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Need some help with the AIs godlike aiming. (Games : S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat : Mods : MISERY : Forum : General subjects : Need some help with the AIs godlike aiming.) Locked
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Jul 30 2014 Anchor

So, I am at the place to get the laptop from the mercenarys all fine and dandy. I don't mind them taking more shots then me, bla bla bla. But I hate that they have an accuracy of 80% with all weapons. I stand at the wall with my Sg 550 Sniper. Shoot 1 guy 2 times in the head. Kill a few others and on the other side of the complex a guy 3 hits me with his ak. I think their aim is a little bit too good. Since they manage to simply outsnipe me with every weapon. That wouldn't be a problem if their resistances weren't this high. So even when I stand 300m away from someone, shoot them 2 times in the chest with the sniper, they still manage to kill me or atleast knock my mask/suit to 75% and my health to 25%. I don't wanna bitch "it's too difficult". But if somebody could tell me how to atleast somewhat lower their aim or make their bullet resistance not as god-like it would be appreciated!

Edited by: theman703

Jul 31 2014 Anchor

Are you playing 2.1 or 2.1.1? The aim range was decreased in the last update.

Otherwise, have you read this thread ? Moddb.com

Jul 31 2014 Anchor

I am playing 2.1.1 (2.1 + Patch) and yes I read that threat. But the problem isn't the detection range. But rather that their guns have magic accuracy and almost always hit me in the head regardless the range. Does detection range have to do with aiming? I'm not a pro with the Xray engine and tweaks. If the detection range = accuracy I'll lower it, otherwise I think the detection is fine.

I lowered it now. It works kind of. So Thank you!

kcs123 Just Kcs123
Jul 31 2014 Anchor

Detection range is somehow tied with eye_range, but there is also other values that influence AI accuracy.
There is several thread on Mod optimization forum, like Stiivais' misc tweak that changes various values for AI. Download his tweak and look at altered files, so you will get a clue what you need to change to adjust AI to your preference.

Besides mentioned, there is some older posts that provides more explanation for AI, just search mod optimization forum.


Jul 31 2014 Anchor

Thank you very much. I'll look into. Hopefully not get sniped by shotguns etc. anymore.

Oct 6 2014 Anchor

I'm playing the 2.1.1 version, but the Bandit's (Or are they Mercenaries actually?) at the Mercenary Camp have Aimbot grade aim and do detect you from distances that are insane. The only way I could get the laptop was to sneak in from the back, get in and out without running into anybody. It's just ridiculous.

Edited by: StalkerFan1986

Oct 6 2014 Anchor

The waste station is just a messy place because there are no good cover positions which cover the area. any other enemy squad or fix points can be easily flanked to get higher/better ground which will enable you to ambush them. In general you always have to change position, never stay in the same spot they will figure out where you are sooner or later or hit you with granades. always Hit & run. some of them kill themselves when they trough their fancy granades at the wall right in front of them because you changed your spot.


Bonesetter - You look a touch pale, how about a little injection or two?

Oct 6 2014 Anchor

I found out Ai aiming is bit on the super human side, but still quite realistic according to weapon stats. Most Ak family rifles are quite effective withing 200 - 300 meter range, they are just not that accurate when fire full auto. I can see if Ai using semi-auto they can land some good hits at their current range. In game they can land insane hits while spray on full auto, which is quite overwhelming when facing 4 or 5 of them at same time. It's like facing suppressing fire from snipers.
Then it brought back the point which Misery was intended to do. Hard, very very hard games. Human players are far superior to any gaming Ai, so increased Ai difficulty will force players to explore other tactics, other methods to gain an upper hand.
I normally don't go head to head against large pack of mercs armed to the teeth. There are always other means to take them out such as sneaking behind or snipe from max distance.
For Mercs at water process plant, the ideal sniping spot is actually on the South plateau where the chopper crashed in front of snork cave. Stand at the edge of the plateau with decent sniper rifle, player can land good shoots and pull back into forest and out of mercs range. Some of them will try to loot their fallen teammate and set themselves up for another sniper round.

Oct 7 2014 Anchor

Twice now I've done the waste processing plant with no armour using a scoped weapon on the bridge. First time I used an old akm I found and second time as a sniper I bought a kar98. Position yourself on the runners of the flat bed truck and lean out and shoot at the guy at the eastern entrance. One hit should draw them all out to the bridge where the warily pace back and forward trying to get a clean shot. They rarely do. Some will go off to the side of the bridge but there's no better shot there and eventually one by one they all end up walking up the bridge toward you. It's a long walk so there's plenty of time to take them all out one by one and there's nowhere for them to go to flank you. Literally shooting fish in a barrel / Mercs on a bridge.

Oct 7 2014 Anchor

That's not bad tactic. I dislike bridge myself since I fall off more than once and I hate radiations and anomoly on the bridge.
Mercs can not climb down ladders of the sewer in the plant, that's usually the best place to ambush them. Kill one and retreat into sewer, climb up another hole and do the same thing. Will take a lot of time and some luck too, but it is workable and works for whoever does not have good gears.

Oct 7 2014 Anchor

That's not bad tactic. I dislike bridge myself since I fall off more than once and I hate radiations and anomoly on the bridge.
Mercs can not climb down ladders of the sewer in the plant, that's usually the best place to ambush them. Kill one and retreat into sewer, climb up another hole and do the same thing. Will take a lot of time and some luck too, but it is workable and works for whoever does not have good gears.

Oct 7 2014 Anchor

Lol not fallen off the bridge yet, but I have to say, I only did the ambush and transaction missions plus the schevenko stashes and had enough for the black gas mask which took care of all the radiation on the bridge. Climb the ladders and travel top to avoid all the anomalies.

My initial tactic was the tunnels but they came down via the pool and bum rushed me. I literally didn't have the stopping power to keep them back, even with a UMP and du rounds.

Whilst both tactics utilise bottling the enemy to avoid flanking and heatseeking grenades, the bridge allows you to keep them away from you and all the parts of the truck act as cover, mirrors, cab, wheel arches giving you enough space to shoot but not enough to be shot from such a range. Downsides are you need a scoped, accurate weapon, toz won't do, and if you get fog it can make it difficult to kill with headshot cause of the range, the targets become fuzzy shadows.

The bridge is the only way I've managed to clear the plant in misery with poor gear, the only other option which I used in vanilla was the wee hut in the grounds of the plant. I'd sit in there and snipe mercs but it's just too close and misery mercs will heatseek you no problem. Also, snorks one time managed to kill me through the BACK wall of the hut from outside. So there's that.

Edited by: htkblazer

Oct 9 2014 Anchor

I too noticed Mercs with their "superior" weapon skills. These guys can use pistol and still hit me at range where sniper rifle would be required.
AI tends to use anything in their hands and still can achieve insane shots where it would be impossible for players. I have tried lure mercs on the bridge tactic, still bit hard for me to get hang of it. The turds from substation trolling the swamp also does the same thing. Hits me from mile away while in and out of grass, seriously hard to see where the shots are coming from.
I do suggest modify the eye sight and alife range bit yourself if you have trouble seeing bullets coming from pistols and set marksmanship world record at mile range.

Oct 9 2014 Anchor

Do you use third person view?

Oct 9 2014 Anchor

No first person view all the way

Oct 9 2014 Anchor

has anyone tried travelling there with a strong stalker squad? I think you spawn to the south east complex so not the ideal firing position but maybe there is enough time to fast flank them to the very north east where you spawn as recon..

that group traveling is absolutely amazing for the iron forest, controllers die all immediatly, at the very least the cover you and take a lot down..definatly worth the couple of grand.

I just cleared the waste station, used my shitty m4 with 2x scope, still waiting to find a FAL para -.-
I might just reload and try that with the stalkers actually


Bonesetter - You look a touch pale, how about a little injection or two?

Oct 9 2014 Anchor

My tactic has worked several times but I may have the edge cause I'm a slave to third person view... And I will justify it as like using the telescopic mirror often found knocking about! :)

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