First of all, I will try to support this mod in two languages: English and german.

So first for our english speaking guys a little summary what is in the mod:

Release: I'm nearly done with the mod... so I guess it won't take that long. :)


  • based on the Zone Reclamation Project
  • all levels with the absolute nature from Aututmn Aurora, but the vegetation is set to summer
  • new models for npcs, also from the Autumn Aurora
  • reworked financial system
  • lootable money
  • some new musictracks for the soundtrack
  • new weather
  • little tweaking for quests and some dialoges
  • corrected text phrases
  • new quests
  • Russian voices
  • new ambientsounds
  • slightly change start load out
  • new main menus
  • new loading screens
  • some npc can't die anymore**
  • mutants won't be easy to kill...

** Wolf, Nimble, Petrucha, Fox, Bes, Yurik, Serij, Kruglow, Provodnik, Fanatic

- enb and sweetfx
- the randomizer!*

*Explanation of the randomizer

Using random generated numbers, it will randomize the following things at every start of the mod:

out of 10: splash (before the mainmenu)
out of 10: loadingscreen
out of 5: mainmenu (WIP!)
out of 10: background video for mainmenu
out of 10: music for the mainmenu

Zone Reclamation Project:
ZRP corrected a lot of things and added some, which can be useful. There will be a few more levelchanger, which will be set to active a certain points in the game and freeplay at the end of the game.
In the freeplay you might meet some monolith martyr! These little pricks can be found all over the zone.You will now have the opportunity to join duty or freedom. Visiting the freedom can offer some new things: Get some artifacts from "Ziphty Industires".
All cut scenes were removed so the won't interrupt the gameflow. The HUD was a little bit tweaked and several other little changes were done.
Financialsystem and difficulty:Several things have changed in the zone. Mutants will "eat" bullets if you don't know their weakspot. The.The ammunition itself is more expensive and enemies won't drop only a few bullets if you loot them. Ammunition is now more expensive then before.
Medical supplies were also changed and are now more expensive. A bandage won't heal anymore, it will just stop the bleeding. Food will heal just a tiiiiiny bit and will only satisfy your hunger.But you will be able to loot money from corpses to earn some extra cash.

Und für die deutsch sprachigen Stalker:

Release: Da ich so gut wie fertig bin, dürfte es nicht mehr lange dauern! :)

  • basierend auf dem Zone Reclamation Project
  • alle Level mit der AN3 der Aututmn Aurora, allerdings in sommerlich gehalten
  • neue Modelle für viele NPCs, auch von der Autumn Aurora übernommen
  • überarbeitetes Wirtschaftssystem
  • man kann Geld bei Leichen finden
  • teilweise neuer Soundtrack
  • viele neue Wettercyclen
  • viele kleine Quest und Dialog Änderungen
  • Texte angepasst*
  • neue Aufgaben
  • russische Sprache
  • neue Ambientsounds
  • leicht veränderter Start
  • neue Hauptmenüs
  • neue Ladebildschirme
  • bestimmte NPC sind unsterblich**
  • viele kleine Textprobleme der Vanilla beseitigt*
  • Mutanten sind jetzt nicht mehr so einfach zu erledigen

* In der Vanilla gab es viele Ungereimtheiten. Mal reden ein die Wissenschaftler in Jantar mit Sie an, dann wieder nicht, Orte heißen nicht immer gleich, Dialoge aus der alten Storyline tauchen auf, Rechtschreibfehler, unsinnige Beschreibungen von Dingen, oder Orten, plumpe "2 Wort" Dialoge, die man auch hätte besser schreiben können, keine echten Waffennamen... usw...** Wolf, Nimble, Petrucha, Fuchs, Bes, Jurik, Serij, Kruglow, Provodnik, Fanatiker

- enb und sweetfx, alles optional- der Randomizer!*
*Erklärung des RandomizersMittels Zufall werden folgende Dinge bei jeden Start neu ausgewürfelt:aus 10 Stück: Splash (noch vor dem Hauptmenü)aus 10 Stück: Ladebildschirmaus 5 Stück: Hauptmenü (WIP!)aus 10 Stück: Hintergrundvideo Hauptmenüaus 10 Musikstücken für das Hauptmenü

Zone Reclamation Project:
ZRP bietet eine Menge Dinge, die sehr nützlich sind in SoC.Zum einem, wurden neue Levelchanger hinzugefügt, die ab bestimmten Zeitpunkten frei geschaltet werden, aber auch so Dinge, wie Freeplay am Ende. Das Freeplay wird heimgesucht, von Monolith Märtyrern! Diese kleine Wichte werdet ihr überall in der Zone treffen.
Ihr habt die Wahl zum Beitritt bei den Wächtern bzw. bei der Freiheit. Bei der Freiheit könnt ihr euch besondere Artefakte beschaffen von der Firma "Ziphty Industires".
Sämtliche Cut-Scenes sind entfernt und werden den Spieler nicht mehr unnötig aufhalten.Der HUD wurde ein wenig angepasst und einige andere kleinere Dinge wurden verbaut.
Wirtschaft und Schwierigkeitsgrad:Es hat sich einiges geändert in der Zone. Mutanten fressen jetzt teilweise Munition, wenn man nicht ihre Schwachstellen kennt. Die Munition selber, wird bei Gegner nur noch in geringen Stückzahlen zu finden sein und ist teuer. Auch medizinische Hilfsmittel sind jetzt teurer und wurden geändert. so wird ein Verband nicht mehr heilen, sondern nur noch die Blutung stillen. Essen wird nur noch ganz minimal heilen und nur den Hunger beseitigen.
Damit man aber nicht ganz am Hungertuch nagen muss, es ist möglich bei toten NPCs Geld zu finden.

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Content Update!


New added stuff:

  • blowouts (had to disable them, they are causing errors)
  • artifact activation
  • all artifacts will glow, crappy artifacts like jellyfish will glow much more then a soul or a goldfish
  • all artifacts have a fitting weight compared to their physical appearance
  • dynamic campfire
  • dynamic HUD
  • HUD redesigned
  • new icon for artifacts and bullets
  • bushes will slow down while running
  • suit relations (become a bandit.. by wearing a bandit suit... or just walk pass them, but never wear the bandit suit in the bar... OO*)
  • more radio songs in the bar (raised from 1 to 23)
  • new binocular
  • alpha masks for the npc profile pics

I'm still adjusting the damage for mutants. A snork for example will take much damage until it dies if you not hit it at the right spot. This will happen with every mutant you will meet.
How to know where the weakspot is? Hmm... ask around, maybe someone can give you a hint.

The redesign of the HUD changes a lot. Most things were moved, some were deleted.
You will not be able to see how many contacts are online displayed by the number at the minimap.
Either you won't hear any beeps at a contact.
Health, stamina and suit condition are now together in the lower right corner.

Project illusion dynamic HUD...
It will add several effects like when getting hit, bleeding, radiation and it will make aiming harder.
If you want to aim properly you have to crouch and aim manually.
Shooting from the hips won't have good results.

Medkits won't heal that much anymore.
The rate of healing from all medkits is lowered and so even the best one won't heal you 100%.
Bandages will only stop bleeding, no more healing.

Food will also just give you a tiny bit of healing and not that much than before.

Weight system...
The normal weight is set to 40kg.
All suits will have bonuses for weight, depending on their physical look.
A suit from stalker, with backpack and many pouches will give you +30kg.
A ecolog suit, with all its protection stuff and breathing system and no backpack, or pouches will give you only +5kg.
Until 40kg you are able to sprint easily, but above it will slow you down.
Try to avoid it by using artifacts and think which equipment you really will need on your next journey.
[This is not quite satisfying because I would like to lower the normal weight more, but that won't work so good after all. No person at all will sprint for miles with 40kg on his back... but here we go, thats the weight system for this mod.]

This and some more things I forgot will make your life harder in the zone.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 23)
HunterKiller1 - - 390 comments

It's a shame I don't speak Russian. :(

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BearLichan - - 839 comments


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Guest - - 700,079 comments

Dead :c

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BeefJohnson - - 2 comments

I am very glad to see a complete rework of Shadow of Chernobyl that isn't 40 shades of brown. I played through Autumn Aurora for SoC and Misery for CoP and enjoyed them, but I have to say that I am ready for some color in the Zone hahaha. Besides, nature always finds a way. If the wildlife can survive and mutate to be more powerful, I don't see why the plant-life couldn't do the same.

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BearLichan - - 839 comments

Will you add some new guns? Also could you make the colours less vibrant?

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OMEGA101 - - 140 comments

The idea for weak spots on mutants looks interesting and not something any mod has touched on (at least for SHOC.) Tracking and good luck :)

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Das_P0m Creator
Das_P0m - - 539 comments

It will be quite a change to the gameplay.
Since this changes I am ******** myself if a snork appears!
These bastards need a good shot at their mask, well placed.
Otherwise they won't take much damage and they need 2-3 hits to get you down.

So my last visit in X18 was quite a trip to survive in these narrow basement...

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Nalike - - 341 comments

good work. nice ideas, very practical. make stealth really working in it.
looking forward to it buddy

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

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T-Meek - - 1 comments

Has new weapons in this mod ?

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Das_P0m Creator
Das_P0m - - 539 comments

A few modified ones and some from the zrp.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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