Blue Planet: War In Heaven
Futuristic SimEighteen years have passed since FreeSpace 2 and the destruction of Capella, and the shattered colonies of man are finally ready to re-open the jump node...
Thousands of years after the Capella supernova, the cosmic destroyers are once again at war, which is determined to change the course of time forever. Shattered Stars is a fan-made epilogue to the FreeSpace saga. It is currently under development and will be a standalone and completely free download.
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Eighteen years have passed since FreeSpace 2 and the destruction of Capella, and the shattered colonies of man are finally ready to re-open the jump node...
Into the Halls of Valhalla is played several years after the incident of Capella and casts Commander Wesley McCrae, a veteran to the Second Shivan Incursion...
As a pilot of the Neo Terran Front and devoted servant of Admiral Aken H. Bosch, fight the Galactic Terran Vasudan Alliance.
The Silent Threat: Reborn project is one that improves on the original Silent Threat campaign by removing out-of-place missions, fixing buggy missions...
The FreeSpace Port is a user-made FreeSpace 2 port of the main Descent: FreeSpace campaign, created by GalacticEmperor and Goober5000.
Allows the highest widescreen display mode for all Mechwarrior 2:31stC/GBL/Mercs games (MS-DOS only). Play through Dosbox, D-Fend or similar emulator/frontend...
The Luyten Civil War is a user-made campaign for FreeSpace 2. From a narrative perspective, LCW is a traditional military campaign, with more emphasis...
The Procyon Insurgency is a classic campaign and expansion pack for Freespace 2. It begins in the year 2368, 18 months after the end of the main Freespace...
This is a FreeSpace 2 mod where FreeSpace 2 got ripped out and replaced by a satiric luddonarrative commentary on Beta Testing, a transformatively transformative...
Nukemod is a massive collection of custom ships and weapons for Freespace 2 Open which i have been working on for several years now. The mod currently...
A storytelling experiment and a demonstration of tactics-based gameplay in the FreeSpace Open engine.