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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 43)
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

I see! Doesn't that make the Vanquisher ace significantly worse than the Exterminator one, though? The latter has a lot going for it with the plasma cannons, lascannon and mortar, whereas the extra armour on the Vanquisher rarely matters because of its long range.

Oh well, another thing to report:
Steel Legion's The Iron Saint doesn't have a 'Heroes' entry.

Good karma+1 vote
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Couple of Praetorian Guard things I noticed to consider for the patch:

- They can still build their titans when the titan winconditions are disabled.
- Vanquisher tank ace tooltip says it has sponsons, which appear to be missing.

Good karma+2 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Small oversight: Some of the new air units (Grey Specters, the BA Stormraven, probably others) aren't affected by the "No Fly Zone" wincondition.

Also, I'd like to suggest exempting cheap vehicles from the AI's retreat behavior. When a red health Rhino or Sentinel runs all the way back to base it tends to cut through and disrupt incoming reinforcements. Back at base it clogs up the area around the HQ and wastes repair time/capacity that'd be much better spent on other things. I think it'd on average improve AI performance if it just let these kinds of vehicles fight to the death and be replaced.

Thanks for reading!

Good karma+2 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Congrats on the release, guys! I'm slowly going through the mountain of content and I love what I've seen so far, especially the Vostroyans and the reworked Steel Legion because of my huge IG bias. Thanks for another wonderful update to the best mod!

Anyway, I'd like to report a couple of minor errors I noticed during a game with SL just now (I'm not much of a Discord person, sorry):
- Commissar has a pink box for an icon.
- Fire Control Bunker tooltip erroneously claims you can train Bullgryn there.
- Colonel's Vox Officer ability tooltip is wrong about its resource cost (and since the ability costs are already shown in the UI, I think that whole line is redundant).
- Tooltip for the Colonel's Ogryn bodyguards contains a line about power mauls, which they don't have.
- 'Heroes' script refers to the Ork Hunters as Bullgryn.

Good karma+2 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

If it really bothers you that much you could also limit the number of HQs by modifying the AI files.

You'd have to go to \Unification_Bugfix\Data\ai\races\[race_name]_race\strategies, open the [race] file in notepad, find the section where the actual strategies are defined and change the last number in every line with "[race]_hq" in it to 0 for every strategy.

If you're playing on Hard or above I think you also have to open the [race] file, scroll down to the section about dynamic buildings and change the first number for the "[race]_hq" lines there to 0.

I haven't tested this (make backups!), but in theory the AI should no longer be able to build another HQ at all after this.

Good karma+3 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

The idea behind this AI behavior is that it will allow them to rebuild from the spare HQ in the event their own base is destroyed. It's not actually trying to troll you, though I agree in practice it can be quite annoying with how cramped many maps get.

As a band-aid solution you could enable the game rule that lets you take control of your ally and use it to delete their offending buildings as necessary.

Good karma+2 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Hey guys, any chance the Krieg heavy weapons team could be changed so that the autocannon and lascannon are weapon upgrades instead of leader addons? At the moment it's kind of awkward you can't specialize the squad with multiple heavy bolters or three autocannons/lascannons.

Good karma+1 vote
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Hey crew. Some questions from a prospective map maker:

Will we be able to utilize survival exclusive units in the upcoming re-code of the assault mode?

Would you be willing to put together a 3D asset pack for mappers to use as a dependency? Things like a landed Valkyrie object, scaled up versions of the vanilla Leman Russ wrecks for consistency, corpses/wrecks of some of the new units, etc. would be lovely to have.

Thanks for reading!

Good karma+3 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ The journey towards 7.0 (Part3)

Sounds fantastic!

Your ongoing efforts to make new factions feel distinct is appreciated.

Good karma+4 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Well deserved. Congratulations!

Good karma+4 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ You thought we have not noticed the update about MOTY?

Congrats on reaching the top 100. Well deserved!

Now we vote again for the final spot in the competition, right?

Good karma+7 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Hey guys, in the latest build there are errors in that prevent the Space Marine AI from building Predators, Land Raiders and titans. There's a missing { at line 1970 from when the Land Speeder SP multi-melta upgrade was added and I think line 1100 comments out one } too many. Hope you don't mind me tinkering with the files -- I just started to miss those units!

Good karma+1 vote
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

I meant these new "field ordnance batteries": -- didn't remember their name, sorry for the confusion.


Good karma+2 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

So I went to the Warhammer website today and encountered this new beauty:

It's giving me funny feelings I haven't had in a long time. Any plans to make this? Maybe as a tank doctrine exclusive for SL or something? And possibly those new XL heavy weapon teams they showed earlier for the armored fist doctrine? :o

Good karma+4 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Assault Maps Return!

Sounds like exactly what I hoped for. Thank you very much!

Good karma+1 vote
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Assault Maps Return!

That's great news!

Will there be a guide to help us make these? I've tried reverse-engineering one in the past but it's quite intimidating if you don't know what you're looking at.

Good karma+1 vote
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Question: is it intended for DKoK grenadier squads to only get a max of 5 meltaguns vs 7 of every other weapon upgrade? :o

Good karma+2 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Version 6.9.1 + 0.0.15 has arrived

Woo, thank you very much!

Good karma+7 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Why not just choose the races you want the AI to use yourself?

Good karma+2 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Random image

Clearly nothing to see here!

Good karma+2 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Would you guys consider making the Krieg bunker weapon upgrades cumulative rather than replacements? At the moment they're already quite strong but they don't *look* particularly powerful compared to the hail of bullets that comes out of vanilla IG bunkers. I think the game balance impact should be fine considering you're already limited to 4 bunkers per HQ. Maybe make the upgrades more expensive or require multiple garrisoned squads to activate all the weapons or something?

Good karma+2 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Ah, gotcha! Sorry for the false bug reports. :(

Good karma+4 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Hey guys, some more small issues:

There seems to be an untextured (?) character on one of the randomized parts of the Leman Russ Incinerator. I've taken a screenshot:

The DKoK Macharius' plasma cannon version seems to have a missing gunner model for its pintle-mounted heavy stubber so it's just a floating gun (might be randomized -- forgot to check).

The DKoK Ogryns leave sideways footprints in the sand.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

Good karma+3 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Hey guys, here to report some minor issues I encountered over the last couple of days of play.

1) The autocannon sponsons on that one SM Predator upgrade have a much faster recoil animation than the guns actually fire.

2) The Eldar AI always upgrades its Wraithknight from melee to ranged but keeps using it as a melee unit. I'm assuming this happens because it's not possible to make the AI switch between melee and ranged stances depending on unit upgrades, in which case I believe it would be a big improvement to make them simply never upgrade the Wraithknight at all.

3) The new WC that reduces the AI building spam is fantastic but the Tau AI ignores it and keeps walling itself in with dozens of Paths of Enlightenment.

4) There's some kind of problem with the Krieg AI where its engineers can't keep up with build and repair orders, leading to a bunch of vehicles piling up at their HQ waiting for repairs that never come and unfinished buildings all over the map. Not sure what's happening.

I hope all this isn't too nitpicky. I love the new release -- just trying to help make it even better!

Good karma+3 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

I see. That's unfortunate. :(

What's so special about the Ragnarok that makes it the only unit with this problem, though?

To be clear, I'm not talking about the familiar issues with units getting stuck on units, terrain corners, etc. but something I've never seen before that only affects this one specific vehicle.

Good karma+1 vote
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Hey guys, there's something strange going on with the AI and the DKoK Ragnarok. They drive it halfway across the map and then it sort of gets stuck there moving back and forth. Happens almost every game. Really cripples their early-mid game attacks. Maybe the AI thinks the Ragnarok is a long range artillery unit or something?

Good karma+1 vote
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

The new version is awesome, guys. Super impressed with the high level of polish already on display for both the Death Guard and Krieg. Special shout-out to the wonderful animations on the Death Guard buildings.

One of the Krieg smokescreen abilities the AI loves to use unfortunately cuts my framerate in half when it's on screen but that's understandable since I'm running the game on an old laptop with onboard graphics.

Good karma+6 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ In the end of the tunnel, there is...Chaos?

They look different (I wouldn't say "unfinished") because the art assets for the Harlequins mod were made a very long time ago by (I think) different modders.

Please remember modders have lives outside of modding too, not everything can be worked on all at once, and none of us are entitled to anything.

Good karma+2 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ In the end of the tunnel, there is...Chaos?

Awesome! Can't wait for the release!

Good karma+9 votes
Melancholic - - 43 comments @ Ah, the folly of youth.

I'm sorry you guys have to deal with someone like that. I guess success will always attract trolls.

Also, it should go without saying that all the hard work the team puts into this mod is greatly appreciated!

Good karma+6 votes