It is the year 1973. The world repels the deployment of Yuri's Psychic Dominator network. To counter their efforts, Yuri's secret moon base decided to turn the most fearful force into a weapon: gravity. However, they did not expect the gravity distortions their experiments caused to be picked up by an outside force...

August 24th, 1973, went down in history as the day a huge orbital platform entered Earth's orbit from the hyperspace. No one knew where they came from or why they came here. But what the visitors did would never be forgotten. The platform deployed a huge cannon and obliterated the entire moon base, taking a large part of the moon with it. Earth was spared.

August 26th, a strike force and three scout teams left the platform for Earth. The first probe hit Johannesburg, South Africa, quickly subjugating the population and establishing a foothold. The second probe landed somewhere in Oceania, its fate remaining uncertain to this day. The third probe landed near Stalingrad and was destroyed by the Russians, who suffered heavy losses battling against it.

The main strike force landed near Chicago. Its sole purpose: annihilate all that stood in its way. The United States was unprepared for such a major force suddenly appearing within their borders. By the time responsive action was authorized, half of the States had been reduced to ashes. This left the Allies with only one choice: to cut their losses, evacuate, and leave for Europe to regroup.

The 26th will be remarkable for another event: when the outside forces entered the atmosphere, communications jammed, robots and drones turned against their creators, radio networks around the world went dead and satellites went missing. It was Doomsday in every way possible.

A new era has begun. An external force has descended to oppress all of humanity... The future depends on what the remains of mankind does next. It depends on you, Commander.

This is Attacque Supérior.

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It's been a while since there has been any update here.

Where to start…

Well, let’s face the truth. Attacque Supérior was a beast of a project. It was unexpectable from the start to get 6 or so factions running. While the goal was mostly reached by 2014 (depending whom you ask), it was mostly done via reusing the same gimmicks and basically cloning units left and right to counterparts at different sides.

The uniqueness was simply lost in the armada of stuff, and instead of factions standing out, there were only individual units which either ended up at the same faction, either not.

While the jump to OpenRA from Ares helped to change a lot on this setup with faction gimmicks and similar aspects, it literally pushed back progression beyond limits the project could not recover from the most part. Attacque Supérior already had artwork issues and the lack of artist manpower of it was not resolved with the engine update, especially considering I ended up getting more and more involved in coding OpenRA itself/putting more emphasis on the features I coded for it instead of picking up the necessary skills at the art department to have it finished.

Remember these times? They never came back ultimately.

Remember these times? They never came back ultimately.

Over time, Attacque Supérior on OpenRA became nothing more, but an excuse for me to maintain additional features upon OpenRA itself, knowing these features have little to none chance of getting merged into upstream directly as time passed by. The ability to have these features around proved influential for an entire modding subscene of OpenRA’s however, as they became the basis of spearheading projects Crystallized Doom and Shattered Paradise, even founding their way to Romanov’s Vengeance.

Basically, the mod’s own progression got sidetracked for the engine progression and my realization of this in the first half of 2019 was the final nail of the coffin. There’s no point at keeping up the hopes that AS would ever get done considering there were constant moving goalposts in the entire project’s lifetime.

With all the above, it’s about time to call AS as a mod dead with the name Attacque Supérior reinterpreted to mean this engine project alone.

There’s also an urge of me to getting retired from modding. While it has it’s merits, it took more of my time than what it gave back to me in return. However, there were personal reasons back then which started the project back in 2010… and those particular reasons prevent me to leave the scene without having something done. Since AS-as-an-engine can never be called finished and there should be a proper project aimed to atleast showcase it’s depths… I took another choice.

Let me present to you... Valiant Hearts.

Inspired by the relative simplicity of Red-Resurrection and VS_INI, Valiant Hearts is a limited-to Allied-vs-Soviets project, even lacking countries/subfactions for the time (and I don’t have any active plan to introduce them either). Limiting the scope allows the units to become more different themselves and allows me to utilize the tricks I picked up during AS-as-a-mod, transferring the features which made AS unique back then, like resource spawner meteor storms and rebuildable tech buildings.

With this announcement, VH development has been moved out to the open, with everything visible at, including public devtest builds powered by OpenRA’s ModSDK and Travis-CI. Documentation and branding is lacking for the time being, but will be resolved with time. Note that Valiant Hearts utilizes the new, in-testing OpenRA OpenGL 3.0 backend and limited-to-OpenGL 2.1-capable hardware won’t be able to run it.

Regarding the status of Valiant Hearts though – if a picture is worth a thousand words, than a video will tell everything about it what I could.

Feel free sharing your thoughts/getting involved in the further development on Discord at

Unlike AS, Valiant Hearts isn't and never intends to be a magnum opus, moreso aim to be a respectful farewell to the community. Only time will tell how well it performs in that regard. There are still things I still haven't decided on, like if it needs it's own ModDB page and similar aspects. We'll see.

Graion out.

Rejuvenation Supérior!

Rejuvenation Supérior!

News 7 comments

Summary of 2015 and status report. Engine changes, mod changes, faction changes, open tester slots... oh, and stream!

Five years anniversary - and an announcement

Five years anniversary - and an announcement

News 18 comments

A summary of what passed in the five years, an apologize I owed... and a plan of what will come.

The End of 2014 - Attacque Supérior status

The End of 2014 - Attacque Supérior status


Summary what happened with Attacque Supérior last year.

Attacque Supérior - January 2014 status

Attacque Supérior - January 2014 status


Short summary of what the last year achieved and what the next years aims to bring.

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Gosha_Gomodril - - 12 comments


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Pitonone - - 30 comments

why does a Vehicle require me to have a tech structure and then infiltrate a tech structure just why?

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GraionDilach Creator
GraionDilach - - 451 comments

Because that's how RA2 mods tend to make infiltration worthwhile.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Pitonone - - 30 comments

so it means if i want the Tactical nuke launcher i have to play against a bot with the UDSSR fraction in order to get it (and i guess you know how "Newbiefrendy" your Bots are) then i have to get past defences Dogs and Yuris to infiltrate the Palace

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GraionDilach Creator
GraionDilach - - 451 comments

Okay, that is a valid point. I will look into toning down the AI as part of introducing difficulty levels. The current AI is mostly closer to what I'd call as Heavy anyway. Thank you for the feedback.

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Pitonone - - 30 comments

ps im just complying cose im a big fan of the clasic UDSSR vs Alied and a soviet main

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GraionDilach Creator
GraionDilach - - 451 comments

A bit late response, but devtest-20200105 should resolve your AI issues. Atleast the Normal AI in that build should be more casual. Feedback is welcome.

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paybackbadass - - 30 comments

how can i download this game of openra ?

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GraionDilach Creator
GraionDilach - - 451 comments

AS will go unreleased for the foreseeable future. For Valiant Shades (renamed from Valiant Hearts because an accidental name overlap with an Ubisoft game), you can see with as install instructions.

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TheRookieMaster - - 85 comments

Do you know the date of the actual release? We here are so hyped up and want at least a demo, something playable.

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