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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 44)
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Fallout: Who Vegas

Could someone please post a link where I can get his original FOWV Sonic Screwdriver- the one here?

I'd really appreciate it.

Good karma+2 votes
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ SHRUNK

Haha, wow. That was intelligent.

Good karma+2 votes
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Action Halflife 2

4. Ammo- In matches with a lot of people, typically at least eight, this isn't an issue, since you typically die quite quickly. However, in smaller three- or four-person games, ammo runs low in a hurry. I think just an extra boost to the bandolier would be sufficient.

5. Weapon menu- Perhaps a picture/description of the items and weapons? It would be nice to know the ammo capacity and functions of your loadout before jumping in to the battle, instead of having to guess and use each one individually- and often for several life cycles- to discover its uses. I'm sure this capability will be coming in a near-future update, however.

These are just my concerns and those of others that I heard. You have already made a game you can be damn proud of, though, and I eagerly await your future releases.

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Action Halflife 2

Well, I just downloaded and played your mod for a couple hours yesterday, and I have to say it was the most fun I've had with a mod in a long time. There were some issues, yes, but for a first release it was fantastic.

Since the whole purpose of a beta is to get feedback and tweak gameplay, I thought I'd post impressions from what I played. Please note that almost everything I list was also voiced by other players during my sessions.

1. Jump height- I found myself frequently stuck, or at least hindered, while moving around the maps, in that I could not get over the smallest of fences, walls, etc. The jump height definitely needs to be increased, especially to conform with the "action movie" feel, because since when could Jason Statham not overcome a two foot gate?

2. Bandage time- I understand the injury/bleed-out/bandage thing, and honestly I like it the idea. However, the time required to patch yourself up could be decreased without any hit to the fun factor. It takes away from the action when you have to go out of your way to find a hole to hide in for a while to heal.

3. Auto-reload- It just needs to be brought back. Yes, it is more realistic to have to remember to reload, but in the course of playing this issue was brought up at least once every ten minutes or so.

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Halo Solitude demonstration

Wow. It looks great. Keep up the good work guys, I can't wait for this release.

Good karma+2 votes
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Firearms 2

They do, actually. In fact, both of these teams have full legal rights. I can't explain it because I can't read legal bullocks, but suffice it to say they do. Also suffice it so say that THIS Firearms mod only got extremely begrudging support from Eric Smith, the old Firearms leader, once he learned that he technically did not own the Firearms name. The Firearms: Source team, however, has the full approval from the now-World at War team.

Having said this, let it be known that I cast no true support to either team and will, as much as it pains me, and as so many have said, let the actual game content speak for itself. I say it pains me because I am revolted by the Firearms 2 team's original tactics, what with the hijacking and all, but for all I know they could be a bunch of just really swell guys, and let my opinion sway you neither one way nor the other.

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ The Runners- Progress Report

Come on guys, don't hate on the mod just because it looks like a bad B-horror movie. In fact, that's part of the charm- I love how the robot looks. I still can't wait for this mod to be released, and I would offer my help if I could actually help.

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Z Day

Oh my god. It's like you have some crazy mind-reading satellite trained on my head and you just reached down and pulled out my second most desired thing (first being a nekomimi girlfriend) and actually started making it. I will never stop playing this when it comes out.

Good karma+2 votes
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Zombie Crisis

I don't know... too many gibs fly from the zombies when you shoot them. It'd be easy to get lost in all that when there's a room full of them. They also take a lot of shots to kill, judging from that second video. It doesn't look like it'd be possible to survive a fight with more than two or three zombies at a time. I'll still try it when it comes out, though.

Good karma+3 votes
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ The Runners

Firework-grenades... interesting...

But yes, I see it now. I wish I had any kind of modding skill at all, I would definitely apply for a position on the mod. But alas, I hardly know how to reskin a weapon, and even then I'm no good at it.

Good karma0 votes
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ ARRANGEMENT

My god. Those are in HL1? There is no way you got that much detail in there!

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ The Runners

(had to continue here, hehe.)

Also: if you have a human controlling the robot, it would be fairly difficult to use the methods described in your summary to escape. They wouldn't be fooled by fireworks exploding off to their side: they would immediately look for a source.

But, if you could somehow change it so that the robot's "vision," or some sort of "motion tracker," is based on sound that could definitely work. If runners had to move slowly, not step on things like broken glass or paper, maybe even hold their breath when the robot got close so it couldn't detect them, it would add a whole other level of gameplay. Of course, it would work both ways. Set off some fireworks at the robot's feet, and it would be so confused, everyone would be able to make a quick escape. Even simply throwing a rock twenty feet away to make just a little sound and draw its attention to make a quick escape would be possible.

Wow. I wrote a lot. Jeez.

Good karma+5 votes
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ The Runners

I just had an idea that I think could be pretty cool. You've already said that the last person standing has to survive for two minutes after everyone else is killed, in effect discouraging teamwork. But if you included a second game type, where the runners simply had to survive for, say, five or ten minutes, it would then promote teamwork, and could create some extremely interesting and creative methods of distracting, barricading, or even destroying the robot.

Instead of going off on your own, grabbing whatever you can to survive, and hoping the robot doesn't see you hiding behind those crates, you would coordinate with the other runners, share ammo and health kits, lead the robot away from exposed, wounded team mates. Even, and this is a stretch but would be incredibly awesome if implemented, a way to drag team mates from harms way. Imagine, while trying to move between cover, one of your mates is shot, lying on the ground, dying. Someone else shoots the robot, or sets off a firework, or something, to distract it. You run out, grab the injured guy, and drag him back behind a wall or into a building, and provide quick first aid, just as a flurry of bullets reduces the pavement where you were just seconds ago to rubble.

Good karma+4 votes
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ The Runners

This sounds like great fun, and is probably the most original mod I have seen since Insect Infestation. I love the B-movie look of the robot, too. I will be eagerly anticipating any news.

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Star Wars: The New Era - Teaser #1

No videos are working. Site error or something.

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Insurgency

It should work with just HL2:DM. I don't see any reason why it shouldn't. But the best way to find out is to try, so just download it, put it in the mods folder, and see if you can run it.

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ The Pokemod

Sarge... the Pokemon games were some of the most fun games I have played in my life. Just because your mommy and daddy wouldn't buy you a gameboy so you could play Blue version doesn't give you the right to tell mod developers what they should or shouldn't have a mod about.

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Zombie Master 1.1.2 Full Installer

Haha, 1 download. Wow.

Good karma-1 votes
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Imperial Guard Kasrkin

kick. ***. this is one of the most promising 2142 mods, and i cannot wait for its release.

Good karma+2 votes
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Hide and Seek

sounds interesting, it could turn out to be pretty fun. good luck with all of the help you will indefinitely need.

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ God Damned Undead

L.O.L. your new description is hilarious, (yes, dammit, it was hilarious, because it was random, and if you didnt at least chuckle, your a god damn communist.) i dl'ed it before, but no servers were up and i kinda forgot about it. ill dl it again and see if any servers are up though, and i hope there are.

Good karma+3 votes
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Zombie Stress

what would be great is if someone would do one of these, only with multiplayer, maybe 4-5 players against hundreds of zombies. maybe make it like source-forts where you have, i dunno, 3 minutes to stockpile ammo and build a fort to defend against hundreds of zombies. yeah, that'd be awesome.

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ The Specialists

ok, i really need some help. my favorite server, the mecklenburg zombie server, just came back up. but im still having troubles with connecting. it gets to parsing game info, and sometimes shows the map for a quick second, but then it freezes and my game crashes. no other servers mess up like that. what can i do?

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ SMOD: Tactical

ok, for all of you dozens of people having trouble, this is what you do. you go download SMOD. then you extract SMOD:Tactical to the SMOD folder. thats it. start up SMOD and type "exec tactical" or something similar in the console.

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Battlefield Advanced

you had me at "destructible environments." god, please dont let this be dead!

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ The Specialists

could someone maybe help me out? whenever i try to join the zombie mod server it freezes at the precaching step. is there anything i can do about it? ive already reinstalled hl and ts.

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Resident Evil : Cold Blood

Fatal Error
Mod_NumForName: hP (square thing) not found


Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ The Trenches

tch. life and jobs. who needs em.

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Codename HLDino

you hunt dinosaurs. i think.

Good karma+1 vote
nospaceperson - - 44 comments @ Resident Evil Reloaded!

sweet! keep it up!

Good karma+1 vote