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Hello, everyone. It's been a long time since the last post and during that time, besides dealing with education system and exams IRL, I was also working on a new HDTFremen update aimed on big improvements of the mapping and game experience.

I already made a lot of changes some of which are new sounds for UI and some weapons, reanimated models for all new guns, redesigned hud and many more. I also merged the build with MapBase V6.0 to have all it's benefits that already helped very much during development.

I messaged staff of VMC(Valve Modding Community) discord server and they provided me a text-channel on their server where I currently post all my progress and discuss everything regarding the development. The server is nice and there are lot of nice people, just don't visit off-topic haha. So if you're interested you might join their server and find Fremen's Foes channel there and find interesting people aswell. VMC Discord link below:



- Remember. No HDTF. -

First off, the project's title is getting a change. Previously the update was supposed to be titled as "Remastered", but after some reconsiderations I decided it was too clickbaity and the word Redux is a much better match for the update. As for the mod's title, there have been many confusions with it, as people didn't understand it's idea and some others even read it wrong. I had different options for what to choose, one of them was "Eliminate the Fremen", but that's just a rephrasing of HDTF. I asked different people for their opinions on my dilemma. So eventually I came up with a better title that refers to rebels or rather the player and his company. In my opinion the new name is much better.





- Reworks -

The biggest feature of the future update are the reworked maps. Reworked maps are slightly extended and improved, but have the same feel and style as their previous versions. I actually started to care about the way my maps look and I pay much more attention to details, lighting and textures now. Poor mapping was a major downside of current versions of the mod. More game events and puzzles are added on each map, as well as new places.

In other words, the main purpose is to increase the overall quality of the mod and player's experience.

Currently, I have finished Chapter 1 and I have fully reworked 4/5 maps from Chapter 2. These are comparison screenshots of what is currently in the DC version and what is in the Redux.






- Another shotgunner?! -

Introducing a new Combine enemy - Elite Shotgunner. Resistance members really love normal shotgunners, especially on hard difficulty, so Sobyaka's Military Council decided it was a great idea to form a new unit.

These boys are much faster and have much better armor than their vanilla brothers. And I'm not joking, they RUN and shoot really fast. They can toss a grenade that you definitely won't have enough time to throw back at them and even if you do, that would be useless as they are blast proof. Legends say that Commander Ronald from REBATCO got his shotgun as a trophy from one of these guys. It's best to not get close to these devilish buckshot cyclops.

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- A stealth that works -

The stealth system also got remade from scratch. The newer system got inspired by a system from Deus Ex. The cameras got more fair towards the player. They require a couple of seconds to detect an enemy and a same amount of time to forget any suspicious activity. Sobyaka Security also installed these blue lasers that will activate the alarm if something touches them.

I had to make Combine soldiers unable to hit an alarm by themselves, as making NPC senses work fair and correctly was unhumanly hard, so I decided to look for alternatives. One of them is this Combine NoiseMeter, which hears any noises made by the player, including footsteps, gunshots and even door opening. If either player makes too much noise or combine soldiers happen to shoot near it, NoiseMeter will activate an alarm, calling for reinforcements and enabling a bunch of military turrets that will be happy to turn unlucky rebel into swiss cheese. Here you can take a look at the demonstration videos below.

That's all for today, I hope you enjoyed reading this post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below. Stay tuned for new updates on the Redux version development.

Hunt Down The Fremen: Director's Cut

Project Cancellation, Latest DevBuild Download

Project Cancellation, Latest DevBuild Download

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Hello there, this is SellFace and I'm here to announce that I'm a total failure as a solo sourcemodder.

July update: FF:R lives. Where have I been?

July update: FF:R lives. Where have I been?

News 4 comments

Previous months turned to be very stressful. Despite that I'm still willing to keep this project alive.

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March Update. This Project's Future is Uncertain

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Introducing new feature: Lockpicking! And the first combat augmentation: Bullet Time! Aswell as some views from the recently finished City-47 rebel hideout...

Fremen's Foes: Redux Chapter 3 Progress: MOTY Edition

Fremen's Foes: Redux Chapter 3 Progress: MOTY Edition

News 3 comments

New progress on redesigning City-47 levels from Chapter 3 of this Bizarre Rebel Adventure Mod. Today you can help rebels take part in this year's MOTY...

RSS Files
Fremen's Foes: Redux Demo

Fremen's Foes: Redux Demo

Demo 2 comments

Step into the shoes of an ordinary Resistance member in the wacky russian City-47. You start with first objective to escape assaulted base by evacuating...

Fremen's Foes: Redux Last DevBuild

Fremen's Foes: Redux Last DevBuild

Full Version

You are an ordinary Resistance member in wacky City-47. Under the command of daring Commander Ronald Rodgers with his powerful crew you start your bizarre...

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OnyeNacho - - 1,346 comments

For some reason, each time I load the mod, it will constantly minimize after a few seconds. is there a way I can change the resolution from the config files at least? I suspect it could be a pre-resolution assumption problem. I have a UHD 3440x1440 display.

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dummymandum - - 2 comments

Honestly, all I (personally) care about is whether or not the game is good. It could take multiple more years for any major progress to be done, but that's OK. Just don't overwork yourself, and remember you aren't working at a AAA company, you don't have to rush a Christmas deadline.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
DarkMaster03 - - 124 comments

Take your time man, don't work on this if you don't want to, do new things, find new passions, take a break from this and maybe in the future the passion will come back (or not).

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beefburrito-23 - - 52 comments

can you change our character model to male07 pls

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
FlippedOutKyrii - - 3,559 comments

The Demo is a hell of an improvement over the original release, can't wait to see more!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Guest - - 699,937 comments

Demo is not the same as the video walkthru. Confusing game.

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Syph0 - - 528 comments

It's time.

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BionicCoyote - - 1,255 comments

Streamed my complete walkthrough of the demo version of this mod! Check out the VOD here (gameplay starts at 1:50:40)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
doitall - - 478 comments

Here is some gameplay from this mod, feel free to use the footage for whatever!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
YossarianAssyrian - - 82 comments

The Redux announcement and new content looks really cool! I'm excited for the mod!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
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