Star Wars: Interregnum is an upcoming mod for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion that builds off of the highly successful Enhanced 4X Mod. Fleeing the unknown terror that is chasing the Vasari, the factions of Sins of a Solar Empire stumble on a temporary wormhole that takes them to a galaxy far, far away. The sudden arrival of armadas with trillions of refugees and thousands of warships between the events of Episodes 5 & 6 forever alters the Star Wars universe and plunges the galaxy into an unprecedented period of chaos and violence. Begun, a new conflict has.

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Some Feedback, Question and bugs? (Games : Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion : Mods : Star Wars: Interregnum : Forum : Feedback : Some Feedback, Question and bugs?) Locked
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May 17 2018 Anchor

Hello there, after playing some games with this mod i found it It has been entertaining but some things could i put it well, a mess in some areas.

1.- About Heroes: actually i find this was a really interesting mechanic but a bit hard to use, i could put this into later section of factions but, for some of them i think the heroes should come early and some later.

Generals Iblis: Raider passive is really good in the way that you can just get more ships if you go for and agressive focus but in late game you find that if you want to get more ships, for example capitals, you cant because you already get many frigates and this, actually happen since mid game, i have to shuttle manually those ships, could be possible to put the skill to not be passive, active with antimatter drain just like interdictor skill and made it cost much for early and only "permanent" in late with all upgrades and the help of the MC80A Motivate Skill? Also, change "We can and we will" with the "Summon Dreathnaught, the first one is not powerfull at all for being late skill (a 6 lvl i think was?) while the second is good but some mess that you dont know when that shipps will disapier and you only get one at time (and came from the grav well that sometimes is really far), could for example be lvl 1 summon 1, lvl 2-3, lvl 3-5 etc... and the Insugerncy is ok but... wil talk about this later.

Han Solo: The "Over my dead body" is necessary that the ship should be pointing out the target ships? all this is for all others capitals, since they have a really, really slow turn rate this is sometimes frustrating

Ackbar's "Repel firepower" i think has the same problem like Han Solo's ships but i need to re-check to confirm.

Teren Rogriss: For some reason when i play in Vader's Faction i never seen the passive of 700% phase Jump delay in my enemies ships, but against vader i allways find this active in my ships if Teren is in the gravity well, so how is this possible?

Vader's Punisher: i actually dont test this in the others SSD, just in the Bellator, but every time i call the ships to attack a plannet, Vader's ships go way from them and after a while he turn and attack, lets say this, the fleet is in 12, i call the atack and they do, but vader has to go to 3 o 9 lets say, then he turn and attack. while the Bellator is working ok, idk if is about the ship size.

Admiral Screed's Treasure Hunter:, i never seen this being autocasted even in the closest side of the planet (yeah whit autocast enabled)

Admiral Harrsk Fatal Strike dont have any duration in the tooltip

Thrawn skills are..."ok" but are some weird, he is the most brilliant mind in the galaxy (at least in empire) why he dont have any to "upgrade" their fleet? the mycrohiperspace jump is ok but preditcion and artistically done are some...meh, lets say, also he hs about the same damage (in tooltip) that a ISDII

now about Heroes in general, the idea of unlock them with a number of researched techs is a good idea, but i think this could have a balance about the faction itselfs (will talk about this later too) for example, Rebellion should get their heroes before (not much, maybe 5 tech before (10 for Solo maybe) and balance ship damage/skill in consecuence)while Teren Rogriss should apear later (10 tech later of a tier(aka labs use) to later)

2.-About Capital, frigates and cruisers Ships

Actually here some ideas are about change ships from one type to another, To Capital to Cruiser, cruiser to frigate etc.

Bellator's Lethal Trush, you think you can incresase the range from 5k to 7.5k for example? whit the slow turn rate some ships tend to be leave behind

Intedictor Strat Destroyer the Gravity well manipulation i think is "ok" if you want to defend or delay refoircement from the enemies but incresase your own jump changer...i just can think few uses for this but since you just cant spam those ships and get it into each planet you want to defend is mostly useless, maybe turn it into a cruiser ship?

Dauntells heavy cruiser, why scan has only 1 level? is a ships mostly desing to ship to ship combat, the planeraty ion burst is ok... but this just make awkward ship since also has to turn to use the crippling strike skill, probably would be better to make Scan with multiple lvls and make lvl 1 scan 1 target, and incresase number of targets and effectiveness with lvl to for example, lvl 4, 6 targets, 20% bypass chance, or mabe change it to -3% damage done per lvl.

Corellian Gunship has more range that others ships, less that the Assault frigate Mark 2 but.. why has more range that a capital? or is just maybe a bad in game display?

Now about Mc Crisers, the Liberty is too OP, 300% regen rate in lvl 4 skill is just insane, the Mc80 class star cruiser health buff is ok but frigates and others smalls ships just get a buff of extra 50% heatlh about others even more, for example a captured firespray-class get about 110% extra health, also you think you can nerf some of those kind passives skills and make them stackeables, so if you want a more tanky fleet you can do it getting more of these? (and obviusly you lost those bonus if the abilities of those ships are disabled)

In general in this mod i find that you have a big pool of skills from ships and that makes that you usually dont get more that 2 o 3 of the same ships except when you already got 2 of each and all free capital ships slots you use them to get some firepower focus units, for example in rebellion i get 2 MC80A just to be able to have 100% time active "Hit and run" and "motivate", for the Mc80 Command For damage reduction aoe, MC80 Liberty for shield regen aoe, Mc80 Class star cruiser for max hull points, i just get one Dauntless to see what he done and actually never get him again, and all other free capital slots i use them to get providence since barrange skill is really brutal in lvl 4 and can just spam it in cd.

3.- About artifacs and planets

I actually try to play in mid-large maps to be able to see most of them but in a map called Death Spiral i get 3 Prototype reactors is this intended?

planets like dead asteroids and ship graveyard has 0 logistic slots and that make that sometimes you cannot get them because of hostile culture and that you need to focus in put just propaganda stations in the next planet, but that is a pain when you get 3 in a row, make it impossible to get the 3rd or even the 2dn if the other faction has a better culture use. you think can do something about this?

4.- About factions

I know that because balance and game engines some things are limited but the factions dont have many diferences, usually the Rebellion should be a mostly "carrier focus" because they allways have better crafts so, my opinion is the next, Give the Rebellion better Starfighters i mean in damage-life-armor while lowering the damage of other ships, remember that a MC80 is worst that a ISDI in firepower but better in shields and even worst that a ISDII but again this one have 0 starfighters so is where the rebellion win and the change of, why Y-wing should be researched? this one has to be actually the base bomber while the B-wing the upgrade one with more shields, armor, health and firepower. Also, in the heroes section, Rebellion should get their heroes earlier and be more weak that others, but be better/stronger for late, maybe via focus a Tech with 6 labs or 8 labs

in Empire just like the Y-wing and B-wing, having 2 bombers is in a way weird, mostly because Tie-bomber is good in the way that can carry many kind of warheards so, i think you cannot make that startfighers in game get skills but if possible, in carriers types of ship, choose a "focus" in a kind of uprade to their figthers but also get more slots, just 2 slots for a carrier focused ship its seem a bit wierd

The Vader Empire should focus more in Raw firepower and research more focused anti-starfigthers ships to counter them and get more Capital ships while downgrading the VSDI and VSDII to Cruisers ships.

In The other Hand Warlods should be the Mid about all, while have focuss in more frigates Cruisers in place of capitals, making that Capitals should be more "Support" ships or Raw Power focus and in this part Upgrade some/keep some little ships in Capital section,

For warlods too, you think you can make them be more variable betwen they? for example, Thrawn side focus more in Cruisers Frigates, giving them more shield, damage but cannot build SSD etc. Zynn focus in the Defender Starfigthers, the other one (i dont remember the name) focus more in Eco and Politic, now about this faction, those focus are.. ok but if you want to make them diferents from each other should get more Research option after chosing a focus and disable others and thats about how the Warlods should work, a faction able to choose one of many paths, Capital-focus Medium class-Focus Eco/Politic-Focus etc

Will continue writing more later.

Edited by: Merakas

May 24 2018 Anchor
Merakas wrote:

Hello there, after playing some games with this mod i found it It has been entertaining but some things could i put it well, a mess in some areas.

I appreciate the really detailed feedback, but I would hope a mess is a bit of hyperbole. :p Adding more than 2 races worth of abilities in addition to keeping but for the most part not copying existing abilities is a lot of content, and as hard as anyone can try it is impossible to make everything perfectly balanced. Especially since we are technically still in alpha. :-)

Merakas wrote:

1.- About Heroes: actually i find this was a really interesting mechanic but a bit hard to use, i could put this into later section of factions but, for some of them i think the heroes should come early and some later.

Generals Iblis: Raider passive is really good in the way that you can just get more ships if you go for and agressive focus but in late game you find that if you want to get more ships, for example capitals, you cant because you already get many frigates and this, actually happen since mid game, i have to shuttle manually those ships, could be possible to put the skill to not be passive, active with antimatter drain just like interdictor skill and made it cost much for early and only "permanent" in late with all upgrades and the help of the MC80A Motivate Skill? Also, change "We can and we will" with the "Summon Dreathnaught, the first one is not powerfull at all for being late skill (a 6 lvl i think was?) while the second is good but some mess that you dont know when that shipps will disapier and you only get one at time (and came from the grav well that sometimes is really far), could for example be lvl 1 summon 1, lvl 2-3, lvl 3-5 etc... and the Insugerncy is ok but... wil talk about this later.

That is a good point about passive raider. I don't think it necessarily needs to cost antimatter, ships that have too many antimatter consuming abilities tend to be rather bad (cough, vanilla Kol battleship) but I could try to make it a toggle ability like the Interdictor. The only potential problem is the AI doesn't handle toggle abilities the best, but I'll look into this.

We can and we will: Gives all ships within 5000 meters of Iblis a 15% chance of disabling an enemy for 5 seconds with each weapon attack. While it is a late ability that doesn't sound bad to me, especially if you have a lot a ships firing you can keep a lot of key targets locked down. Especially when you consider it can disable enemy titans.

Summon Dreadnaught: Unfortunately we cannot control where the summoned ships spawns. This is not something a mod can change as this programming is a core game feature that we do not have the code to change. Hero summoning and many other abilities that spawn ships work the same way and have the same limitations.

Merakas wrote:

Han Solo: The "Over my dead body" is necessary that the ship should be pointing out the target ships? all this is for all others capitals, since they have a really, really slow turn rate this is sometimes frustrating

Abilities that are basically special attacks that fire something at a single target typically need to face the target. The idea is you'll probably use it on the enemy you're currently firing at, so you're probably facing it anyways.

Merakas wrote:

Ackbar's "Repel firepower" i think has the same problem like Han Solo's ships but i need to re-check to confirm.

It looks like Ackbar should be able to use Repel Firepower regardless of direction, since no weapon or anything is actually fired as part of this ability. If you are sure he must turn to use this ability let me know because it looks like that should not happen.

Merakas wrote:

Teren Rogriss: For some reason when i play in Vader's Faction i never seen the passive of 700% phase Jump delay in my enemies ships, but against vader i allways find this active in my ships if Teren is in the gravity well, so how is this possible?

The Interdictors work completely different for human players and AI because the AI is too stupid to use them effectively.

For human players, we have an interdiction system that is very faithful to how they work in the Star Wars universe. You complete stop hyperspace jumps in range, but only as long as you have power (antimatter), your ship has to divert power from other systems, making it less effective, and if it takes too much damage, the Interdiction stops because captains have been trained to let their prey go rather than risk losing their ship (Interdictors are far more expensive than other warships of their size).

The AI is utterly unable to deal with these rules and drawbacks, or even realize when it is a good time to use the Interdiction. So all AI Interdictors (not just Teren) just passively slow the jump to hyperspace, since they will never use the Interdictor ability humans have. Basically it acts as a mobile phase jump inhibitor. We will be nerfing this a bit in the next patch so its not 700%.

Merakas wrote:

Vader's Punisher: i actually dont test this in the others SSD, just in the Bellator, but every time i call the ships to attack a plannet, Vader's ships go way from them and after a while he turn and attack, lets say this, the fleet is in 12, i call the atack and they do, but vader has to go to 3 o 9 lets say, then he turn and attack. while the Bellator is working ok, idk if is about the ship size.

I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say here, but yes, as it is the Executors barely fit in the game. And we are using a previous scale for them that is smaller than the current official one. :-O (12.8km versus 19km).

Merakas wrote:

Admiral Screed's Treasure Hunter:, i never seen this being autocasted even in the closest side of the planet (yeah whit autocast enabled)

I'm pretty sure it will autocast. The thing is though you can only cast it once per planet. After you've gotten Treasure from a planet, you can no longer plunder it again with this ability. Thus the ability will only autocast if its a planet it has not been used on before.

Merakas wrote:

Admiral Harrsk Fatal Strike dont have any duration in the tooltip

It lasts 60 seconds... we do not really have much ability to improve the auto generated tooltip information (I.e., anything but icon/name/long description), but I'll check if anything can be done.

Merakas wrote:

Thrawn skills are..."ok" but are some weird, he is the most brilliant mind in the galaxy (at least in empire) why he dont have any to "upgrade" their fleet? the mycrohiperspace jump is ok but preditcion and artistically done are some...meh, lets say, also he hs about the same damage (in tooltip) that a ISDII

Thrawn actually has a partially "hidden" special ability that is always active. It gives an extra 10% chance to hit to friendly ships within 6000 meters. You can see this on the "Fifth" ability slot when you hit the start to select a new ability.

Why do you feel Prediction and Artistically done are lacking?

An ISD-II is already a more powerful flagship than the 2nd tier heroes of other factions, so I did not think he needed more standard weapon damage.

Merakas wrote:

now about Heroes in general, the idea of unlock them with a number of researched techs is a good idea, but i think this could have a balance about the faction itselfs (will talk about this later too) for example, Rebellion should get their heroes before (not much, maybe 5 tech before (10 for Solo maybe) and balance ship damage/skill in consecuence)while Teren Rogriss should apear later (10 tech later of a tier(aka labs use) to later)

This certainly could be done. It is a little different for the Empire as Thrawn/Piett/Harrsk have more powerful flag ships than the vanilla Sins factions, and their third hero the tech actually costs resources since the unique Allegiance Battlecruiser is the largest capitalship in the game.

Merakas wrote:

2.-About Capital, frigates and cruisers Ships

Actually here some ideas are about change ships from one type to another, To Capital to Cruiser, cruiser to frigate etc.

Bellator's Lethal Trush, you think you can incresase the range from 5k to 7.5k for example? whit the slow turn rate some ships tend to be leave behind

It could be done, but that ability is already one of the Bellator's best IMO.

Merakas wrote:

Intedictor Strat Destroyer the Gravity well manipulation i think is "ok" if you want to defend or delay refoircement from the enemies but incresase your own jump changer...i just can think few uses for this but since you just cant spam those ships and get it into each planet you want to defend is mostly useless, maybe turn it into a cruiser ship?

It's literally an Imperial Star Destroyer with the main guns removed for gravity well generators. It is way to big and powerful to be a cruiser, and the most important thing it does, block enemy ships from going to hyperspace, is available from the Immobolizer Interdictor Cruiser. Also if you have a planet with a production waypoint to send new ships to the fleet the Interdictor Star Destroyer is at you're likely to get some use of the reinforcements getting their faster.

Merakas wrote:

Dauntells heavy cruiser, why scan has only 1 level? is a ships mostly desing to ship to ship combat, the planeraty ion burst is ok... but this just make awkward ship since also has to turn to use the crippling strike skill, probably would be better to make Scan with multiple lvls and make lvl 1 scan 1 target, and incresase number of targets and effectiveness with lvl to for example, lvl 4, 6 targets, 20% bypass chance, or mabe change it to -3% damage done per lvl.

The Dauntless is actually the siege capitalship, more similar to the Marza Dreadnaught. Increasing the number of targets with scan is an interesting thought. However, the main purpose of scan is that the other abilities of the Dauntless is more powerful against scanned targets (ships or enemy planet), so that's why it only has one level.

Merakas wrote:

Corellian Gunship has more range that others ships, less that the Assault frigate Mark 2 but.. why has more range that a capital? or is just maybe a bad in game display?

I think that's a bad display. It is probably displaying the gunships missile weapon it unlocks with research. It has the same range as a capitalship but I think the Rebels have a tech that increases proton torpedo range, so that could make it more than a capitalship late game.

It's main laser weapons have the same range as every other antifighter frigate.

Merakas wrote:

Now about Mc Crisers, the Liberty is too OP, 300% regen rate in lvl 4 skill is just insane, the Mc80 class star cruiser health buff is ok but frigates and others smalls ships just get a buff of extra 50% heatlh about others even more, for example a captured firespray-class get about 110% extra health, also you think you can nerf some of those kind passives skills and make them stackeables, so if you want a more tanky fleet you can do it getting more of these? (and obviusly you lost those bonus if the abilities of those ships are disabled)

We are looking at trying make the Rebel Alliance overall a little bit less tanky late game and a bit more damage focused. Exactly what will be changed hasn't been determined yet. That said I do like the MC80 HP buff, it's a great early game cap because of it and many of the Rebel smaller/early game units are very fragile as it is. So it helps your Corvettes and gunships stay relevant late game while not being broken on Assault Frigates etc.

Merakas wrote:

In general in this mod i find that you have a big pool of skills from ships and that makes that you usually dont get more that 2 o 3 of the same ships except when you already got 2 of each and all free capital ships slots you use them to get some firepower focus units, for example in rebellion i get 2 MC80A just to be able to have 100% time active "Hit and run" and "motivate", for the Mc80 Command For damage reduction aoe, MC80 Liberty for shield regen aoe, Mc80 Class star cruiser for max hull points, i just get one Dauntless to see what he done and actually never get him again, and all other free capital slots i use them to get providence since barrange skill is really brutal in lvl 4 and can just spam it in cd.

Are you saying this is a bad thing? Early game Broadside is indeed powerful but late game when there are potentially hundreds of ships it's not anything special. AoE abilities of any sorts are more helpful here usually.

Merakas wrote:

3.- About artifacs and planets

I actually try to play in mid-large maps to be able to see most of them but in a map called Death Spiral i get 3 Prototype reactors is this intended?

planets like dead asteroids and ship graveyard has 0 logistic slots and that make that sometimes you cannot get them because of hostile culture and that you need to focus in put just propaganda stations in the next planet, but that is a pain when you get 3 in a row, make it impossible to get the 3rd or even the 2dn if the other faction has a better culture use. you think can do something about this?

This mod adds 8 new artifacts for 20 total, and greatly increases the spawn rate of artifacts. Sadly the game places the artifacts and which ones they are totally randomly, there is nothing I can do to force that it does not spawn duplicates.

That said, there are "random encounters", AKA minor faction spawns, and one of them does place the antimatter artifact on a dead asteroid with some Advent ships. If you are playing on a map with lots of dead asteroids I suppose that could happen.

Merakas wrote:

4.- About factions

I know that because balance and game engines some things are limited but the factions dont have many diferences, usually the Rebellion should be a mostly "carrier focus" because they allways have better crafts so, my opinion is the next, Give the Rebellion better Starfighters i mean in damage-life-armor while lowering the damage of other ships, remember that a MC80 is worst that a ISDI in firepower but better in shields and even worst that a ISDII but again this one have 0 starfighters so is where the rebellion win and the change of, why Y-wing should be researched? this one has to be actually the base bomber while the B-wing the upgrade one with more shields, armor, health and firepower. Also, in the heroes section, Rebellion should get their heroes earlier and be more weak that others, but be better/stronger for late, maybe via focus a Tech with 6 labs or 8 labs

Considering we are keeping the vanilla factions and the rough balance of the original game, I think we've done a lot to make the factions very different. Heroes, entirely unique research trees and capitalship/titan/hero abilities etc.

The Rebels are indeed the best starfighter faction in the game. They do have slightly better fighters, especially in endurance, early on, but they really shine after they get the Starfighter doctrine research late game. Then they slaughter everyone else'e fighters since its basically a 25-50% to all their squadrons. Also worth noting that Alliance proton torpedoes get a 10% to bypass enemy shields from the start, which is a nice advantage to the B-wing. Finally, Alliance abilities will either spawn more fighters or buff them.

The Y-wing is a little confusing, and the answer is the AI. The B-wing is actually the "Antiship bomber", which is the standard bomber in Sins that all factions have without research. The Y-wing is not a better bomber but a more specialized "Antistructure bomber" that has proton bombs that are better against structures but weaker against many other targets. This is not a standard role in Sins, and against most targets the B-wing is actually better. The AI as far as I can tell just picks fighter squadrons to build at random, and we did not want the AI to build 33% Y-wings. So we put up a research that the AI does not consider a priority to get.

The real problem with the Alliance is that their ships tend to be smaller and very few of them have hanger bays. Further in the lore their fighters had their own hyperdrives so carrier ships were not as important. Compare this to the Empire where almost every ships larger than 500 meters has a hangar bay to spam TIE Fighters that need to have a carrier, as all fighters in Sins do. This means the star fighter advantage they should have takes a while to get while the Empire gets plenty of cheap weak fighters to keep them at bay.

To fix this we are buffing the Nebulon-B frigate to carry a single "small" squad of X-wings, and may try to find other ways to buff fighters early game for the Rebels.

Merakas wrote:

in Empire just like the Y-wing and B-wing, having 2 bombers is in a way weird, mostly because Tie-bomber is good in the way that can carry many kind of warheards so, i think you cannot make that startfighers in game get skills but if possible, in carriers types of ship, choose a "focus" in a kind of uprade to their figthers but also get more slots, just 2 slots for a carrier focused ship its seem a bit wierd

As mentioned there is a difference between the two bombers. I'm not entirely sure what else you're saying here.

Merakas wrote:

The Vader Empire should focus more in Raw firepower and research more focused anti-starfigthers ships to counter them and get more Capital ships while downgrading the VSDI and VSDII to Cruisers ships.

Ships are mostly made capitalships based on their size and historical importance. The Victory Star Destroyers are about 50% longer than most other Imperial cruisers (many of them are ~600 meters, the VSDs are 900 meters). Also the average vanilla capitalship is about 1km long according to the Devs, and they cost 50 fleet supply. The ISD style ships are all 1600 meters long and are more expensive and use 70 fleet supply. Since your first capitalship in Sins is free, it would give the Empire an unfair advantage if they could get a free 70 fleet supply ship at the start, so the Victories really need to stay where they are.

Merakas wrote:

In The other Hand Warlods should be the Mid about all, while have focuss in more frigates Cruisers in place of capitals, making that Capitals should be more "Support" ships or Raw Power focus and in this part Upgrade some/keep some little ships in Capital section,

The Warlords already have lower fleet supply, so capitalships are more costly to them. But they are still the Empire, and they love their Star Destroyers. There was one or two Warlords in the EU canon who focused on Victory and smaller class ships, but honestly most of them focused on getting a few large powerful Super and Regular Star Destroyers.

Merakas wrote:

For warlods too, you think you can make them be more variable betwen they? for example, Thrawn side focus more in Cruisers Frigates, giving them more shield, damage but cannot build SSD etc. Zynn focus in the Defender Starfigthers, the other one (i dont remember the name) focus more in Eco and Politic, now about this faction, those focus are.. ok but if you want to make them diferents from each other should get more Research option after chosing a focus and disable others and thats about how the Warlods should work, a faction able to choose one of many paths, Capital-focus Medium class-Focus Eco/Politic-Focus etc

There is a little bit of this with Isard getting a tech that greatly buffs Acclamator cruisers. However, there is only so much more I can give to the Warlords without making them too strong. As it is they are among the strongest and most popular factions in the mod.

Edited by: GoaFan77

Jul 1 2018 Anchor

Hello, I just got back into Sins of a Solar Empire and I installed this mod (Interregnum with E4X in that load order) to play with a couple friends online. We've started several games online together and all of them immediately experience a sync error that results in all of us still able to chat in game but we are essentially playing separate games. In our own instances, we are the only ones doing anything on our team. Our checksum values and mod/game versions all check out and loading the game in vanilla works perfectly fine online. There seems to be something in this mod that causes this desync and makes playing online impossible for us.

Any ideas?

Jul 2 2018 Anchor
razielryuki wrote:

Hello, I just got back into Sins of a Solar Empire and I installed this mod (Interregnum with E4X in that load order) to play with a couple friends online. We've started several games online together and all of them immediately experience a sync error that results in all of us still able to chat in game but we are essentially playing separate games. In our own instances, we are the only ones doing anything on our team. Our checksum values and mod/game versions all check out and loading the game in vanilla works perfectly fine online. There seems to be something in this mod that causes this desync and makes playing online impossible for us.

Any ideas?

I have not had any reports until now of the mod causing more desyncs. I have heard however that people are having more issues than normal with the ICO server. Did you try reloading from an autosave after the desync occurred?

Jul 2 2018 Anchor
GoaFan77 wrote:
razielryuki wrote:

Hello, I just got back into Sins of a Solar Empire and I installed this mod (Interregnum with E4X in that load order) to play with a couple friends online. We've started several games online together and all of them immediately experience a sync error that results in all of us still able to chat in game but we are essentially playing separate games. In our own instances, we are the only ones doing anything on our team. Our checksum values and mod/game versions all check out and loading the game in vanilla works perfectly fine online. There seems to be something in this mod that causes this desync and makes playing online impossible for us.

Any ideas?

I have not had any reports until now of the mod causing more desyncs. I have heard however that people are having more issues than normal with the ICO server. Did you try reloading from an autosave after the desync occurred?

No, I will give this a try with my party and reply with the results later today.
Thank you.

So tried it again and it didn't desync this time. Added the full party and it lasted a few seconds before desyncing. The autosave didn't kick in so we just opted to use Hamachi over Direct Connect.

Edited by: razielryuki

Jul 8 2018 Anchor

Huh, so you're saying it doesn't desync for you but does with your friends? And Hamachi works?

I have heard that messing with the autosave settings can cause desyncs, might one of your friends have done that?

Aug 27 2018 Anchor

The two Rebel Alliance factions seem identical. Have you considered making one of them a renegade faction? The Rebels core faction can b split into two, Alliance to Restore the Republic and Renegade Cells. The Alliance would keep the one of the factions as it is now and the Renegade Cells would be cells that operate without the approval of the alliance and have some seriously questionable tactics. A here you can think of when creating this rebel split would be Saw Garera and his renegades. Since they are renegade cells and probably under funded maybe they don't have access to a Titan but can research an illicit tech that makes them especially good and taking titans down. Instead of starting with X-Wings they can start with inferior Z-95s and research into X-Wings. Since they have less funding their primary weapons on their cruisers and frigates are short range forcing close range engagements with the option to research a dead mans switch making it dangerous for other factions to destroy their ships less they suffer a great deal of damage.

I don't know... just something to ponder I guess. It would be nice to have some flavor to the rebel faction.

Aug 27 2018 Anchor
cptrhino wrote:

The two Rebel Alliance factions seem identical. Have you considered making one of them a renegade faction? The Rebels core faction can b split into two, Alliance to Restore the Republic and Renegade Cells. The Alliance would keep the one of the factions as it is now and the Renegade Cells would be cells that operate without the approval of the alliance and have some seriously questionable tactics. A here you can think of when creating this rebel split would be Saw Garera and his renegades. Since they are renegade cells and probably under funded maybe they don't have access to a Titan but can research an illicit tech that makes them especially good and taking titans down. Instead of starting with X-Wings they can start with inferior Z-95s and research into X-Wings. Since they have less funding their primary weapons on their cruisers and frigates are short range forcing close range engagements with the option to research a dead mans switch making it dangerous for other factions to destroy their ships less they suffer a great deal of damage.

I don't know... just something to ponder I guess. It would be nice to have some flavor to the rebel faction.

If you look at the main page, you'll see we are working on our last faction, the New Republic. It will be the other Alliance faction on the faction selection screen.

Aug 28 2018 Anchor

Thanks I didn't realize you were adding the Resistance to the Rebels faction. I thought it would be its own faction. Thanks for the reply. Does this mean they will be getting T-70 X-Wings, RZ-2 A-wings, and BSF-17 bombers?

Edited by: cptrhino

Aug 28 2018 Anchor
cptrhino wrote:

Thanks I didn't realize you were adding the Resistance to the Rebels faction. I thought it would be its own faction. Thanks for the reply. Does this mean they will be getting T-70 X-Wings, RZ-2 A-wings, and BSF-17 bombers?

It is actually the New Republic from the previous Legends Canon novels, not the resistance from the sequel trilogy.

Edited by: GoaFan77

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