The definitive gameplay enhancement mod for the GZDoom and Zandronum engines. Adds realistic gore, dismemberments, headshots, executions, lightning effects, particles, makes enemies smarter and harder, makes gun louder and beefier, and adds epic new boss battles.

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Release Candidate 10 Testing (Games : Doom : Mods : Brutal Doom : Forum : Bug reporting (Brutal Doom : Release Candidate 10 Testing) Post Reply
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May 8 2019 Anchor

I believe this version is pretty much bug-free now, as I played it for hours without facing any bug that can interfere in the gameplay. The full release is scheduled for Friday 17th.


- Fixed several bugs that caused the game to crash.
- Several improvements on blood effects.
- Friendly marines no longer turn solid when attacking.
- New indicator icon when the MG GL is out of ammo.
- Rocket backblast no longer hurts friendly marines.
- Bonus Items droped by destroyable decorations no longer counts towards maximum item count to prevent bugs
- Removed the annoying "UHHHH HAAAHAAA" sound from rescuing marines (replaced by D64 Guy taunt sound).

May 8 2019 Anchor

BURN.txt actors DyingZombiemanInFlames & DyingSergeantNoLegInFlames are using TNT1 A 0 ACS_Execute(477, 0, 0, 0, 0) under X Death: which has been changed to "InitializeChasecam" in CHASECAM.txt (causes unkown script error messages).

Baron.txt has TNT1 A 0 A_Die("Vanish") in the ReplaceVanilla: state which I think was probably meant to go inside the Death.Vanish state directly below ReplaceVanilla.
Also has a Health 1200 (line 9) and Health 1000 (line 25) in the actor's properties I think line 25 was meant to be Mass?

Arachnotron2 is missing a Pain.Kick state so, since it inherits from Arachnotron1 it changes into the vanilla Arachnotron when you kick an Ancient Arachnotron.

Edited by: BLOODWOLF333

May 9 2019 Anchor

There is still that error in the manual: it says railgun direct hit damage is 500 while in reality it is 400.

May 9 2019 Anchor

Still holding a shotgun sergeant's severed head when you pick up a rifle zombieman's head.

Also plasmarifle's sprinting sprites are still floating.

When picking up a thrown axe I throw it again immediately, automatically.

Edited by: Thorir

May 10 2019 Anchor

Are these all the bugs found?

May 10 2019 Anchor

I'll report what I reported already to RC9 thread, (probably before RC10 even came out) and what seems to still be here:

1. In Purist mode, in DooM II, on MAP02(and I guess on any map it's supposed to be at), super shotgun is sometimes missing. I guess that's when it gets replaced with the automatic shotgun, which then the purist mode simply deletes or something.

2. In Purist mode, SMG's shoot sound is that one of a pistol. In other modes it's a different one.

3. In zdoom some sounds seem to play globally, and with map enhancement system on maps like E1M2 and MAP02 the water flow noise is unbearably loud because of this. I don't know if you support zdoom or not, or if it's a problem on my side or not, but here's the report on it anyways.

4. In tactical mode, if the chainsaw has blood on it, sprinting with SHIFT magically cleans the chainsaw.

5. In Purist mode, that other machinegun that replaces chaingun, when picked up, doesn't appear in the inventory and/or can't be used. Practically speaking, that leaves the player without the chaingun on E1M2 if unlucky!

6. Pressing USE on a fallen enemy(from a successful kick to the face) results in the fatality consisting of the camera turning down, punching/kicking the face, and then raising back up, but sometimes it doesn't play, and instead the next action(for example a kick) triggers Doomguy to stop, look down, and start violently punching the ground instead.

Edited by: architector-4

May 10 2019 Anchor

Verified that pressing use on a kicked to the ground enemy sometimes skips the animation (where the player doesnt see the monster laying on the ground anyways, offsets might be off but, has been going on since RC7 IRC with Zandronum at least) and then forces the player to pull out the pistol and the monsters sprite to disappear.

When dual-wielding the pistol in burstfire the left hand action cycles but the right-hand pistol remains static with no action cycling animation. In semi-auto both actions cycle so, is just missing the frames for dual burstfire.

If chainsawing enemies and then pulling out the axe, the axe now has blood on it when it was not used previously to damage any enemies.

Am not able to duplicate the auto throwing of a picked up thrown axe with Zandronum.

Purist mode SSG sprite is invisible, can be picked up (hud message) but, you dont get the weapon unless you summon ssgspawner which does render a sprite and useable weapon pickup. Purist mode chaingunspawnerreplacer renders the machinegun sprite (should that not be forbidden to class purist?) which can be picked up and gives ammo but, no useable weapon.

And plasma rifle sprites floating while sprinting in tactical mode is because the vertical offsets are a little too high I think, the bottom portion is cut off (shows the floor) because the rest of it was never drawn so, those sprites just need to be lowered for the swaying animation while sprinting.

May 10 2019 Anchor

1. In Purist mode, in DooM II, on MAP02(and I guess on any map it's supposed to be at), super shotgun is sometimes missing. I guess that's when it gets replaced with the automatic shotgun, which then the purist mode simply deletes or something.

I couldn't reproduce this.

2. In Purist mode, SMG's shoot sound is that one of a pistol. In other modes it's a different one.

It's because it fires at a different fire rate, and I think this sound fits it better.

3. In zdoom some sounds seem to play globally, and with map enhancement system on maps like E1M2 and MAP02 the water flow noise is unbearably loud because of this. I don't know if you support zdoom or not, or if it's a problem on my side or not, but here's the report on it anyways.

No, Zdoom is not supported, I don't think its even possible to fix this. If you have an old computer and you need to play on software mode, please use Zandronum.

5. In Purist mode, that other machinegun that replaces chaingun, when picked up, doesn't appear in the inventory and/or can't be used. Practically speaking, that leaves the player without the chaingun on E1M2 if unlucky!

The Machinegun gives the purist a SMG.

Am not able to duplicate the auto throwing of a picked up thrown axe with Zandronum.

I already know what happens. Will be fixed.

well, Im not going to make a new update today because we just had one two days ago and not enough bugs were reported, maybe leave it for Monday. So I will just upload here what I did today and make it an "unnoficial update". It has the psx maps working now.

May 11 2019 Anchor

-Minigun zombies doesnt spawn casings while shooting.

-You cant run when you have grenade in your hand (tactical)

-Axe zombie's body parts are Shotgunzombie's body parts while choping

-Smgzombie spawns rifle casing at every 3-4 smg bullet casing

Edited by: ctezcan

May 11 2019 Anchor

the disable footsteps option does not disable all the fs sounds

walking through water

walking off ledges


May 11 2019 Anchor

From my previous bugpost on RC9, updated for RC10; most relevant as bugs will be bolded. (will update if I find any more):

1. Select game mode menu is too wide and I can't see the skull to select my preferred mode.

2. When using the fists and performing an FPE, the player automatically switches back to the pistol. (sorta annoying when you're trying to lay on the beatdown with 2+ monsters...)

3. When using the fist and pressing dualwield to pick up a barrel, there is a small delay then it punches and insta-switches to the pistol. (without berserk pack) Suggestion: Make it so that you can pick them up and drop them, but can't throw them without berserk. Maybe move slower / faster too depending on berserk or not.

4. Not really a bug, but it does look kinda odd to have pistol slides automatically lock back on their own when reloading from only partially emptied magazines. Also, please add the "knuckle crack and load gun" sequence for the pistol. ;-)

5. Shotgun has to be pumped before being fired after using the Shotvolver. (automatically pumps when you switch to slamfire / zoom mode)

6. Main Battle Tank can still fire main gun after running out of ammo. Also attempting to fire the secondary autocannon when out of ammo causes the cannon barrel to mysteriously disappear... MBT seems sorta slower than it should be too...

7. Friendly Marines seem a bit too tough / invincible. I once saw one eat 2-3 Belphegor plasmaballs and survive, even Zombie MBT Main gun shells can't kill them. (Appears to maybe be fixed, a Juggernaut at least was easily able to squish them)

8. Shotgun marine's dropped shotgun cannot be picked up. (More details: It seems like you can pick them up, provided you don't already have a shotgun)

9. Player magically gets 16 pistol bullets when taking a meatshield when he has no pistol bullets. Potentially understandable with some of the zombies (steal their handgun), but not with imps and nazis... (Granted, theres no good way to fix this without changing the pistol into an infinite ammo blaster like in Quake 2/4 or Doom 2016...) FIXED

10. Demon Morph is definitely broken somehow. (sometimes you don't morph, you lose your armor, etc.) Seems like maybe this works better than it used to, dunno about the ones spawned by monsters. Armor is still lost however, if you pick up armor while morphed, you seem to keep it afterwards.

11. Green or Blue Armor reverts to the 33% bonus type after using gun emplacements or vehicles.

12. Friendly marines that don't follow you around like those manning the barricade in EDAY15 die with zombie death noises.

13. When slidekicking, you can blow up barrels. O_o

14. Do NOT step on eday gas cylinders. They explode instantly.

15. MP40: When you have no pistol bullets in reserve and press reload it gets stuck in a loop making clicking noises.

16. You might want to either move the flamecannon and flamethrower to slot 9 or change the pickup messages for them as the only weapon occupying slot 9 is the hand grenades. (And you don't really need them as a dedicated weapon anymore with the advent of the HG ammo count on the HUD.)

17. The "hanging by one leg" corpse decoration drops down a bit when you shoot it and it goes into the one hanging leg frame.

18. Railgun pierces Juggernauts instead of exploding on them, contrary to what the manual says.

19. Dual wield SMG has a bug with ammo: Upon pickup and switching to it, there is either very little ammo loaded in it or none, always less than what is held in the single wielded SMG.

20. Firing the Shotvolver actually causes your aiming point to walk DOWNwards with each shot. O_o Edit: Just noticed that the railgun does it too, so I guess its supposed to do that?

21. I assume that Ubersolidat is still WIP, as some of his frames revert to Heavy Weapons Zombie.

22. Sometimes when the Revenant goes into his blown in half walking on arms state, his upper torso never spawns / disappears in tight / cramped areas, resulting in you never being able to get credit for the kill. I've also noticed this happen with the zombieman facerip fatality, but its not a problem there as the kill is counted immediately.

23. When you pick up a second plasma rifle, it automatically switches to dual-wield plasma rifles.

24. When monsters are crushed by ceilings, they just disappear, there aren't even any gibs.

25. Goodie barrels that are supposed to replace the marble skull pillar don't actually replace them on E2M3. (Goodie barrels do spawn in their positions however.) For reference, they're the ones in the blue key hall.

26. One of the experiment tanks on E2M4 containing an experiment is in the broken frame when it hasn't actually been broken. (just after the crusher ceiling room with the eyes and the minigun secret.) Also related, when an experiment breaks out of a tank on its own, you can shoot the tank again to spawn another experiment.

27. FPE of Imp using headbash into wall doesn't appear to spawn any health / armor bonuses.

28. Ceiling crushers can remove / destroy weapon pickups.

29. Tactical mode pistol dualwield has the same ammo bug as the dualwield SMGs. (once picking up another pistol, there's either no ammo in them, or very little, regardless of your full singlewield loaded ammo magazine.)

May 12 2019 Anchor

I have also found a bug where if you use the axe with green blood and it and either prime or alt "fire" it, you can see cacodemon blood in the middle of both animations.

I have a recorded video of said bug but I don't know how to include it in the bug report.

May 12 2019 Anchor

Found out what was crashing zandronum with disabling reloading. Turboreload causes an infinite loop (I think?) when the weapon runs out of ammo and the fire key is still held down. Can reliably reproduce offline with the dual rifle. Summon riflespawner, equip dual rifles, disable reloading to all weapons for turboreload inventory item, hold down fire until weapons are dry and game crashes because of the infinite loop. I have tried inserting the single Rifle weapon's Ready3 and Turboreload code into Dualrifles and it still crashes so, am stumped on what is causing this.

Edited by: BLOODWOLF333

May 12 2019 Anchor

Screenshot Doom 20190512 134402

uhh what's going on here

May 12 2019 Anchor

nagibrich, the voxel-based dropship isn't showing. FWIW, I see it just fine in Zandronum, so I'd be looking at your engine or renderer settings.

Bug #30: Shotgunners drop two shotguns when they suffer the "right side blown away" death. (ZXZ6 sprite series I believe)

Edited by: Cybr0g

May 15 2019 Anchor

Hell knigth sometimes gets stuck

I did brutality to a pain elemental by using god sphere and at the end i had been displaced several meters

May 15 2019 Anchor

If you do a fatality to a pain elemental, it's body gets stuck on you, if you move, it explodes, dealing a good amount of damage to you.

Also, your body dissapears after you get fatalitied by a revenant.

A quick suggestion, you know when a baron or a hell knight burns you? maybe make it burn that part of your body to the bone, like a black skeleton, that would make more difference than when you get killed by a imp.

May 16 2019 Anchor

When Arch-vile resurrects an enemy there are 2 new enemies (maybe Arch-vile tries to resurrect twice and the second enemy kills the first) on killcount instead of 1.

Edited by: cheater000000

May 22 2019 Anchor

It is not really a glitch, but the "no reload" option is incomplete. You still have UI and ammo in the clips across weapons. Also grenades still has to be loaded for the machine gun. Also Yes/No(classic) indicator for the option and for auto reload would feel nice. Also auto switch weapons when you run out of ammo like in classic doom would rock and an option to cycle only weapons with ammo (next/previous weapon). I found "Check for ammo" but it does not seem to make any difference, so this might be broken. Also autoswitch works when you have 0 grenades but not on other weapons.
Also notice there is a pause for auto shotgun reload.
MOD is awesome.

Edited by: Cyberdei

May 24 2019 Anchor

In tactical mode, BFG10K has absolutely no feedback, i.e. it doesn't turn/shake the camera or change FOV or anything, it just shoots.

(note that feedback from the explosion itself is not what I mean)

Edited by: architector-4

Jul 5 2019 Anchor

In test map, the nonstandard SMG you start with has 0 ammo by default, so you have to reload it before use. I guess it also happens when picking it up from ground

Also, this cropping issue still exists on testing map

Edited by: karmax

Jul 9 2019 Anchor

I've gone through and added all the missing magazine/weapon ammo items to the player classes fixing the starting with 0 ammo issue in my patch that Im about to release.

Oct 21 2019 Anchor

When you aim with the smg, the rifle iron sights flash really quick before going back to smg sights.

Jul 17 2022 Anchor

Ok in Doom2Remap.txt you've got a DeadTree (A_SpawnItemEx("BDECDeadTree1", -1056, -1984,...) which is off the map and a BlueCar(A_SpawnItemEx("BDECDestroyedCarBlue", -1056, -2720,...) spawn on Map15 that is on a lift to a plasmagun pickup that prevents the lift from raising back up even though you cant see the car. Removing the lines fixes the lift to the plasmagun secret idk where you originally intended for those to be placed.

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