The goal of this mod is to give the player the possibility to build up a trade empire, with buildable manufactures in the city's, buyable land in the villages, your own caravans and so on. Cause you need consumers, a population system has been implemented, with 3 classes of people (Worker, Merchant and Rich), with different demands. Every city and village produces it's own goods, based on location and culture. The political system has been changed, npcs now have a character that influences theyr behavior. They try to kill each other not only on battlefields. There are also changes to the campaign and battlefield AI, completly new troops, hundreds of new items, scenes and much more.

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Court Quests: (Games : Mount & Blade: Warband : Mods : Mercantilism Mod : Forum : Things i would like to see in the mod. : Court Quests:) Locked
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Aug 5 2015 Anchor

Posted by WilltheGamer on the official Taleworlds forum.

Claiming a Fief
Vassals asking you take take fiefs for them. If a vassal was part of another faction, and he was stripped of his territory, he may come to court asking you if you can take it back for him.
You will be given the options:
1. Yes, if you say yes you will be prompted with another menu. This menu will ask if you want to take the fief yourself, or send a group. If you click do it yourself, taking that fief will be added to your quest log, and you will have 30 days to complete it. If you click send a group, you will be asked to select loyal lords to go and attack that fief. The highest ranking lord will be Marshall and they will set out immediately to conquer it.
2. Sorry, but I cannot at this time. This will cause the loyal lord to lose a little respect for you, and he will come back later to ask again. If that fief is taken before he returns you can give it to him for a massive bonus to respect and loyalty. If you give it to someone else, they will be outraged and lose respect and loyalty. This will only happen if a Lord gives you this quest in court, if the player has no idea, no bonus or loss will be added once the fief is captured.

Attacking Bandit Lairs
Villagers will come to you every so often seeking aid when villagers of your faction have spotted a bandit lair having popped up nearby. Accepting this quest and doing it yourself will gain you popularity. Sending a lord on this mission will gain them respect. Declining will make you lose popularity, and bandit armies in the area will increase in size.

Emissaries with Alliances
Sometimes foreign nations will send Emissaries seeking peace. Accepting will grant you popularity and right to rule. Declining will make you lose popularity with your nation and theirs.

Emissaries for War
Sometimes provoked foreign nations or ones that see opportunity for gain will declare war on you, but will send you an official emissary beforehand. You can choose to accept war, nothing will happen. Or you can ask for peace, this can be done through Promises, A Plea(Persuasion check), or large sum of gold. If they accept your push for peace, they will be locked in a truce for 30 days.

Emissaries with Demands
Foreign Emissaries may come asking you return land that rightfully belongs to their nation. They can also come demanding trade agreements, gold for continued peace, marriage for continued peace, food for their hungry, and many other miscellaneous requests. These can be accepted at the possible cost of allied respect or loyalty, but you will gain foreign popularity. If you decline, it could start a war, or make you lose popularity, or nothing at all depending on the severity of the request.

Emissaries with Political Marriage Proposals
Sometimes an Emissary will come with a proposal that your empires become closer. They will either offer a marriage to one of your unwed lords, or they will ask for one of your unwed daughters. Saying yes will bring your nations closer, saying no will have no repercussions.

Emissaries inviting your Lords to international feasts
Sometimes Emissaries from friendly foreign nations will invite you to their feasts. This will not be something you can accept or decline, it will simply add a quest in your quest log for 3 days. If you go, your popularity with their nation will rise once you speak to the monarch. If you do not go, nothing will happen.

Starving Villages
Often times recently looted villages or very poor villages will come asking for your support. They will ask you to send them cows to help rebuild their food supply. If you say yes, you will have to pay a sum for a certain number of cows but you will gain popularity and the village will grow much faster, if you say no, you will lose popularity and that village will take longer to grow.

Villages under attack by Bandits
If a village is being held captive by bandits, then frightened villagers will come to you asking for you to free it. You can choose to do it yourself, send a lord, or decline.

Villagers asking to rebuild looted Villages
When a village is looted it takes 7 days to rebuild that village and start collecting rents from it again. If between that time you are at court, villagers will approach you asking for aid. Depending on the size of the village they will ask you for a certain sum of money to send a caravan full of supplies to that village.
1. Agreeing will cost you the sum and send a caravan to that village. If it is destroyed, they will come asking again. If it arrives, you will gain popularity.
2. Declining will lose you popularity.

Disputes between Lords
Sometimes lords will approach you with a dispute, sometimes over a girl, a fief, a castle, a town, racism, nationalism, or any various other number of petty squabbles you can come up with. Choosing one or the other can gain and lose you popularity, while blowing them off will make you lose popularity.

Adviser asking you to upgrade a town
When you have few other pressing matters, and a village/castle/city isn't being upgraded your Adviser will ask you to upgrade it. You can agree and proceed with his suggested upgrade, or decline and nothing will happen.

Adviser asking you to raise/lower taxes
Every now and then if the Adviser sees the taxes are low, or the taxes are too high he will come to you with his concerns. Raising taxes will always make you gain weekly income, but lose popularity. Lowering taxes will always make you lose income, but gain popularity. Keeping the taxes the same will do nothing.

Adviser asking you to stop rebels
Occasionally if your popularity meter is low, a village or castle will start a rebellion. If this happens your adviser will ask you to quell it. You can choose to do it yourself or send a lord. If you ignore it they will become stronger.

Adviser asking you to defeat a Rogue Lord
If a Rogue Lord holds lands bordering your nation, your adviser will approach you and will tell you that you could conquer his land without offending anyone and still increase the size of the empire. Saying yes will add a quest, or you can send an available lord. You can decline and nothing will happen.

Adviser asking you to hold a tournament
Every now and then when your popularity is high, and you are at peace, your adviser will ask you to hold a tournament to keep the troops in shape and the sense of nationalism high. Saying yes will cost you gold but increase popularity. Declining will do nothing.

These are all just examples of things you can add to have a more lively court.

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