The goal of this mod is to give the player the possibility to build up a trade empire, with buildable manufactures in the city's, buyable land in the villages, your own caravans and so on. Cause you need consumers, a population system has been implemented, with 3 classes of people (Worker, Merchant and Rich), with different demands. Every city and village produces it's own goods, based on location and culture. The political system has been changed, npcs now have a character that influences theyr behavior. They try to kill each other not only on battlefields. There are also changes to the campaign and battlefield AI, completly new troops, hundreds of new items, scenes and much more.

Forum Thread
THE COURT!!! (Games : Mount & Blade: Warband : Mods : Mercantilism Mod : Forum : Things i would like to see in the mod. : THE COURT!!!) Locked
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Aug 5 2015 Anchor

Posted by WilltheGamer on the official Taleworlds forum.

An idea I had that would be very cool for a monarch would be The Court. When a Monarch holds his court, he sits on the throne and people come to him with their troubles. He must then rule on how he would like to proceed. Here are some examples of quests given at the court. These quests can be done yourself, or a loyal lord can be dispatched to do them in your stead. If a lord fails a mission, he will return to you apologetically, and his "Respect Level" will drop, if he has failed enough quests, he may even be demoted a rank.

Standard Functions of the Court:
1. Renaming the Country.
2. Taking oaths from prospective lords.
3. Managing the Treasury.
4. Changing Tax levels. (Merchant Tax, Food Tax, Land Tax)(Tax Free, Low, Medium, High, Very High)
5. Sitting on the throne and resolving issues in the kingdom.
6. Assigning orders to loyal lords. (Attack, Defend, Patrol, Hunt Bandits, Protect the Roads, etc.)
7. Asking an audience with an In Service Lord to have them go on a mission. (Request them to take a loyal lords normal actions.)
8. Sending Emissaries to other nations. (Ask for peace/declare war/political marriage/hold international feast/request trade agreement)
9. Upgrading your throne room. (AKA: Bigger hall, bigger fire places, larger tables, more guards, a bigger throne, etc.)
10. Asking the adviser about the next best course of action. (Will give random Monarch tutorial-like advice)
11. Holding Tournaments. (International or National)
12. Electing a First Prince/Princess
13. Officially Marrying your Lords to their wives

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