Bounce. Climb. Hook. Re:Mobilize is a Quake modification that introduces three new movement-based mechanics to the game, opening up devious new challenges to players and a whole new dimension of possibilities for level designers. Trampolines: Perform death-defying leaps of faith across even the most intimidating gaps and chasms. Wiremeshes: Nothing can stop you, not even gravity itself. More than just simple ladders, these surfaces let you move up, down, sideways, and even hang from ceilings. Lighthook and Lightpanels: The lighthook's purely photonic composition allows it to instantly latch onto any visible lightpanel, regardless of distance. You'll be hooked in no time - literally.

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One year after the original release of Re:Mobilize, the renowned platforming-based single player mod for Quake makes a triumphant Re:turn!

This update to Re:Mobilize brings with it 9 new maps (4 from the Re:Collections Jam and 5 brand-new ones), as well as new features for mappers, including magnets, traps like sawblades and fire/steam, and convenience utilities like trigger_startup and trigger_loop.

Magnets apply an attractive or repulsive force to various entities, including players, monsters, weapon projectiles, and dropped items, which mappers can use in a variety of different contexts, such as swirling fans, antigravity areas, traps (like black holes, space vacuums, etc.) and, of course, literal magnets. Sawblades from Dissolution of Eternity also make an appearance, as well as gas shooters for fire and steam from the popular Arcane Dimensions mod. With these three new utilities, used in conjunction with the existing three gameplay mechanics (trampolines, wiremeshes, and lighthooks), mappers have new ways to create innovative and challenging maps that test the player's movement just as much as their fighting skills.


rm polarity 2024 06 23 23 09 17

Pictured: Reverse Polarity by RecycledOJ

New Maps and Map Changes

All 4 maps from Re:Mobilize Jam 1: Re:Collections:

  • Artificial Respiration (rm_respiration) by alexUnder
  • Civic Ascent (rm_civic) by Shadesmaster
  • RE:2M6 (rm_re2m6) by Chuma
  • Trial of Maahes (rm_maahes) by EmeraldTiger

5 never-before-seen maps:

  • Amniotic Resurgence (rm_resurgence) by zbidou72
  • Nascent Myopia (rm_myopia) by rabbit
  • Reverse Polarity (rm_polarity) by RecycledOJ
  • Station of Minak (rm_minak) by Ninjasaurus/Radhsar
  • The Cabin (rm_cabin) by gw_x9

rm maahes 2024 06 23 23 07 04

Pictured: Trial of Maahes by EmeraldTiger

Changes to 1.1 and Re:Collections Maps

  • Echoes of Repurcussion by iYago: Various fixes.

  • Peak Memory Usage & Beneath the Frozen Moon by tonhao: Added teleporters that can be used to quickly return back to previous areas in case of failed trampoline jumps.

  • RE:2M6 by Chuma: Renamed to simply "RE:2M6" for consistency with Spootnik's "RE:1M8". Fixed hook panels that were using the wrong beam color/sounds, and a wiremesh that was using metal sounds despite having a wood texture.

  • Trial of Maahes by EmeraldTiger: New music track that plays when the arena battle begins: Egyptian Warriors by Derek & Brandon Fiechter. Added 2 additional secrets. Added blinking lights to switches to make it more clear that they're activated or deactivated. Moved a Hell Knight from the nailgun room to the switch that activates the lightpanel in the adjacent room, made it appear in all difficulties, and indicated where the player should go after climbing back up from pressing the switch on the wiremeshes. Added an additional set of arrow traps on the floor between the rocket trap deactivation room and the ledge overseeing the rocket trap/lava hallways.

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Pictured: Nascent Myopia by rabbit

New Mapper Features and Code Changes

  • Magnets, implemented as a brush entity called "trigger_magnet", allow you to impart realistic attractive/repulsive forces onto various applicable entities while inside its boundaries. As the name implies, these can be used for magnet-like objects or surfaces, and are also useful for rotating fans, localized antigravity areas, and traps like black holes or space/air vacuums. These are not considered a major mechanic like trampolines, wiremeshes, and lighthooks, but can be used in tandem with them to create interesting experiences. The map "magnets.bsp" and "" are provided in this update to allow mappers to study magnets and their functionality in a controlled environment.

  • trap_buzzsaw, directly based on the buzzsaws from Dissolution of Eternity with some minor visual improvements (smoother rotations and movement compared to the jittery DoE versions) from Arcane Dimensions, with adjustable speed and damage, along with toggle support. (Due to engine limitations with bounding boxes, buzzsaws should always be orthogonal, i.e. no diagonal sawblades)

  • trap_gas, inspired by Arcane Dimension's similar entities, which can either spew fire (style=1) or hot steam (style=2) with adjustable spread, speed, and damage, along with toggle support.

  • trigger_startup, a point entity that fires its targets on map load, acting as the Quake 1 equivalent of Quake 2's trigger_always.

  • trigger_loop, a point entity that continuously fires its targets on a regular interval (defined by the "wait" key), with the ability to be triggered on/off.

  • func_trains now support "synctarget" and "mangles" fields, as well as the "invisible" spawnflag. Invisible (16) does exactly what it says and makes it so the func_train cannot be seen (recommend to combine with spawnflags 8: nonsolid). Invisible trains are intended to be used with the new "synctarget" feature, in which func_trains will cast out a trace in the direction of their mangles key, and any entity hit whose targetname matches the func_train's synctarget field will be triggered.

  • func_door and func_train now supports the "dmg_take" field, changing what situations the door inflicts damage to the player. When dmg_take = 0, the door damages only when blocked, as per normal behavior. If dmg_take = 1, the door damages just by being touched, even if not blocked. dmg_take = 2 is somewhere in between, damaging when blocked and also if touched while in motion, while being harmless when the door is still. Useful for moving obstacles like spikes.

  • trigger_once, trigger_multiple, and trigger_secret now support playing custom sounds via the "noise" key upon being touched.

  • trigger_explosion now supports the "keep_ammo" field. If set to 1, the explosion entity will remain even after the animation finishes. By default, the explosion entity disappears once the animation concludes. This allows the same explosion to be triggered multiple times.

  • "No bouncing" spawnflag for monsters, which will cause them to land on a trampoline and be cushioned instead of bouncing as per normal behavior.

  • "No monsters" spawnflag for magnets, preventing them from affecting monsters that are within their trigger zone.

  • progs_dump 3.0 manual is now bundled in Re:Mobilize (Thanks to dumptruck_ds for permission to do so)

  • Fixes a bug where demons could jump out of the map while autohooked (originally fixed in Re:Mobilize Jam 1: Re:Collections)
Re:Mobilize - Re:Thinking Quake Level Design

Re:Mobilize - Re:Thinking Quake Level Design

Feature 5 comments

Bounce. Climb. Hook. Re:Mobilize is a Quake modification that introduces three new movement-based mechanics to the game, opening up devious new challenges...

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Re:Mobilize 1.0

Re:Mobilize 1.0

Full Version 1 comment

Bounce. Climb. Hook. Re:Mobilize is a Quake modification that introduces three new movement-based mechanics to the game, opening up devious new challenges...

Re:Mobilize 1.2

Re:Mobilize 1.2

Full Version 2 comments

This update to Re:Mobilize brings with it 9 new maps (4 from the Re:Collections Jam and 5 brand-new ones), as well as new features for mappers, including...

Re:Mobilize 1.1

Re:Mobilize 1.1

Full Version 2 comments

This update to Re:Mobilize introduces several improvements to both the maps and the code for the mechanics, resolving some commonly cited issues with...

Daniel_Gibson - - 3 comments

Hint for Linux users: For this to work on Linux (tested with Quakespasm), you need to rename rm1.1/Pak0.pak to rm1.1/pak0.pak (lowercase)

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FanProgrammer - - 426 comments

Good luck.

PD: Level editor?

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h4724 - - 6 comments

Most (all?) mappers for this used the TrenchBroom level editor.

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EmeraldTiger Creator
EmeraldTiger - - 7 comments

Thank you!

Progs_dump is a development kit for Quake created by dumptruck_ds, which adds a whole bunch of new entities and features, letting you do complex scripting, custom keys and monsters, breakable objects, and so much more. Dumptruck_ds has a playlist covering his mod and it's quite interesting:

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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