I made historically accurate sub mod of Imperial Destroyer to fit the 1783, 1800. With this mod, you can play same save file while changing the versions. It means you can see the changes of units and uniforms on same save file, from 1700 to 1800. Please enjoy, and wait for my next update.

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Imperial Destroyer ver.1800


This is a sub mod for Imperial Destoryer.

It consist of three version; ver. 1700, ver. 1783, ver. 1800.

With this mod, you can play Imperial Destroyer mod from 1700 to 1800 with changing the game file (ver. 1700, ver. 1783, ver. 1800) without changing the savefile.

It means you can see the changes of uniform in one savefile.

Just copy and paste the files of exacurate version for your savefile's year to the data folder.

ex) If you reach 1783 in your savefile, turn off the game, and change the files to ver. 1783, and then play again.

Same to 1800.

*Most parts of this mod came from 1800 mod.

I apologize to use their models without permission. I couldn't reach them.

If there's a problem with it, I'll edit or delete my mod.

Below links are 1805/1800 mod.



*Many parts of this mod came from Imperial Splendour mod. (Most of Danish and Swedish units, the hat of Russian and British soldiers, etc.)

Thanks for their generous permission to use.

You can find and download Imperial Splendour mod at below link




After installing the Imperial destoryer mod,


just overwrite the files in the data folder where Imperial destroyer mod is installed.


Ver. 1700

ver 1700 logo

ver. 1700 has just a little change from original Imperial Destroyer.

Unit size is doubled from the original, like ver. 1783 and ver. 1800.

And also some units are added for the compatibility with ver. 1783 and ver. 1800.

Unit balance and UI maintains the original to show the respect to the original mod.

Actually, Imperial Destroyer's unit designs, and even the existence of some units are fitted to 7 years war era in the mid 18c.

But as you know, the early campaign start at 1700, so I named this version 1700.

Ver. 1783

ver 1783 logo

The real submod starts form here.

I remodeled the entire units of 22 European factions to fit 1783.

There are some additional units, but none of existing Imperial Destoryer units have been deleted.

Tracking the history of real units, I made disbanded units to general units(ex. Prussian friekorps only existed in 7 years war period was changed to normal hussars), the merged units to merged units, and renomiated units to renominated units.

40guns 1deck frigates, 80guns 2deck ship of the line, Santisima Trinidad is added.

Also the game balance has been adjusted from this version.

Ver. 1800

ver 1800 logo

Now the final version, 1800.

Almost every units which remodeled at ver. 1783 were reworked again to fit the early 19c.

And also reflecting the real history, unit disband(unique units to general units), merge(make them as a same unit), renomination happened again.

ex)Imeprial Guards of France are added, and German units of Britain changed to Kings German Legion units.

40guns 2deck frigates is no more buildable.


I've basically doubled the size of all units. Only Native American Faction maintained the existing unit size, to reflect the difference of national power.

The other balance was also adjusted to reflect the historical change. The biggest one is the cavalry. First of all, most cavalry units were given carbines, and able to fire on horse back, while on the move. Dragoons are also classified as heavy cavalry like in NTW. Their melee stats are raised too. It reflects the actual history of the Dragoons' evolution towards cavalry. The existing 'Regiment of Horse' was classified as heavy cavalry and worked to have similar stats with cuirassiers. (Of course, the stats reflects the effect of cuirass, so they are distinguished by the melee defence, charging, and morale stats)

France received new republican units mostly corresponding to existing units. Most of them will be transformed into republican units after the revolution. In French Republic's roster, the existing line infantry (white jackets) almost remain thier uniform, but can't be newly recruited. Instead, Revolutionary Infantry of blue jacket is able to recruite only in one turn. As the name suggests, it's a mimics NTW's one. Reflecting the Demi-Brigade of real history, it can be recruited only in one turn, and has high morale and melee stats, but accuracy and reloading skill are little insufficient. Anyway, it is easy to rercuite and cheap, so it would be advantageous to make revolution quickly when playing France. Revolutionary Infantry recruited in ver. 1783 will be changed to 'Fusiliers of Line' at 1800 version. It has the stats of normal line infantry and two-turn-recruite.

The United States has no more 'normal militia'. It replaced by the militias of each state. The stats were set in the half of regulars and normal militias.

To highlight advantage of the US, the balance of militias and light infantries are adjusted. Unlike to other factions, American militias are recurited only in one turn. Instead, I lowered the campaign movement points of all militias from 25 to 10. It reflects the historical fact that the state militias were more focus on protecting thier own regions, rather than cooperate to federal goverment during the Revolutionary war and the War of 1812.

Regarding the light infantry, I have adjusted all about the 'stealth'. The 'skirmishers' apear again. Skirmishers can hide in most terrain, can keep its' 'stealth' on the move, and even some units are able to keep its' stealth during the fire. (mainly units in green jackets) Normal light infantry can hide just in woods and bushes, and line infantry can only hide in woods. The detection distance of normal units has been greatly lowered, but the dection distance of light infantry and light cavalry has been slightly raised. Light infantry/cavalry become more necessary now.


I also reworked the unit cards.

Unit card show not only their army branches, but also their affiliations.

ex) Hannover units, EIC troops in Britain, Holstein units in Russia, Kurpflaz troops in Munster.

I hope this work would increase your satisfaction with the historical play.

(Actually, I wanted to upload all the related references, but I didn't have enough time to organize all the data I collected for nearly a year and a half. If I have time later, I will organize it and upload it.)

Unit Roster


Aus cav 1

Aus cav 2Aus cav 3

Aus inf 1Aus inf 2Aus inf 3


Bav cav 1

Bav cav 2

Bav cav 3

Bav inf 3Bav inf 1Bav inf 2


Brt cav 1Brt CavBrt cav 2

Brt inf 1Brt inf 2Brt inf 3


Den cav 1Den cav 2Den cav 3

Den inf 1Den inf 2Den inf 3

France, Monarchy

Frm cav 2Frm cav 3Frm cav 4

Frm inf 1Frm inf 2Frm inf 3

France, Republic

Frp cav 2Frp cav 3Frp cav 4

Frp inf 1Frp inf 2Frp inf 3


Hnv cav 1Hnv cav 2Hnv cav 3

Hnv inf 1Hnv inf 2Hnv inf 3

Munster (Westphalia)

Mus cav 1Mus cav 2Wst cav

Mus inf 1Mus inf 2Wst inf

Naples&Sicily (Sicily)

Nap cav 1

Nap cav 2

Nap cav 3

Nap inf 1Nap inf 2Nap inf 3


Nth cav 1Nth cav 2Nth cav 3

Nth inf 1Nth inf 2Nth inf 3

Rzeczpospolita(Duchy of Warsaw)

Pol cavPol cav 2Pol cav 3

Pol inf 1Pol inf 2Pol inf 3


Port cav

Port cav 1

Prt cav 1

Port infPort inf 1Prt inf


Pru cav 1Pru cav 2Pru cav 3

Pru inf 1Pru inf 2Pru inf 3


Rus cav 1Rus cav 2Rus cav 3

Rus inf 1Rus inf 2Rus inf 3


Sav cav

Sav cav 1

Sav cav 2

Sav infSav inf 1Sav inf 2


Sax cav 4Sax cav 2Sax cav 3

Sax inf 1Sax inf 2Sax inf 3


Spn cav 1Spn cav 2Spn cav 3

Spn inf 1Spn inf 2Spn inf 3


Swe cav 1Swe cav 2Swe cav 3

Swe inf 1Swe inf 2Swe inf 3

United States of America

Usa cavUSA cav 1

Usa infUsa inf 1USA inf 1


Wrt cavWrt cav 1Wur cav 1

Wrt infWrt inf 1Wur inf 1

Imperial Destroyer ver.1783

Imperial Destroyer ver.1783

Skinning Tutorial

The first release of Imperial Destroyer ver.1783 This article contains the explanation and installation instruction. My time is limited now, so I used...

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Imperial Destroyer ver.1800 patch 2

Imperial Destroyer ver.1800 patch 2

Full Version 7 comments

Crash with Sweden and Courland units was fixed. Some French and Courland units were adjusted. Some Naval units were adjusted.

Imperial Destroyer ver.1783 patch 6

Imperial Destroyer ver.1783 patch 6

Full Version 1 comment

Some French and Courlandish units were adjusted. Some Naval units were adjusted.

Imperial Destoryer ver.1700 patch 4

Imperial Destoryer ver.1700 patch 4

Full Version

Courland got it's own cavalry units. (it's not distinguishable from common units)

Imperial Destroyer ver.1783 patch 5 (Perished)

Imperial Destroyer ver.1783 patch 5 (Perished)

Full Version

Some French unit's uniform is corrected, and other minor fixes.

Imperial Destroyer ver.1800 (Perished)

Imperial Destroyer ver.1800 (Perished)

Full Version 25 comments

Finally, the 1800! Welcome to the 19th century. :)

Imperial Destroyer ver.1783 patch 4 (Perished)

Imperial Destroyer ver.1783 patch 4 (Perished)

Full Version 10 comments

Netherlands, Saxony, Hannover, Munster, Wurttemberg got it's own Artillery units.

Comments  (0 - 10 of 162)
lewisjames - - 16 comments

Hi mate I've read that you're busy but is it possible when you have time if you can add the Generals bodyguard as a recruit-able unit please, thank you :)

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Guest - - 706,751 comments

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hongjustinliam - - 10 comments

when is the next update

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Albert_Kim Creator
Albert_Kim - - 120 comments

Currently, I'm really busy in my real life. I'll try to fix the problems you guys pointed and update, but can't guarantee the actual date. I'll handle it as fast as I can

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 706,751 comments

For me imperial destroyer is unplayable without this gameplay options:
increase income
more ammo and cannon from moddb
all diplomatic options
canon range aka bsm
Do they work with this submod? I think they should but I dont sure about more ammo and cannon from modb

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JohnDePreubens - - 132 comments

i did request him about ammo problem and he increase the ammo for units to double but i think the problem will still perist during long battle where units can run out of ammo

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thegreatkorean - - 7 comments

Do I install the 1783 version and start from there?

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Mehoni - - 40 comments

Hello, I wish you would make an imperial destroyer-style mod for the napoleon total war game, a mod that covers the years 1793 1800 1812.

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Albert_Kim Creator
Albert_Kim - - 120 comments

Sorry. That's a huge work, and I can't spend much time like before.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
hongjustinliam - - 10 comments

Hey im using vdm now and everytime i want to open an event on vdm like the game menu thing gets in the way and i cant open it unless i end turn even if i
Open minister of justice for the conspiracy thing the game menu kinda glitch still gets in the way is there any way u can fix it ive been loving this mod alot!

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Albert_Kim Creator
Albert_Kim - - 120 comments

Um.. I played my mod with VDM over 100 turns, but it there wasn't any problem like that. I recommend you to reinstall VDM and this submod.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
keyinnoodles - - 19 comments

i just did and im still having the problem

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