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Comment History
shiromarui - - 6 comments @ A Galaxy Shattered V.0.5

Dude you should working together with Nojembre. Your AI overhaul and space commander addition sounds really promising, combining with his content it may become an ultimate experience.

Good karma+1 vote
shiromarui - - 6 comments @ Nojembre's Republic at War Submod

Theres something i need to ask, and some suggetsion

Jedi unit/ hero cannot attack octuptarra droid (no damage at all), is this intentional?.

Also why Quinlan Vos does not have Jedi starfighter?.

This is kinda nitpicky, maybe you could improve voice quality for Ashoka with better one.

Good karma+1 vote
shiromarui - - 6 comments @ Star Destroyer

Tbh i think its still quite fine with the red strip on it. I may not ask for alternative files but can you tell me which files that i need to exclude if i want the SD to have its original texture from RaW mod?

Good karma+1 vote
shiromarui - - 6 comments @ Republic at War

Hi, i want to report some planet bug i've just found.

In Sluis Van, the large turret defense point in the north near generator are placed too low to the ground, it makes republic turbolaser shot alwats hit ground if attacking enemy from south direction because there is a rised gorund in front of it. Also, the generator itself can't be taken down by ground unit because there is no access path trough it so its impossible to destroy it with commando raid or even normal infantry unit.

In Ryloth, the lake in the middle of map will make any infantry unit even the locals themself immune to damage if placed right nearby the cliff while it got "watered down" status. Unless if you considered this as feature.

In Mustafar, whenever im doing republic invasion with LAAT available. It becomes the starter unit and the starting reinforcement point are greyed so its impossible to call reinforcement becasue air unit cannot recapture it. Im not sure with CIS or in other planet though.

Good karma+2 votes
shiromarui - - 6 comments @ Republic at War

Can you please nerf HMP Air wing health point?. It has OP missile so it should balance with a lower health. Even a multiple AA turret can't even withstand a single unit of it.

Btw why CIS can built multiple Lucrehulk while Republic can only built Imperial 1 class in small limit?.

Good karma+1 vote
shiromarui - - 6 comments @ THE DRAGON EMPIRE - RISE OF QIN

What he mean that there is an ongoing manga named 'Kingdom" which about the rise of Qin's war of unification. It also based on Shiji documents. The manga itself can provide several infos that might suitable to your mod such like elephant unit of Shu, War chariot unit of Zhao, mutliple tribes unit of Yan, and many more.

Good karma+1 vote