What started as a damage rebalance mod became a personalized gameplay redux version of the game. Combat tweaks include a freeform targeting mode, combat-based stamina, ability enhancements, and an unlockable special attack. Combat, however, is not the only focus of the mod. World timescale is configurable for variable lengths of days and nights. Time passage in cutscenes and fast traveling has also been modified to be more cohesive and consistent. Previously weightless items have weight, and you can no longer carry stuff beyond the inventory limit. Plus, no level restrictions, a survival element, skill-based leveling and custom camera offsetting. Virtually all of the features, however, can be configured from the in-game menu.

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A Witcher 3 Mod


The Witcher III REDUX

What started as a damage rebalance mod became a personalized gameplay redux version of the game. Combat tweaks include a freeform targeting mode, combat-based stamina, ability enhancements, and an unlockable special attack. Combat, however, is not the only focus of the mod. World timescale is configurable for variable lengths of days and nights. Time passage in cutscenes and fast traveling has also been modified to be more cohesive and consistent. Previously weightless items have weight, and you can no longer carry stuff beyond the inventory limit. Plus, no level restrictions, a survival element, skill-based leveling and custom camera offsetting. Virtually all of the features, however, can be configured from the in-game menu options.

v1.4 Update

  • *Parrying can be immediately followed up with counterattack
  • Ciri can now perform a counterattack
  • Meditation fast forwarding fully visible
  • Configurable food and drink health restoration ([GENERAL])
  • Fixed some drinks that were satisfying hunger instead of thirst
  • Further fixes on freeform targeting

*Unlockable special counterattack "INTERCEPTIVE RIPOSTE" has been modified so that you can also
execute it quickly after a parry, which applies to Ciri as well.

v1.3.1 Patch

  • Slowed down Defense Mod progression
  • Redux targeting nearest enemy only applies to targets visible on screen
  • Adjusted skills' next level XP requirements
  • Signs XP only increases significantly under threat
  • Ranged attacks from enemies affect Combat XP and Defense Mod

v1.3 Update

  • Customizeable camera offsetting ([CAMERA])
  • New keybind toggle for manual combat ("Toggle Combat" in Key Bindings)
  • Manual combat works properly for Ciri
  • Rebalanced Combat and Signs XP progression
  • Defensive maneuvers count towards Combat XP
  • Progression by individual skill levels up character
  • Unified stamina regeneration in and out of combat
  • Silver swords are effective against humans and animals (35% of the damage stats)
  • Defense modifier for determining parry/riposte success rate
  • Carry weight encumbrance only affects the camera position in combat
  • More responsive targeting (Redux Targeting Mode)
  • More bug fixes
  • And updated this document proper

CAMERA OPTIONS: The Key Update Feature
This allows for custom game camera positioning on two axes: the side track and the forward dolly.
Side tracking shifts the camera left and right. Positive values position the camera to the right
making Geralt appear on the left side of the screen. The forward dolly controls the forwards and
backwards positions. Positive values bring the camera forward closer to Geralt. The values can be
customized for combat and out-of-combat modes, with the zero-point being the standard view.
Dynamic Combat Camera shifts the camera in relation to the current target. Distant targets dolly
the camera backwards enlarging the perspective. As targets close their distance, so does the camera.
The view will also shift from side to side depending on which side the target is on.
Last Man Death Cam (previously Monster Finisher Cam) gives a close-up slow motion shot of the
last enemy taken down.

If the input settings file (..\Documents\The Witcher 3\input.settings) exists, it must be
deleted before the first start-up of the mod; otherwise, the new key map will not be saved.

An increasing value used in calculating whether or not an enemy can stagger you with a heavy attack.
Normally, such attacks cannot be parried or countered; however, they can be stopped with a high
enough defense mod. The modifier increases with every parry or counterattack. The calculation takes
into account the number of ability points invested in the Combat branch, the defense modifier, plus
a chance factor and compares it to a similar calculation for the enemy based on his level. If the
score comes out higher for the player, the heavy attack can be parried or countered successfully.
This can be monitored from the inventory's character stats under the "Additional" tab.

v1.2.1 Patch

  • Fixed application of preset settings in-game
  • Tweaked Combat and Signs XP increments
  • Dodging, Rolling and Parrying adds Combat XP
  • Customized NPC health per level bonuses ([GENERAL])
  • Reassigned enemy vitality/essence variables under global health modifier ([GENERAL])
  • Tweaked counterattack code (no forced stagger against high level enemies)
  • Fixed weapon durability being reported incorrectly with Player Raw Melee Damage
  • Adjusted some default options
  • Internal code clean-up

A note about the two new custom modifiers: NPC Vitality Per Level and NPC Essence Per Level.
This is the health bonus per level for NPCs similar to the health added to Geralt's vitality
on leveling up. Currently, the settings range from -1 to 100. Setting this to 100 will result
in NPCs with considerably lower health at higher levels though I personally find it more
realistic especially for human characters. Set this to -1 if you prefer to use the game's
standard health model.

v1.2 Update

  • Contextualized Interceptive Riposte counterattack (only when under imminent attack)
  • Rebalanced Skill-based Ability Points XP requirements
  • Recalibrated thirst/hunger/rest hour marks
  • Further manual targeting issues ironed out
  • Fast travel on Roach from anywhere
  • Player Raw Melee Damage ([COMBAT])
  • Scaled Enemy Damage By Level ([COMBAT])
  • Configurable combat stamina options

The thirst-hunger-rest hour definitions in the survival options have been reconfigured so that
each hour mark after the initial point is relative to the preceding hour mark. For example,
THIRSTY HOUR is now 6 hours by default. This means THIRSTY HOUR occurs 6 hours after PARCHED
HOUR. So the default settings have not changed from previous versions where each hour mark was
an absolute measure. But you must reset the values if you have altered them from older versions.

There are more configurable combat options. Combat stamina has been broken down into its component
parts: Roll, Dodge, Parry, Counterattack, and Sign. They define the percentage of stamina used to
perform them.Player Raw Melee Damage is extra damage points added to your melee attacks, and is
reported as part of the primary damage values for weapons. Scaled Enemy Damage By Level is the
enemy level from which the difficulty damage multiplier for enemies is scaled. In other words, if
Scaled Enemy Damage By Level is set to 35, then the damage multiplier will be interpolated linearly
from 1.0 to 1.4 on Story and Sword, 1.0 to 2.3 on Blood and Broken Bones, and 1.0 to 3.3 on Death
March by enemy level from 1 to 35. These two new options serve to further lower the difficulty
curve near the beginning of the game.

v1.1.2 Patch

  • Reworked counterattack algorithm
  • Being killed by guards no longer results in death
  • Targeting mode (Redux) ignores non-threatening NPCs

v1.1.1 Patch

  • Fixed 'Lock On Target' locking onto non-enemy NPCs
  • Minor code cleanup

v1.1 Update

  • Skill-based Ability Points
  • Enemy Vitality/Essence Modifiers [UPDATED Damage Rebalance]
  • Customizable crossbow damage multiplier ([COMBAT])
  • Survival stats displayed on HUD as Thirst, Hunger, and Fatigue with 4-bar GUI measure
  • Survival stats listed under "Additional" tab in character sub-menu of inventory
  • Parrying no longer drains stamina with "Combat Stamina" disabled
  • Fixed "Manual Combat Engagement" behaviour toggled by 'Lock On Target' key ([COMBAT])


NOTE: A copy of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt v1.31 or GOTY Edition is required!
(New Game NOT required)


Place the mods\ and bin\ folders in the main game directory.
W3Rconfig.xml is the definitions file for the mod's in-game options menu ([REDUX OPTIONS]).
The new key map for toggling combat is defined in input_qwerty.ini.

Before the first startup of the mod, delete the input.settings file located in ..Documents\The Witcher 3.
This is to accomodate the new key map. Start the game and remap Key Bindings.

Feature Summary

[Bracketed tags refer to corresponding section in REDUX OPTIONS]

Camera Offsets [CAMERA]

This allows for custom game camera positioning on two axes: the side track and the forward dolly.
Side tracking shifts the camera left and right. Positive values position the camera to the right
making Geralt appear on the left side of the screen. The forward dolly controls the forwards and
backwards positions. Positive values bring the camera forward closer to Geralt. The values can be
customized for combat and out-of-combat modes, with the zero-point being the standard view.
Dynamic Combat Camera shifts the camera in relation to the current target. Distant targets dolly
the camera backwards enlarging the perspective. As targets close their distance, so does the camera.
The view will also shift from side to side depending on which side the target is on.
Last Man Death Cam (previously Monster Finisher Cam) gives a close-up slow motion shot of the
last enemy taken down.

Manual Combat Engagement [COMBAT]

As of v1.3, toggling in and out of combat manually must be mapped to a specific key in Key Bindings
from the main options menu. The key is listed as "Toggle Combat" (between Jump and Lock On Target).

Defense Modifier

An increasing value used in calculating whether or not an enemy can stagger you with a heavy attack.
Normally, such attacks cannot be parried or countered; however, they can be stopped with a high
enough defense mod. The modifier increases with every parry or counterattack. The calculation takes
into account the number of ability points invested in the Combat branch, the defense modifier, plus
a chance factor and compares it to a similar calculation for the enemy based on his level. If the
score comes out higher for the player, the heavy attack can be parried or countered successfully.
This can be monitored from the inventory's character stats under the "Additional" tab.

New Damage Model [COMBAT]

Player Raw Melee Damage is extra damage points added to your melee attacks, and is reported as part of
the primary damage values for weapons. Scaled Enemy Damage By Level is the enemy level from which the
difficulty damage multiplier for enemies is scaled. In other words, if Scaled Enemy Damage By Level is
set to 35, then the damage multiplier will be interpolated linearly from 1.0 to 1.4 on Story and Sword,
1.0 to 2.3 on Blood and Broken Bones, and 1.0 to 3.3 on Death March by enemy level from 1 to 35.

Skill-based Ability Points [GENERAL]

There are 3 types of Ability Points corresponding to the 3 skill branches: Combat, Signs, and Alchemy.
In effect, the player earns experience points for each branch, being awarded a particular ability point
after fulfilling the point requirement for that branch, and leveling up (v1.3). Combat XP is gained by
inflicting enemy damage either through melee or crossbow attacks, as well as executing defensive moves
against attackers (parrying/countering/evading). Using Signs increases Signs XP. Alchemy is developed by
creating potions and concoctions, in addition to their use. The standard XP leveling system still awards
Ability Points that can be used in all branches. The progression stats for this are listed under the
"Additional" heading in the character sub-menu of the inventory screen.

NOTE: Listed as "Skill Points" in the mod options, if set to Redux for an old saved game, the points for
each skill branch are pre-calculated from the number of Ability Points already spent in those areas.

Enemy Vitality/Essence Modifiers [COMBAT]

NPC Vitality Per Level and NPC Essence Per Level are health bonuses for NPCs similar to the health added
to Geralt's vitality on leveling up. Currently, the settings range from -1 to 100. Setting this to 100
will result in NPCs with considerably lower health at higher levels. Set this to -1 if you prefer to use
the game's standard health model. Enemy health can further be scaled down globally with a percentage
modifier between 0 and 1.

Freeform Targeting Mode [COMBAT]

This alternative targeting system targets the enemy in your general direction of movement
(with the directional keys or pad), or the nearest target otherwise. It makes fighting multiple
opponents much more fluid.

Stamina [COMBAT]

Stamina can be configured for the following combat moves: Roll, Dodge, Parry, Counterattack, and Signs.
They define the percentage of stamina used to perform them. Sprinting duration was extended to be 4
times longer than usual. Your maximum stamina increases ever so slightly every time you execute these
moves. Eventually, you will be notified of the increment once it surpasses at least +1 stamina point.
The more you exercise these stamina-intensive maneuvers, the more your maximum stamina increases.
In addition, stamina regenerates at the same rate in or out of combat.

Ability Enhancements

Razor Focus + Focused Reflexes (previously Focus):
Speed up the perception of time upon being attacked. This is conveyed with a brief moment of slow
motion that allows for more time to evade or counter an attack. The abilities and their respective
levels stack to increase the degree of the effect and multiplied by adrenaline.

A slight increase in combat speed. All combat movements become faster with each level of the ability
and the level of adrenaline.

Chance of finisher. Each counterattack has a chance to repel the enemy into an instant finisher.
This increases with ability and adrenaline levels.

Unlockable Special Counterattack "INTERCEPTIVE RIPOSTE"

Unlocked after performing 100 counterattacks, Geralt can execute a quick interceptive slash by
attacking from a guarded stance. It is actually a preemptive strike (like The Witcher 2's riposte)
used to intercept enemy attacks. As of v1.4, it can be performed immediately after a parry.

Timescale [TIME]

The duration of in-game minutes is configurable from 1 second to 60 seconds per game minute.
The default world time rate is 4 seconds per game minute. The default redux version is 60 seconds
per game minute (ie. real time).

Carry Weight Limitation [GENERAL]

With this option, Geralt no longer has infinite space in his trousers. This prohibits picking up
items once the inventory weight limit has been reached. Also, previously weightless items, such as
food and crafting components, have weight. Quest items are still weightless.

No Level Requirements [GENERAL]

There are no level restrictions on equipping swords, gear and equipment. Damage bonuses based on
character level have been removed as well.

Survival [SURVIVAL]

Food, drink and meditation play a larger role as Geralt now gets hungry, thirsty and tired.
Thirst manifests itself as a gradual decrease in health, while hunger and fatigue lower Geralt's
stamina. To monitor these states, engage your witcher senses; the amount of sustenance and rest
required will be displayed near the top left side under the general stats along with a notification
message as a reminder.

Miscellaneous Tweaks

- Carry weight encumbrance only affects the camera position in combat
- Silver swords are effective against humans and animals (35% of the damage stats)
- Fast travel on Roach from anywhere
- Faster enemies (by level) on Broken Bones and Death March difficulties
- Cohesive time passage between intermittent scenes
- Main menu accessible during cutscenes and dialogues
- Counterattack animation against monsters occurs against humans too
- Counterattacking with fists against monsters and armed opponents
- Varied death animations for Geralt/Ciri

Summer Humble Bundle Sale On; 5 Humblingly Great Games On Sale (And A Mod For Each)

Summer Humble Bundle Sale On; 5 Humblingly Great Games On Sale (And A Mod For Each)

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Humble Bundle's summer sale is on until early September, so here's five games on sale and a mod for each!

CD Projekt Red Hires Modders; 5 Brilliant Witcher Mods To Play

CD Projekt Red Hires Modders; 5 Brilliant Witcher Mods To Play

Feature 8 comments

With CDPR hiring modders lately to work on their recent releases, here’s five great mods from their community to try out.

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modW3R R4

modW3R R4

Full Version 3 comments

Yet another definitive update of The Witcher 3 REDUX



Script 2 comments

This is a script file for those who are getting compile errors due to a missing function (RefreshMainMenuAfterContentLoaded).

modW3R R3.1

modW3R R3.1

Full Version

The definitive release version of The Witcher III REDUX

modW3R R2 (outdated)

modW3R R2 (outdated)

Full Version

Download the latest release of The Witcher 3 REDUX!

modW3R R1.2 (outdated)

modW3R R1.2 (outdated)

Full Version

What started as a damage rebalance mod became a personalized gameplay redux version of the game. The aim was for a slightly more realistic damage model...

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FoxElement - - 24 comments

Hi guys mod is working fine i just want to ask a question. Where exactly can i change a settings of this mod? In description it is said that i should be able to do it in in-game menu but i can´t see any options there

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1ndig0 Creator
1ndig0 - - 5 comments

I uploaded the script file that has the missing function. I have the GOG version of The Witcher 3 GOTY (v1.31), and it is part of the base code; however, I can see some of you guys have the Steam version.

It's available for download from the files section as r4guimanager_gog. I placed it already in modW3R_MainMenu so you only have to place the folder in the mods directory. Give it a try and let me know if that fixes it.

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KernelKJebus - - 1 comments

Having the same problem as well

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Guest - - 700,038 comments

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Hypernaut - - 7 comments

Installed the mod as instructed and now the game won't launch. The game starts to compile scripts then stops with this error message.

Error [modw3r_mainmenu]game\gui\main_menu\ingamemenu.ws(288): Could not find function 'RefreshMainMenuAfterContentLoaded'

Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.

The mod has broken the game. All files are where they should be according to the installation instructions.

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1ndig0 Creator
1ndig0 - - 5 comments

Do you have v1.31 or GOTY Edition? The latest version of the game is required.

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GABRILDURO - - 714 comments

EXACTLY the same with me...
Maybe is the Goty edition...
Anyway, thx for your mod

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Hypernaut - - 7 comments

I have the Steam GOTY Edition.

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