The Xenoforce Reborn mod takes the classic Xenoforce mod from CNC Generals and re-invisions it on the CNC3 engine with new units and new designs. The new armies that are currently scheduled to be in the mod are the Earth Federation, ZEON, the Invid, and the Earth Robotech Defense Force. We also have heavily modified the original CNC3 armies, giving the GDI, NOD, and Scrin a much more dynamic gameplay experience. This mod is NOT FOR PROFIT and NON-commercial based.

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Xenoforce Reborn O3 9E Report (Games : C&C3: Tiberium Wars : Mods : Xenoforce Reborn : Forum : Xenoforce General Descussion : Xenoforce Reborn O3 9E Report) Locked
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May 17 2012 Anchor

Xenoforce Reborn O3 crash report
There's a good question from the reason why the mod got crash. Which is probably came from the Skirmish AI that kept on crashing.

GDI Skirmish AI "Xenoforce" < game crash result
Scrin Skirmish AI "Strength" < game crash result
Scrin Skirmish AI "Money" < game crash result Later
Scrin Skirmish AI "Tactics" < game crash result
Do not play against these AI's because it can result game crash.
Please check on all of the Skirmish AI and fix or delete it so it would stop confusing from players.

May 17 2012 Anchor

^ ^
Valharren, this is probably why your game is crashing.

May 21 2012 Anchor

Well I obviously don't want to confuse people. Remember the version you guys ended up getting was not a "fixed" version but a sloppy quick version I threw together a few weeks ago for Doug to playtest. It originally was not meant for public consumption. I just wanted to give you guys SOMETHING before I went on vacation for the week.
Now I'm back and I should be able to start working on a better version for release soon.

May 26 2012 Anchor

@ARMofORION: Nope, those aren't in that latest release.

@Azuza001: How goes the progress of that new release?

Yay, the new release is working! As usual, there is stuff to report:

1. Most UC Units cannot target Nod Support Bombers properly, AI usualy loose to Nod airpower because of this.

2. More of an observation here, Nod AI when you are against them, no longer spam the turrets. But when the Nod AI is on your team, they do.

3. EF Refinery has a bad label.

4. Mobile Suit R&D building cannot que the upgrades.

5. Bunkers should be more resistant to bomber type attacks, they die too easily to them.

6. Mobile Suit R&D building still has missing labels.

7. GM Sniper II and most other aircaft of the UC do not have detailed descriptions.

Will update if I find more.

Edited by: Valherran

Jun 2 2012 Anchor

I'm planning on going in and modifying the Vulcans on most UC basic units so that they can target all target types and fire at the same time when enemy units get closer to them. This way they will fire their main weapons but if something is flying overhead they will also try and shoot them down with the head vulcans. This should help UC Slightly against fast air power while not being un realistic and keeping with the idea of what the head vulcan should be.

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