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Comment History
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Fallout New Vegas Reborn

I'm glad to see you decided to make a version for New-Veges. I've been fallowing since Reborn v1 and have enjoyed the fresh new feel the mod adds to the game. I'm looking forward to seeing this incarnation progress and improve. Keep up the good work.

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ FakeFactory Cinematic Mod


"Because annoying other people is fun."

He has provided the reason for his being here... and about 14 other people as well. "Myself included."
{I jab at your false sense of pride my good sir.}

Jab, jab...

That aside, I "Personally" believe this is an excellent addition to the slue of HL2 mods in existence. This being one of the better mods. Trolls aside, The models are good looking and add a fresh look to the game. Its comparable to a remake of an old movie, with the same plot, settings, and script but with new actors and new filming techniques. Its not really a new idea, its just done differently. Some will like it, some won't.

...And life moves on.

"One annoying troll deserves another!" |3

Good karma0 votes
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Wake up, it’s time for the real nightmare to begin (RELEASED!)

Kept me at the edge of my seat the whole time. I nearly shat myself a couple of times. Excellent story (kept me interested the whole time), excellent delivery, a little short but diffidently worth the play. This personifies the true form of the horror genre. I scened a few bits of FEAR and Resident Evil thrown in, but in a positive way. Well balanced horror/action all around. 10/10

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Firearms Source 1.0 Release

CSS and DOD had a baby. nuff said

Good karma0 votes
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Attack Day

All his post says is "My friend made it."(I'm paraphrasing) Perhaps he knows the guy who molded it on FPS Banana. You shouldn't through around words like "Illegal" until you know the full situation. It can do a lot more damage then you think.

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Attack Day

Point one:
This mod looks good, the idea anyway. It has potential.
Point two:
IT would be better if they started making and using there own models, but as this is a Alpha I think most of us can let that slip. Come on guys just give them some time before you start flipping out screaming "This is illegal" or "you stole this". If they release this in a full version and they still have no recognitions, then its a problem.
Point three:
TehGuy has some excellent points, listen to him if you want this mod to succeed.
Point four:
I know flam wars are inevitable, but it doesn't hurt to ask "Can't we all just get along?"

Good karma+8 votes
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ May Media Release

This is on par with BM:S I can't wait to play ether. Keep up the awesome work. (Tracking)

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Provenance v1.1

Mine keeps crashing in the vent just after you kill the first zombie. Any help would be appreciated.

Good karma+2 votes
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Grey

This sounds an awful lot like Afraid of Monsters, but that's not a bad thing. This defiantly has it's own personality, I can't wait to play.

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ SMOD OUTBREAK

I for one am enjoying it, I think it's a good refresh from the original , and it gives a good reason at least to replay the game. It's still a little rough around the edges and needs some polish hear and there but I think it's still some quality work. I understand that some people like yourself wouldn't like a mod like that so drastically changes the game play, but thats no reason to bash it. As the old saying goes, if you have nothing nice to say (or constructive) you shouldn't say anything at all. But I digress you are entitled to your opinion the same as I am and nothing says we can't share them equally. I give it a 9.5 out of 10.

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ SMOD OUTBREAK

I was just wondering about the d2_coast_08 map where it seems that I can't progress to the next level. The screen just goes black and takes me back to the last save. Was this done on purpose because the levels after that aren't complete yet? Or is it some sort of glitch?

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Fallout 3 Reborn: A Realism Mod

Thanks for the reply. Well I hope something can be worked out about the Trees. Also now that I think about it the Fatman tweak you made dose seem to make more since. Keep up the good work.

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Fallout 3 Reborn: A Realism Mod

Just a quick question... well two actually.
Firstly: Is there anyway you could release two versions of this mod, one with the greenery[the Green trees and such], and one that retains the "wastelandish" look[dead trees and such]. I understand that logically after 200 years it would be a lot greener, but I and many others enjoy the bleak, dead, and rather crispy art stile that the Fallout series is known for.
And Secondly: The Fatman radiation fallout seems to have a rather wide range, and rather high radiation levels towards the center, is there any way this could be tweaked a bit.
Anyway, looking forward to the feedback, and thank you.

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Fallout 3 Reborn: A Realism Mod

Ok cool. Yeah I was going to edit the "Instant Head shot" to say "Instant head shot kills" but you know the five minute edit rule. And about the trees, I think it has to do something with the Distant tree effect; you know when you look out over the terrain and see the "Distant" trees and as you get closer the 3d models fade in. I'm no expert, nor am I any kind of modder, but it's just a hunch I've got. Anyway good luck and god's speed.

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Fallout 3 Reborn: A Realism Mod

Ok I've played for 24 hours... or so, and I've noticed a few things.
Comment one: thanks for the edit to the Heavy Incinerator, the old knock back was a bit... much to say the least.
Comment two: I've noticed that sometimes there's these weird 2D trees that show up inside the usual 3D trees. I could just be on my side but I thought I'd mention it just in case.
Comment three: It seems that you can't get instant head shots on the swamp folk in point lookout, I don't know if this was intentional but again I just thought I'd mention it.
Comment four: Aside from the previous, this is still a well rounded and well done mod. I'm looking forward to V6 with the up most patience.

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Fallout 3 Reborn: A Realism Mod

Woot It's out! If only I had known it came out yesterday I would have commented earlier. I'll comment back on any issues or complaints. Keep up the good work Slayer, and good luck with V6.

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Fallout 3 Reborn: A Realism Mod

So far this is looking good. When I downloaded point lookout the first thing I thought was... "Oh crap there's no Reborn version out for this yet" but seeing that progress has continued on this awesome mod has made me a very happy man. Keep up the work slayer, your work continues to amaze and it most certainly will continue to do so into the future.

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Fallout 3 Reborn: A Realism Mod

One addendum....
There seems to be an issue with the Heavy Incinerator from the Broken Steel DLC. It seems to have a very high knock back rate, like that of a missile launcher... and it is a rapid fire weapon. So when I fought against Enclave, I got rag dolled... a lot. So if you could fix this it would be a great help.

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Fallout 3 Reborn: A Realism Mod

Now that I have this working thanks to Slayer's help; I have to say this has to be one of the best mods I have ever used for Fallout 3. It makes things so well balanced and as the name says "realistic". Now its so satisfying to rip apart my enemies with my mini-gun and with little effort to boot. From head shoots doing instant kills [which was a personal annoyance of mine, I mean really, what real human can take 4 bullets to the head and live], to the various other tweaks, the mini-gun damage increase being my personal favorite. This mod does what it says and does it exceptionally well, thank you for this awesome mod. 10/10
Sincerely: MrRaven

Good karma+2 votes
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Fallout 3 Reborn: A Realism Mod

Thanks for the quick reply, and for the help.

Good karma+2 votes
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Fallout 3 Reborn: A Realism Mod

I've been trying to find the .esp files in my hidden app data folder to put them in my data folder like you said in the readme, but I cant seem to find them anywhere. The only files I find are .esm, .bik, and .bsa, no .esp files. The path i'm using is
C:\ Users\ [MYNAME]\ AppData\ Local\ Microsoft\ XLive\ DLC
Then I go farther in to the file and only find the broken steel folder and the files I mentioned above. Please help.

Good karma+2 votes
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Offline: Source


Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ John's Mod

"You are just a troll, and an idiot for typing all that with such band grammar and use of language."
My grammar is bad? Also, don't use "troll" as an adjective. It ruins your argument and in the end it makes you sound retarded.

Good karma+1 vote
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ John's Mod

Say what you want about my grammar, and whatever else you like. No one really cares except the people your ranking on. Why don't you grow up and stop bitching about other people. Besides even if it's borrowed material all someone has to say is "Please say I created this" and the issue is resolved, but instead you had to bitch about it and blow it all out of proportion. Also, maybe if you weren't such a douche bag people might take you more seriously.

Good karma0 votes
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ John's Mod


My god people, if you want to bitch about something than form a political party and put your sad lives to some use reforming the country that gives you the right of free speech (which some of you don't even deserve). Don't waste your time being ******** to someone you will most likely never meet in real life, if you have one, and who more than likely doesn't deserve it. So here's a list of stuff you should do...
1. Grow up
2. Get a life
3. Get an education
4. Get a Job
5. Get yourself a house
6. Get a woman/man
And while your doing all of this... QUIT BITCHING AND STFU! No one cares, except the poor guy/girl your doing it to.
It's unkind, wrong, and undeserved.
Why not take the time to put your selves in his shoes.
Maybe it will make you a better person, or maybe your just so much of an ******* that's impossible, and if that's the case then your no use to humanity and you deserve to live the rest of your life as a fat, woman-less waste of living tissue, making a living off the internet from your moms basement until you die from a clogged artery.
But I digress, leave him alone, at least he's doing something me most likely enjoys(or did until you came along). and quit griping about other peoples mods/addons, it makes you look bad. If you have some criticism than give it, don't bitch, there's a big difference between the two, you should take the time to learn that difference.

Good karma-6 votes
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Left4Realism

Perhaps, instead of removing the Boss Infested, you could add a "random skin spawn" or in other words, No two boss infected of the same type would have the same model skin. I personally dislike the fact that multiple hunters can spawn and that they all look alike, that is very "unrealistic".(It lacks variety is what I suppose what I'm trying to get across). If you were to add more individualized skins to the boss types, that may make it seem more realistic to have them in game.

Good karma+2 votes
MrRaven - - 27 comments @ Aperture : Déjà vu

"Ride Like The Wind" by Michael Mind

Good karma+1 vote