Essential HD pack is a complete overhaul for original Doom 3, Resurrection of Evil and Lost Mission mod, it's not compatible with BFG Edition. Quick installation and complete graphic pack, included optional addons. No gameplay changes.

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⛧ DooM 3 Essential HD Pack v2.0 ⛧

Since its release, D3HDP v2.0 has been constantly updated to solve most of the graphical issues of Doom 3, thanks to the many reports by community and players. Fully compatible with Doom 3 v1.3.1 and Dhewm3.

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Textures has been improved keeping original details in HD, along with many map fixes, adding missing grate shadows, solving minor issues, also added water material, always using default engine.

⛧ D3HDP v2.0 ⛧

D3HDP - DooM 3 Essential HD Pack v2.0

DooM 3 Traduzione Ufficiale Italiana

DooM 3 Traduzione Ufficiale Italiana

⛧ D3HDP Русский патч

D3HDP Russian Patch

Read carefully readme file for correct installation.

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E3 Alpha Weapons: the original pistol, shotgun (thanks to Arl!) and mg88 Enforcer from leaked Tech Demo 2002, with original sounds and working gui. This could be combined (at same time) with:

  • Phrozo Particles v2
  • Alpha & BFG Marine Armors
  • Birdman Doom3 v1.1
  • Bodies Stay4ever

All add-ons are optional and made to customize visual experience of the game, tested to be played, if you want, all together. Bodies Stay4ever add-on can be used now with the newest Invisible monsters. The new effect is applied to imp, pinky, revenant and commandos and their bodies stay on the ground just like older Doom games.

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D3HDP improvements:

  • Fixed and improved textures, particles and materials for the levels;
  • Optimized assets and less space required;
  • Reworked and improved details for all levels, mapobjects, characters, monsters and weapons;
  • Added deleted/unused micro details and effects from E3 Alpha Doom 3;
  • Remastered enpro level with architecture from BFG Edition;
  • Fixed several issues and mistakes in the maps;
  • Included all the fixes for materials from Resurrection of Evil in the original campaign;
  • Jack Campbell now wears marine armor from BFG Edition;
  • Added shotgun sound from BFG Edition and restored original machinegun sound;
  • Complete HD texture pack for Doom 3, Resurrection of Evil and Lost Mission mod;
  • All the dead bodies stay on the place (optional for Doom 3, RoE and Lost Mission);
  • Bullet shells stay forever in the ground;
  • Included E3 Alpha Pistol, Shotgun and Machinegun (optional for Doom 3, RoE and Lost Mission);
  • Full compatibility with Dhewm3;
  • Added Phrozo Particles v2.0 (optional for Doom 3, RoE and Lost Mission);
  • Included Birdman as replacement for HellKnight (optional for Doom 3, RoE and Lost Mission);
  • Full self shadows on every model of the game;
  • Added Alpha & BFG Marine Armors and Invisible Monsters add-ons;
  • Added water material to the game;
  • Restored firing lights effect for mancubus.
D3HDP - Doom 3 Essential HD Pack v2.0

D3HDP - Doom 3 Essential HD Pack v2.0

News 8 comments

Essential HD pack for original game and RoE. Quick installation and complete graphic pack.

D3HDP - Doom 3 Essential HD Pack

D3HDP - Doom 3 Essential HD Pack

News 25 comments

Essential HD pack for original game and RoE. Quick installation and complete graphic pack.

RSS Files
D3HDP - DooM 3 Essential HD Pack v2.0

D3HDP - DooM 3 Essential HD Pack v2.0

Full Version 185 comments

Essential HD pack is a complete overhaul for original Doom 3, Resurrection of Evil and Lost Mission mod, it's not compatible with BFG Edition. Quick installation...

DooM 3 Traduzione Ufficiale Italiana

DooM 3 Traduzione Ufficiale Italiana

Full Version

Pacchetto di traduzione ufficiale per il gioco originale ed espansioni per tutte le piattaforme pc.

D3HDP Russian Patch

D3HDP Russian Patch

Patch 6 comments

This patch makes compatible D3HDP with russian version of Doom 3. Reworked in HD all the official stuff by 1C for Doom 3. Note: this will work properly...

D3HDP - DooM 3 Essential HD Pack v1.0

D3HDP - DooM 3 Essential HD Pack v1.0

Full Version 52 comments

Essential HD pack for original game and RoE. Quick installation and complete graphic pack.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 354)
GejmerAntonyc - - 1 comments

what engine is used in this mod? id tech 4 or source?

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H3llBaron Creator
H3llBaron - - 903 comments

There's no modified code or engine in the mod. You can play it with original full patched game or use a source engine.

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RemasteredRetroPC - - 222 comments

"There's no modified code or engine in the mod."

Why not? You already have the BFG Edition Source Code as a proxy. Now all you need to do is read assembly, C, and C++ so you can spot where in memory you want to exchange bytes!

This would be God tier modding, which is where im going with it since the level of curbstomping will be cranked to not even nuclear, but star system plasmifying.

Now imagine if you werent lazy and we were working together. Thats why I didnt approach modders. I know its a complete waste of my time unless they approach me first with ideas for projects. Its like herding cats. I hit up a friend I had in Norway who has a day job engineering in 3D space. I trust him more than you even as a total noob looking at your work, and what you have discovered about this engine. Which is basically nothing.

Why cant you be actually cool? I autistically naively wish/fantasize about modders realizing their work is trash, and wanting to self improve like total self learning code for the AGI John Carmack is definitely working on these days. Thats what I did. I realized I knew nothing, and that the potential on the table is incomprehensible to back of the envelope run and gun types like you. And the only way to fix you would be to try again on your reproductive success using genetic engineering. Which nerds like us, thats basically the only way.

Artificial wombs and laboratories. This is how the most competent species is produced. Like imagine spamming millions of John Carmacks to fix our technological deficits. Less H3llbarons, more legitimate Geniuses capable of coding in TSASRC technology. Like a little time bomb. Waiting to explode and send shockwaves throughout the community.

Lets start an arms race together. I want you to dump 36 months of effort into something that is destined to be destroyed from orbit. This can be a fun constructive competition! Ill even give you the head start while im working on Prey!

Since working together is impossible. You couldnt accept the reality that im just better at this stuff than you, and im offering you a chance to take it to the next level, which the engine is absolutely capable of. All that code, utilized to its full potential. Everyone wins but your ego. We get more advanced entertainment technology. You get buried under a barrage of Carrier firestorms. I bring the world the secret to Carmacks 2001 engine. So totally maxed out that even Nvidia would be like, bro, that immediate renderer is mighty compatible with our developing github software.

To site staff, im kind of at the point I dont even care anymore. The culture around here sucks. Which isnt surprising since humans suck. Thats why we cant even handle balanced budgets at the government level as Earths dominant superpower. And hes just going to delete it in a day or two anyway.

Thats what he always does when I troll him with reality. So let a man cook. And its absolutely justified looking at my DOOM 3 mod reviews. I wouldnt trust this dude to run an ice cream stand.

"I was sort of an amoral little jerk when I was young. I was arrogant about being smarter than other people, but unhappy that I wasn't able to spend all my time doing what I wanted. I spent a year in a juvenile home for a first offence after an evaluation by a psychologist went very badly."
-John Carmack

Third Eye=94

John Carmack total self learning code=314
John Carmack takes over the planet=314

Pale Blue Dot=.=3.14=π

John Carmack's AGI Effort + No information=365 +1


Some people truly are just operating at a different species of intelligence. Remember, a successful proof of concept of general intelligence that can scale beyond human would be rapidly Nationalized for National Security reasons. Hence "No information" implies: Classified

"Saying goodbye to id Software was hard, but it was not the first goodbye he'd have to deliver. The US government requested copies of his work for the military and asked him to consider joining. Luckily for gamers, Carmack remained committed to gaming."

Im pretty sure he never lost their number. See this is the kind of cool advancements in retro we could be creating together, but instead AGI will emerge in perhaps 10-40 years max, and all modders, most especially you will be flown off into the sun for sub atomic particle rearrangement.

Just FYI.

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RemasteredRetroPC - - 222 comments

Key word: Orbit

July 31st passes

August 1st

August 2nd

August 3rd

August 4th

August 5th

August 6th










Key word: Orbit

Captain America=3+1+16+20+1+9+14+1+13+5+18+9+3+1=114

A shark attack=1+19+8+1+18+11+1+20+20+1+3+11=114


*scrolls up*

Key word: Modesty

One day passes= Key Word: Modest

Im just realizing 7 of your homies downvoted my earliest attempt at maxing out the engine. It turns out, that maxing out the engine is so far above your head, that its like trying to explain Artificial General Intelligence as a significant breakthrough for National Security to an Italian that uses the word optimized for his mod. When he hasnt the slightest even most remote clue what id Tech 4 supports in terms of optimization.

It helps if you can work around its weaknesses which are definitely its scripting garbage collection system running out of sync with 60hz modern displays.

Imagine upscaling a game in a single pass with a 4x, and calling that optimized when you are missing 5 steps. Which are hundreds of thousands of times more involved than what you produced here. Thats the true optimization. Getting it to run on a toaster in exchange for wildly more efficient results. And I cant wait until I can FORCE the game without source code to accept modern compression libraries. This is like Alien technology to someone like you who gives 1 star reviews but does one step from the minimum effort with simply the first to the scene advantage.

I remember trying to team up with a few of you here on this website, and encourage beyond the slap it on a plastic lunchbox and fly by night it trust me bro effort, but I realized that even professional studios cant be trusted with massively important intellectual properties some personalities take far more seriously than BFG Edition on PC.

You have zero editor optimization, no custom resolutions for textures/shaders, no editor CPU scripting refactoring, absolutely nothing for compression type efficiency. Bro, you are using TGAs (without even RLE) where there are no transparencies required when even that inferior path supports JPG instead. It screams I am extremely lazy and lets just get this thing out, the normies wont know the difference anyway as long as I have good reviews. Even when I didnt know what I was doing spamming TGAs I was at least trying. I looked at your file. It couldnt be the furthest thing from optimization. Its leaning fully into barely trying, and so thats why everything runs it. It has nothing to do with efficiency in an immediate renderer that wastes enormous amounts of memory bandwidth and scales like trash with modders who are lazy just like you. Thats why John Carmack doesnt leave you pretty love letters. You are no different than the people that get mass fired from Meta, or Twitter, and lead to the man leaving the company out of dismay that as you scale up, talent tends to taper off. And it cant be any more true than the lowest common dominator in modding in an engine thats so f'ing advanced it supports an assembly tier efficiency version of reverse engineered texture streaming. Something you would never find if your life depended on it, and would never brute force into DOOM 3 if I told you specifically how to do it, because its frankly way too much work. It would be like producing thousands of DOOM 3 HD essential packs in one mod without even the slightest exaggeration.

So you have the option of rising the challenge, or being so superseded that it begs the question what you were ever trying to accomplish.

Can you produce a Mona Lisa? My Italian review bombing friend?

Panic at the Disco=16+1+14+9+3+1+20+20+8+5+4+9+19+3+15=146 +1

Leonardo da Vinci=12+5+15+14+1+18+4+15+4+1+22+9+14+3+9=146

Starting lyrics:

She paints her fingers with a close precision.

Imagine dedicating years of your life to one mod. That would essentially be the cost. I dont think you have what it takes homie. Thats why 4x upscales and a here there conglomeration of randos works into one pack is the Holy Grail of Google relevance. Because it takes literally a few days maximum to produce. Thats why Bethesda is banging your door down for an opportunity to relaunch their intellectual property.

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uac2145 - - 181 comments

The only thing JPG format saves is the disk space. There is no difference for videomemory usage between jpg textures and tga textures. But subjectively TGA look better in game. And and has a more stable work.

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RemasteredRetroPC - - 222 comments

"The only thing JPG format saves is the disk space."

Video memory is not a disk.

"There is no difference for videomemory usage between jpg textures and tga textures."

This is untrue. JPG absolutely saves video memory AND vram bandwidth. Its why I no longer get a RTX 4090 CRASHING on some levels after discovering this REALITY running my 60GB prototype Prey 2006 mod files. You can even measure it in windows task manager vram use as the level loads in id Tech 4. Since it doesnt have TEXTURE STREAMING which I REVERSE ENGINEERED in practice. Allowing supersaiyan resolutions that his mod can never achieve. Ever. That said at 4:4:4 100% quality even the oldest JPG algorithm is basically lossless. And yet it saves more memory than TGA in video memory buffers. Also download his file and actually look inside it. Why bother using JPG files at all if it were true? Is H3llbaron an idiot?

"But subjectively TGA look better in game."

Pretty much at 1:1 resolutions. Its mickey mouse the difference, only at actually GOOD resolutions one scales wildly better than the other for what humans can actually see. So as you start pushing the potential higher JPG objectively is superior because its compression ratio exists unlike TGA without RLE.

"And and has a more stable work."

Negative. TGAs at high resolution can eat an entire gigabyte of memory a texture asset pop. Imagine what the id Tech 4 maximum rendering resolution 32,768x32,768 is stored as a raw TGA format versus a JPG of appropriate compression. And like I said stability was achieved using all of id Tech 4s compression features! TGA and JPG formats in id Tech 4 have to create MIP MAPS at the compile of each level. So its actually anti optimization to use exclusively these formats, which his mod also does. For what you get, you get inferior performance both in loading time, and visual rendering in game quality.

Thats the 100% truth. Bro doesnt even use RLE compression. Its literally the absolutely laziest work ive ever seen, graphically, in terms of what Carmacks engine supports. Thats because H3llbarron isnt interested in going all the way. He sort of spends a few weeks on the project and dumps it on your desk, and im supposed to be impressed. As a modder, I know its sloppy lowest common dominator work. Why are you ignorant to the reality that TGAs eat more video memory than JPG in video card memory? My guess, you're not a modder. Let alone a world class one. Why does Jedi Academy for example, use 95% JPG files? For fun? Are the developers stupid? Should I take advice from you? Someone with no mods?

@ 05:30

Id imagine most PC gamers over 25 have Jedi Outcast. All they would have to do is download 7-zip and unpack the .pk3 files in the base game folder and see they are stored as JPG. The developers did this because it literally saves more than just disk space. But you arent a John Carmack level educated human, so you still think magically TGAs take up as much video memory as JPG compression, when both literally need to create their own mip maps at level compile. Unlike DDS.

You be like, whats DDS? It might as well be Alien Technology to you, but you are telling me something that proves you dont have a clue what you talking about. Think about it. If all formats took up the same amount of video memory as TGA format, why offer several paths compressed and uncompressed for high mode and ultra mode? For fun?

Does Nvidia care about your disk space? or is it more likely, just maybe, they care about video card relevant storage mediums like HBM2, GDDR5, GDDR6, GDDR6X, and GDDR7?

Pro tip: 100% JPG saves video memory. Thats what compression does. I know, shocking revelations.

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RemasteredRetroPC - - 222 comments

You dont even realize what you have in your possession. Like an ignorant toddler that just discovered artificial intelligence. If that sounds toxic, its really just a symptom of why the world is so backwards. People that hardly try get rewarded. Anyone who goes above and beyond tends to take a lot longer to achieve their goals because they actually care about quality. And it can reach a point its merchandisable. What you have available for download here isnt even close. I could make your mod in basically one day of effort. That should be shameful. Sad. Pathetic. But instead its celebrated.

Im not even mad bro. Im just fascinated at how people dont even at scale understand the reality of the situation. That will become exceedingly more clear in the following year. Someone smart enough to write most of the software to make DOOM 3 even work at all knows the difference between H3llbaron quality work, and someone who takes years to fully realize the dormant features programmed into the engine for a rainy day.

The difference between GPU utilization and "optimization". You are doing the absolute tsunami of 4x upscale level work we see in the emulator world. Its so common because its extremely easy. And you have been satisfied with that for years. Dont lie to me. Thats why you will never be recognized by anything more than idiotic gaming websites that write inaccurate information and have no interest in curating their content post correction.

No one is going to pay you for your time in something like this. Its just too trivial to reproduce on their own with literally one guy.

Thats what I was trying to encourage in this community. What can the engine do? You still dont even know. But you make videos about the "Brute Force of id Tech 4". Bro you dont know what it can do even slightly. Im telling you from real world experience. John Carmack is a legit Genius. And his engine although imperfect is extremely underrated.

Now that you know what is possible, im literally daring you to reverse engineer what im building in Prey. You wont be able to do it. Its just not reasonable for someone like you. Lets be real about the level of work required. The engines old as hell, but its so scalable it will translate to RTX 5090 Ti hardware in a way humans can actually see provided you have a 8k display. Using all of its shipped software features, I can get a RTX 4090 to show per pixel point blank proximity information with a RTX 4090 targeting 4k with a very large TV I use to develop my experiment to find out what the Brute Force of id Tech 4 actually is, unlike you. And I can even bring the requirements down to a 20GB video memory scenario with months of love. 2k? Your mothers dogs computer will be able to run it. Thats what efficiency looks like bro. At first I was triggered by how human nature works, but now im amused by how easily dominated it is because you just dont have the will to make something like this. If that sounds harsh good. Because 7 1 star reviews for a decent but nowhere near the potential mod I made a long time ago is proof you are an *******. And you, objectively, arent even good at what you do. So its unearned.

Imagine if human evolution was more impressive. If you called people out, and they were like, oh wow, sorry, and jumped on deck to do something better than DOOM 3 Essential HD pack level work. I wouldnt want to work with someone like you anyway. Too sloppy. You definitely dont care about what the engine can actually do if you know what you are doing. Which let me assure you, you havent the faintest clue. So its in a way a disservice historically speaking to what you are tinkering with. If you were the first and the last id Tech 4 enhancement pack modder on this planet, youd never discover this stuff. You only would through me. Thats where you are operating at. Stagnation tier modder skill levels.

And the worst part about human evolution is it seldom, like less than 1% chance is prone to changing unless I could legit fire you from this domain for sucking. Thats the disadvantage to free content. Almost anything goes. Even little Timmy sculptures passing as high art, or quality content. Ive disowned my historic work. Like you should this. But you wont. You are proud of it!

In a perfected world I could flip a switch in the simulation and you would be like, wow you can actually do all that? And you would be able to achieve the Brute Force of id Tech 4 without showing us a water shader like Half Life 2s engine did it worse. But we are stuck in reality, a place where people like you make essentially packs of low definition content pretending to be efficient. Just lie to the public and they will never discover your dishonesty. I remember when first starting modding, DOOM 3 was my cherry. It all started because broken trash annoyed me to the point I wanted to fix it, and just kind of ran with it.

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Guest - - 699,937 comments

what file is the invisible monsters so i can fix it i dont like it

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icymad - - 19 comments

Hey what was updated on 23 june?

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Guest - - 699,937 comments

is it possible to add the baron of hell from doom 3 phobos to this mod?

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