New Kingdoms
-Added few new kingdoms in all periods which is historically more accurate
New Buildings
-Took the buildings from Dusk of Glory mod but changed req and override system
New Exotic Good
-Added Fruits as a new exotic good which is needed for Spring Festivals
New Quests
-Added new quests to the game (e.g. Greece, Poland-Lithuania, Austria-Hungary, Prussia, Ukraine...)
New Flags
-Changed many flags in all periods to historically more accurate ones

-added some units from the western countries, norse and central-european countries also as a kingdom special units in some of the eastern kingdoms (Russian states, Balkan states, etc.) which is also historically more accurate.

Stay tuned...

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Forging of Empires - Update 2.0


Early era named ``Legacy of Rome`` will focus on Byzantia as well as the looming shadows of the East.

- Byzantia is not so big and powerful as it was, but it still covers a vast territory and is all that remains of once mighty Roman empire. But, the armies of the muslim dinasties are at the doors, threatening the very foundations of the last big Christian empire. Conquest of Spain has come to an end. Now, Spanish kingdoms are on the move. German and French factions are fighting the wars for predominance over each other while on the other side Russian principalities are frantically struggling to defend themselves against the pressure of tribal confederations of Pechenegs and Cumans. Meanwhile, the scent of a new and unknown enemy can be felt in the winds of the East...


High era named ``Mongol Invasion`` will focus on Mongol campaign, The Crusades and The Reconquista.

- What the wise men predicted is now happening. Throw your weapons and flee, the Mongols are here. While the Russian principalities are face to face with one of the greatest armies that world has ever seen, crusades of the western kingdoms are giving the results (or it just looks like that ?) Byzantia is now just a shadow of it`s former glory thanks to both, muslims and catholics. English factions have been united which is a threat to France and The Reconquista is on it`s way and it`s going good. Scandinavia is about to meet Norway and Sweden and to watch their campaigns to fulfill the Viking legacy. Even though crusades have shown some progress they won`t be able to stop what is going to come...


Late era named ``Doom of the Cross``will focus on the birth of new Europe and doom of Christianity.

- The Crusades are doomed. The Holy land fell into the hands of the enemy. The Cross has fallen. The Ottomans are becoming more powerful every day and it is just a matter of time when whole Anatolia will be in their hands and when Constantinopol will face the inevitable - doom. Balkan factions feel the threat and they are warning, but Europe is not listening. England is not the only strong kingdom of Britannia anymore and Germany has new powerful enemies - France and Italy. The Reconquista is about to end and it is a success. The Mongol Empire has collapsed and it`s remains, The Golden Horde can`t keep it`s territories before the rage of the Russian principalities united under the banner of Muscovy. The history is in your hands...


- Update 2.0 will actually be a new mod for itself with many new aspects of gaming.

- It will include a whole new map of Europe with total of 400 realms.

- There will be 155 factions in Early, 130 factions in High and 98 factions in Late medieval era.

- Every faction will have at least two unique quests, so you can choose which path your faction will follow.

- More than 150 buildings (added mainly from ``Economy Expansion`` and ``Dusk of Glory`` mods)

- New units will be added (e.g. Byzantine Spearmen, Nakharars, Mameluk Infantry etc.)

- Addon named ``Knights of Asia`` will also be included to give additional units, mercenaries (e.g. Warrior Monks, Samurai, Shinto Priests etc. - added from ``Tiger and Dragon`` mod)

- New trading goods will also be a part of the update.

This is a very big and complex project that requires a lot of effort and time so it probably won`t be finished before 2018.

Stay tuned...

Rome Quest Coming Soon

Rome Quest Coming Soon

News 3 comments

Mega quest is on the way. Soon you`ll be able to rebuild the mighty Roman Empire.

Forging of Empires

Forging of Empires

Feature 1 comment

Forging of Empires

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Update 1.1

Update 1.1

Patch 7 comments

Forging of Empires - Update 1.1 - Extract, copy files from extracted folder into Quests folder of your game (for example: C:/Program Files/Black Sea Studios/Knights...

Forging of Empires

Forging of Empires

Full Version 5 comments

Just copy all files from the Mod to the Knights of Honor installation directory, for example: C/Program Files/Black Sea Studios/Knights Of Honor and replace...

Comments  (0 - 10 of 80)
phantom9987 - - 25 comments

update to the mod must have been left on the shelf what a shame

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Guest - - 706,806 comments

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Guest - - 706,806 comments

Hey Bro...When is Version 2.0 coming..?
We All are very eager for it...
pls reply

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Guest - - 706,806 comments

Horse riders (horsemen) cannot be renewed because Stable is not available in the town

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isboleas - - 10 comments

Please update the Mod!

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vatandas-roma - - 144 comments

Big F

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NaikJoy - - 433 comments

Its been 2 years since the last update.. uffa

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Guest - - 706,806 comments

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Alena881 - - 39 comments


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NaikJoy - - 433 comments

I'm bored.. From Need for Speed World private Apex server, too Mount and Blade Warband Anno Domini 1257 .... and from making my own racing game from lidar data. I came here and figured out that I would download Forging of Empires.. but to my surprise 2.0 ain't done yet........................................................ ****

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