irgendwie immer die selben die hier meckern.
Könnte natürlich auch Englisch schreiben, aber so gehe ich wenigstens nicht die gefahr ein so viele negative votes zu bekommen.
Denn es kommt mir so vor als wenn hier einige darum bemüht sind alle positiven comments zu deiner mod negativ zu bewerten.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
Nickel_Dare - - 393 comments

danke das du es jetzt mit (.) und (,) gemacht hast ...
ich sagte nur das ICH es ohne punk und Kommata nicht lesen kann.
Ich habe nie über deine Rechtschreibung oder Grammatik gelästert , da ich selbst Leghastheniker bin und ich weiß das in meinen sätzen nicht nur ein paar ,sondern meist viele fehler sind.
Aber ich danke dir trotzdem das du dir die mühe gemacht hast dies zu lesen.

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sixcentgeorge - - 298 comments

see you back with your 10.9x .
i wonder why you care so much about jalous-black-mesa-shitheads than those who like your great mod , that is better than valve games .
that s shooting in feet , take some rest , take it easy to be back

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darooz - - 7 comments

people that are writing bad comments are just jealous of you. not every people are geniouses like you and some people cant live with living in the dark. im your greatest fan

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dukka - - 159 comments

this has to be a fakepost

i refuse to believe it is isn't

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CaptainBritish - - 8 comments

As much as I hate the disgusting HD models, Fakefactory really did excel at bringing the environments to life most of the time. It's such a pity this mod has stopped, it doesn't deserve the bad rep it's gotten.

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Soldgineer - - 14 comments

******* Kidding me? I haven't even tried it out yet.

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

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Agent_Ash - - 69 comments

As a modmaker I can sympathize with disliking negative comments. Sometimes they make no sense because people either often push their own personal opinions or don't understand the reasoning behind certain decisions made in a mod, and it's not the modmaker's responsibility to cater to everyone's wishes or to explain everything they do.

HOWEVER, closing a public page for a mod is kinda childish. When it comes to negative comments, if you believe they make no sense, you just ignore them. It's as simple as that.

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bobsmeme - - 3 comments

damit now I can download it

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cool91725 - - 28 comments

Well, I guess I'll never be able to play this mod now. I just heard of it and was really looking forward to playing it. Sucks that I can't now.

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