Twisted Insurrection is a critically acclaimed, standalone modification based on the Command & Conquer™ Tiberian Sun™ engine. It features a complete redesign of the original game, set in an alternate "what-if?" timeline where the Brotherhood of Nod was victorious during the first Tiberian War. Do you have what it takes to drag the shattered Global Defense Initiative out of ruin? Or will you crush all who oppose the will of Kane and his Inner Circle? The choice is yours commander.


Full game, including in-game movie cutscenes. See the other file if you wish to save time and download the movies later via the client. How to Install: 1. Download the .zip file 2. Extract the contents to an empty directory 3. Run TwistedInsurrection.exe

Twisted Insurrection 0.9 (Full Version)
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 51)
MAVERICKFACTOR - - 53 comments

its not working! everytime i push the launch button it just brings me back to the title screen, can you tell what i am doing wrong?

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Crimsonum Author
Crimsonum - - 261 comments

Perhaps you have an anti-virus software blocking game.exe? Also, try running game.exe and/or TwistedInsurrection.exe as admin.

Reply Good karma+8 votes
MAVERICKFACTOR - - 53 comments

its working now, thank you

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Kayneth - - 34 comments

Thanks a lot for your continued efforts on this.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Valherran - - 2,457 comments

That's one helluva patch, will have to check this out!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
kosdjs - - 17 comments

thanks for the amazing release

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Violet-n-red - - 492 comments

it's huuuuuuge!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Olku_ - - 2,083 comments

Are you guys considering making this available for linux too? Or at least have it working with wine without spewing nonsense

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Crimsonum Author
Crimsonum - - 261 comments

Have you tried this tutorial?

Improved UNIX-compatibility is on the to-do list.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Olku_ - - 2,083 comments

I got it working. Wanted to do have the game in Lutris so it took some fiddling to get working.

To add to the installation of dotnet45, I did this: WINEPREFIX=/Path/To/Wineprefix winetricks --force dotnet45

Not sure why the op of the thread didn't mention this (or he just didn't know) that winetricks refuses to install dotnet45 unless forced. The installation doesn't hang which people have reported.

Edit: If someone wants to know how to get TI to work in Lutris then let me know, the installation is pretty janky and im too tired to explain it in detail here.

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Olku_ - - 2,083 comments

Also this is how you install xna40.

WINEPREFIX=/Path/to/Wineprefix wine msiexec /i /Path/To/File/xnafx40_redist.msi

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Lord_Mordja - - 462 comments

Awww, no more Eclipse Tank? I always thought of it as an iconic NOD unit.

Still, amazing update, I love how different the subfactions are and finally, a playable Globotech!

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Crimsonum Author
Crimsonum - - 261 comments

Eclipse Tank is still there, but in default mode you need both Nod subfactions' factories to build it.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
FatalFunnel - - 708 comments

The way the factions are broken down work really well now, and it definitely works for dividing Nod/GDI sub-factions into different play styles. Before I thought these play styles were offered to the two factions, but it was in this kitchen sink manner that made them seem haphazard. The Sons of Kane subfaction definitely caters to the traditional Nod hit and run style, and the cyborg Nod faction is way more infantry-heavy instead of vehicle-heavy, ditto for more infantry-oriented GDI faction being more hit and run, and the armor GDI faction being more of a steamroller faction.

Units that I definitely liked are the new stealth APC, black hand infantry, the stealth artillery, but especially the flame buggy, which in teams can raze an entire base very quickly.

I have mixed feelings on the Ghost unit, it was turned into Nod's commando unit and can now capture stuctures while stealth, but for 2k for one use I feel like this just makes it a more expensive machinist. Just give it C4 instead and leave it stealth like it is with no means of self-defense.

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NiiRubra - - 480 comments

Yeah, I second the note on the Ghost, I'm also unimpressed by what it does for its price.

For me personally, it feels wrong to spend or sacrifice the Ghost to capture stuff, it doesn't match the idea of a "commando" unit in my mind, you never sacrifice your commandos in any C&C game, they always do something cheesy and get away with it. I think I would like him more if he played more like Black Lotus from Generals, or the Mastermind from Tiberium Wars: they capture a building from a distance and then run away, to do it again some other time. I'm not sure if this is doable in this engine though.

Other than that, loving the update, big fan of Genesis Legion, absolutely love the Husks, they are terrifying addition with some great voice acting.

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Crimsonum Author
Crimsonum - - 261 comments

The Ghost not only captures buildings, but can hijack vehicles as well.

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FatalFunnel - - 708 comments

Well, that does add another dimension to it, but then again, eh, it's still a more expensive machinist that is stealth. I say give it C4 for structures and let it retain vehicle hijacking.

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NiiRubra - - 480 comments

Yeah, I saw that, it's a handy ability, but aside from potentially stealing a Talos or a Mammoth I kinda see it as secondary to capturing an important building.

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Krauten - - 123 comments

Thanks for the hard work, Kane would be proud!

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Lyot - - 76 comments

EDIT: Just reread the changelog concerning the playability of fan maps in most of the modes. Gonna move around the custom maps I have around and see if it works from there.

Is the "Custom" gamemode for player-made maps disabled outright this version? I already have a Custom folder with maps in my Maps directory, but it doesn't show up on the game mode selection.

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Crimsonum Author
Crimsonum - - 261 comments

Have a look at the FAQ:

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Lyot - - 76 comments

Thanks, I should have looked at that to begin with.

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Olku_ - - 2,083 comments

The good old "RTFM" moment that i know too well :p

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NiiRubra - - 480 comments

So, I have encountered a bit of an issue as I was replaying the GDI campaign and got to the mission Deep Blue, I think maybe something has changed about the armor type of the Commando or perhaps the damage type on Globotech's gun turrets, either way, when I get to the point where the player must cross the last bridge before sending an engineer into the research facility, the Globotech gun turrets are absolutely wrecking the Commando, he has full veterancy and with just one salvo of the twin turrets he is down to red health, I don't remember this being the case in past versions, in fact I looked up Martinoz's walkthrough to make sure I was not crazy, and the Commando seems to be able to take the damage just fine in that old version (circa 2014, but I recall him being able to handle the turrets in more recent versions too).

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DeathWalkerGT - - 46 comments

Iam getting this 1 week later..but no matter...congrats on the release.

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chkn10ds - - 1 comments

i love the addition of Husks but could you please make them auto attack, thank you

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teztez - - 358 comments

Please make Forsaken a full fledged side like GDI and NOD.And make them playable in skirmish.

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ppqpurple - - 1 comments

How do I enable cutscenes? I downloaded the full version but when I start the campaign missions all I get is the text briefings and no videos.

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Gleb_AA-Gun - - 1,001 comments

Yo, Infantry only is quite unfair if you play with NOD - Genesis Legion cause they literally have none until Tech Level 6 I believe?

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warakornboy - - 4 comments

I encountered the problem that unlike the comments above me here 'Tiberian Sun has encountered an internal error and is unable to continue normally' the game that used for directory downloaded from

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TiberusFeline - - 1 comments

On Mission 3 of the NOD Twisted Insurrection Campaign, my build tab allows me to construct vehicles. However, there is no Nod War Factory on the map. I'm basically wasting credits constructing vehicles that don't appear. Can you fix this in a future patch?

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simon1812 - - 424 comments

HI,first, pretty damn awesome mod!second there is a little bug I have found, playing as the SoK I took over a GT barracks via engineer, and was unable to train any GT troops from it, the option for them was never there. other than that great job man, it takes passion to keep a classic alive like this.

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TheOmegaPhob - - 54 comments

its TW 0.9 has a cutscene?

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NexusvoidReaper32 - - 42 comments

what do i need to do as i keep getting twisted insurrection encountered a internal error and is unable to continue normally

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jarvisbeman - - 3 comments

Hey when will the final missions for the GDI campaign be available. Also when will more missions for the twisted dawn campaing be palyable to.

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TheRookieMaster - - 85 comments

Be patient, brother. :)

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animatronical - - 1 comments

FYI, you can run Twisted Insurrection on Linux with a bit of preparation, for those interested. It is mostly based on this guide:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install wine winetricks qt4wine
mv ~/.wine ~/.wine.bak # Only needed if you have run Wine before
WINEARCH=win32 wine wineboot
winetricks dotnet20 dotnet40 dotnet45 dotnet # This will take a while. Click through the installers. .NET is a large framework, needed for the TI launcher.

Now the Wine Config GUI should show up.
- Go to Applications tab, set Windows Version to XP.
- Go to Libraries, add ddraw, set to "Native, then Builtin"

Now download the XNA 4.0 MSI file from MS:

cd ~/Downloads
wine msiexec /i xnafx40_redist.msi

Now click through any GUI.

The final step, reduce your desktop resolution if you are running a 2K monitor. Might also be needed for 1080P monitors.

Now you can extract the TwistedInsurrection ZIP file and double click on TwistedInsurrection.exe.

Go to settings. Set the renderer to TS-DDraw. Enable compat fix. Enable Windowed Mode and Borderless Windowed mode. Set in-game resolution to match your screen resolution. Recommended to set your screen resolution to 1280x1024 or simmilar, and set in-game resolution to match this.

It will now run beatifully!

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Unknown4541X - - 10 comments

Hi, will there be a announcement for the next update? I'm really looking forward for the final mission.

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LesSol - - 3 comments

this mod is great, I enjoy this mod more than the original game.
Could you fix the issue from GDI mission 9, I heard is happening on mission 10 also.
On mission 9 after the ion storm triggers the game freeze and show this text box

Twisted Insurrection has encontered an internal error
and is unable to continue normally
Please visit for the latest updates and thecnical support.

I get to the website but I was unable to find a solution there

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Jamie239123 - - 3 comments

can someone tell me what maps has got the old tiberium dawn buildings cos i cant find them

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AmoralDan24 - - 14 comments

Have a problem in GDI Commandi Infiltration mission.Always appears out of nowhere indestructble flame hover tank,when you trying destroy 2 laser turrets.

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raikoseria - - 3 comments

Updated to 09.02 but sill have a bug at NOD 14 mission, getting mission fail after entering the temple with ghost.
Any advice?

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jyyyi - - 17 comments

Has this module stopped updating?

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raikoseria - - 3 comments

It seems that the thread is dead. Even the author is silent.

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Cyber_Ghost - - 2 comments

Excellent Mod! Now, where I can pay for this Wonderful Mod?

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Radu273 - - 1,536 comments

your campaign and mod is amazing, its my first time playing it and with v0.9. im currently at mission 12 gdi and got some feedback.
if i enable smaller vechicle graphics in option, when i scroll to unrevealed terrain in game i get crashes often.
some missions have their difficulty unproper because you change units stats and buildings between many versions of the mod. mission 7 deep blue is the most obvious where the commando is not so powerful and he gets destroyed by the turrets at the bridge.
ts-draw works ok, maybe better than cnc-draw but when i press esc my cursor dissapers in game.
reshade is really nice but i cant update to new version. although i downloaded it, selected directx9 and pointed to the game.exe.

More feedback it will come along the way as i test the mod but please finish it as i noticed there are some missions which will be released in a future version.
the mod is really powerful like mental omega which i consider to be better than vanilla ra2, and it will be so sad to see it discontinued.

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ThatWasLeftHanded - - 282 comments

Is the Forsaken planned as a playable faction in standard multiplayer at any point?

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tjimagineer - - 6 comments

I extracted this into a folder. Clicked Twistedinsurraction.exe It immediately crashed with an error message. Any help would be appreciated.

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janijoutsen - - 3 comments

gdi mission 15 ?

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janijoutsen - - 3 comments

gdi mission 15 ?

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