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Comment History
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Zombie Master

Only recently managed to get steam running again (forever getting problems :s) to play this mod and i love it! Keep up the good work guys, it really is appreciated the ammount of time put into the development of this mod and look forward to future updated ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ C&C3: Tiberium Wars

Try building a PC, loads cheaer than a 360 ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Cinema

Sounds too good to be true, digging out MP2 as i type ;)

Good karma+2 votes
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Tyranid Mod

Excellent looking mod guys, can't imagine why i never looked under DoW for mods! Doh! This one looks very professionaly done, can't wait to get my hands on the full release.
Keep up the good work guys ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Hell on Earth

Hehe, can't wait for the release guys, been a life long fan of Romero and Fulci films :)

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Hell on Earth

Interesting looking mod guys, but i think that the game would look and feel a little more atmospheric if the weapons were based more on 'home defence'? To pick up an M4 or M16 would be very unlikely if the world was swarming with the undead and ammo would be none existant. Don't get me wrong, i love weapons, but i feel that something along the lines of .38 special and your regular 12 guage shotgun would be about the limit in this kind of scenario and the AR-50 is reallllly pushing it and springfield rifles are more collectors items than front-line, regular pickups.
Keep up the good work tho, looking forwards to playing this one :)

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Battlefield 40K - BF2

You do realise that this mod made me go out and buy this game lol. You gonna use the ranking system when it's past beta? Terminators starting with stormbolters and being able to progress too assault cannon would be cool ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Battlefield 40K - BF1942

Just the mod i've been waiting for! Looks awsome guys. Keep up all the good work :)

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ MTS - Mech Tactical Simulation

I love the music, it's very...... Raven Shield, mixed with C & C lol but very atmospheric, should suit this style of mod down to the ground.

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ MTS - Mech Tactical Simulation

Oooh! I can't wait!!!! I got about 5 or 6 m8s that keep asking me for details of the mod lol

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ MTS - Mech Tactical Simulation

THe arrow system was used on the Catapult if i remember rightly, used for indirect fire support or direct if needed, covered about 7 hexes from center, think they did multiple munitions l8er on. The honour effort wouldnt really apply, it was just that the clans would only go 1v1 with the IS because it was just, well..... more honerable lol but these were in the early days and many more books are sure to have come out by now and i am old lol. Just one other question, will you be using the inferno SRM's? THey are my favorite lol.

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ MTS - Mech Tactical Simulation

How you guys gonna deal with the heat management? Also, what about the balancing of the weapons Inner Sphere v. Clan, i know that the Inner Sphere made 'comparable' weapons but they still lost out on space v. weight issues and the damage never really beat the clans? Will you be using the arrow system for indirect fire in a similar role to the Preist and Wesp in BF1? Ahhh, i feel better getting that lot of my chest and i promise i won't rant on about the honour system and clan mechs ganging up on IS mechs lol. Really looking forward to this mod guys and keep up the hard work, we're all behind ya ;-)

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ MTS - Mech Tactical Simulation

I can't wait! This will be the number one BF2 for sure, it rocks!!!

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Only War

They have moved to another site by the sounds of it, their new forum is now at hope this helps.

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ MTS - Mech Tactical Simulation

I want my Banshee lol. Tell me there will be the 'Toad's' ooooh i love my Toad armour :-)

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

This game is, like soooo many others, a total waste of spending money! Graphicaly, beautiful but that is where the positive remarks stop. Like twinpac69 has already stated, the AI is crap! None existant! All the bots do is shoot at anything over about ten yards, then its BANZAI!!!! All you hear through the damn game! It's as though the bunkers ingame were put there to stop the bots running at you! Another anoying thing that i have found is that some of the bots will only die after a certain location has been crossed, "ooh, there is a baddy, sniper rifle, BANG! Oh ok, bette take two more steps closer......", then it's another case of BANZI!!!! Sigh, why do so many games turn out to be such dissapointments? Multi player looks to be crap too, well if the maps are anything to go by, they are to big for anything other than team DM with about ten a side. Another game that EA have shoved out, in my oppinion, unfinished, waiting for the modding community to take over and make it worth while. Nice one EA! Not only have i been put off buying my beloved FPS, but it has also killed any desire to buy HL2, that will prolly turn out much like this game...... WAY OVER HYPED!

Good karma+3 votes
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Only War

Keep it comin guys!!

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ What are you?

I got some minter ideas for mods for various games but i'm not talented in ant area the slightest, so all i do is play mods by day and night :-)

P.S. Is anyone knocking up a mod for BF1942 that would incorporate the War Hammer 40,000 vehicles and troops does anyone know?

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ 1936

Unistalled the whole game, tried to kill anything to do with medal of honour in the registry and now i can't even start the game from a fresh reinstall! I keep gettin "pixomatic.dll not found", any ideas guys before i have to do a system format?

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ 1936

I put the mod and update onto my machine and played a few games with my m8's but when i disabled the mod and tried to run normal Breakthrough, it was still playing the mod! One uninstall later i restart my machine, kick into a game of Breakthroughand it is still playing the mod! Looks like i'm gonna have to do an uninstall of Medal so i can play normally again now :-( Is this a recognised problem or just me?

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Only War

Can't wait, can't wait! This has gotta be one of the best looking Generals mods ever! The Necron base looks sweeeeet too ;-)

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Only War

Thats what i meant dood. Cheers for the info.

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Only War

Nice going BlackKnight ;-)

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ How will you aquire Half Life 2?

FPS! Pah! They all the same, different graphics and different physics but still point and shoot. I love fps, don't get me wrong but look at the latest releases! Point, shoot and repeat untill dead, whoops, sorry not to forget duck and jump now and again. I WILL buy HL2, about 2 months down the line off e-bay for no more than 12 pounds and i'll only be buying it then for any mods due out. Thank god for the modding community, at least they can turn an average game into a work of art.

Good karma+2 votes
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Only War

Every time i try to get to the site now i'm getting:

Error 404
Not Found.

The requested URL was not found on this server.

The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error.

Hope that Gamespy aint terminated the account :-(
I've tried e-mailing the guys but no response either (unless my gf has just deleted any reply as spam... AGAIN).

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ StarKiller

Blizzard are just upset because they can't cut the mustard with games anymore, they write games for the cash and the ppl out there have to mod the games to make them playable! They are prolly also upset that theit own game engine sucks and EA games will get the credit for it. Tut, tut, shame on Blizzard......

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ Only War

Having played DoW, i don't think that this mod will have any problems staying in there at the top. Obviously a well structured team of GW fanatics at the helm, whom only concern is getting it right. Let hope you guys go all the way with all the races (teleporting Necrons would be nice) and wipe those smug $$ signs off GW's face! This looks to be the mod that GW fans and generals fans have been waiting for, for a very long time, i know i have.

Good karma+1 vote
Ronin_100 - - 28 comments @ D-Day: The Last Hope

Me want it! Me want it now! lol

Good karma+1 vote