The goal of this mod is to give the player the possibility to build up a trade empire, with buildable manufactures in the city's, buyable land in the villages, your own caravans and so on. Cause you need consumers, a population system has been implemented, with 3 classes of people (Worker, Merchant and Rich), with different demands. Every city and village produces it's own goods, based on location and culture. The political system has been changed, npcs now have a character that influences theyr behavior. They try to kill each other not only on battlefields. There are also changes to the campaign and battlefield AI, completly new troops, hundreds of new items, scenes and much more.

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The Bandit/Criminal/Warlord style of Gameplay (Games : Mount & Blade: Warband : Mods : Mercantilism Mod : Forum : Things i would like to see in the mod. : The Bandit/Criminal/Warlord style of Gameplay) Locked
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Aug 5 2015 Anchor

Posted by WilltheGamer on the official Taleworlds forum.

Another style of gameplay that I think could be expanded upon in many different ways, opening up new ways for players to experience the world of Calradia.

When I think of bandit I think of men wandering the lands just looking to rob someone easy to catch for easy cash. This is something I don't see a player really focusing on, and it's already in the game for the most part so I will focus my thoughts on other areas.

When I think Crime Lord a whole lot of new ways to play the game come to mind. Extortion, Corruption, Merchant Lord, Gang Mentality, Drug Deals, Untouchable member of society. Things of those nature which are a lot more interesting than a common bandits life.

When I think of a Warlord, many different types of Warlords come to mind. Some Warlords fight for a country and seek War, some Warlords fight only for men who pay them well with an allegiance to nobody. Some Warlords go wherever there is battle for the simple joy of combat. Some Warlords become conquerors and seek a throne and title. Many things come to mind when I think of Warlord. So many different ways to play come as well :3

Thoughts that come to mind when thinking of a bandit style of gameplay:
Warrants for your arrest
Dodging the law
Laying low in towns
Starting criminal networks
Starting drug rings
Starting extortion rings
Influencing Politics
Bribing Guards
Striking fear
Raiding Towns and Castles
Wandering NPC Bandit Lords.
Finding a battle, and fighting for the person who pays you the most, and what better way to put use to a rogue army, than to enter a battlefield and be the deciding factor, for a price.

Persuasion Change - Intimidate/Charm Honor Rating
One idea that popped into my head the other day was why isn't persuasion more useful in a time like this? I mean look at Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones. He is a midget but he holds more power in a sense than the king himself. So one idea I had was adding a Charm/Intimidate feature to the game that is affected by your honor rating.

For example:
Lets say you come to a caravan and you want it to sell you some of its goods on the cheap so you can resell them later at a higher price. However the caravan master is a strict man and he will not have his honor stained by such a thing. Normally you could just attack the caravan and take what you wanted, but this leads to an opportunity to put the persuasion skill into use.

Instead you are given different options:
Attack the Caravan - Goods are free but risks war with a faction or large loss of honor or even losing a "noble" companion.
Charm the Caravan Master - Requires Female/Persuasion level 5 - No loss of honor and allows you to buy 30% cheaper.
Intimidate the Caravan Master - Requires negative honor/overwhelming force/Persuasion level 2 - Allows you to buy their cargo 30% cheaper and does not start a war with faction and only minor loss of honor.
Bribe the Caravan Master - Requires Persuasion level 3 and costs you 100 gold, but you get to buy all his goods 30% cheaper.

I think these options would give new ways of looking at Sex Choice/Caravan Sightings/Deeper thought about Honor and the way people in the world perceive your character. This can also be applied to many other areas of the game, such as:
Winning over Town Officials to change tax policies
Change the opinions of guards stopping your caravans
Changing the minds of lords besieging a town
Changing the minds of villagers who seek to resist you
Persuading a King to give you a fief
Persuading a Lord to marry or allow you to marry

And any number of other ideas you could come up with in conversational segments. Adding this segment opens up new gameplay options to people who want to build up skill in the path of a leader rather than a warrior.

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