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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 72)
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ The End of Days

mikesmith not like the developer needs protection, I think he can answer on his own behalf. but I think your comments are harsh a bit. this mod is unique and think it fits many of our wishes. let me tell you that I agree with you but not with the approach, I often go back to 0.92 version. I like it, I enjoy it. in recent version I like the general points mechanisms. it is so original and realistic

on the texture level, I recall we had the option to vote (for me the classic olive green for Russia was betters voted for that, others didn't. I would have have given the Russia current one to GLAchanging red to yellow) but we ended up with Chinese digital camo. it is fine it is democracy.

I apoloize for the long message. wishing you happy new year for Alexei_Stukov and TEOD and MODDB fans

Good karma+2 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ Russian Air Force

good fit for the GLA since Flankers are transferred to the russian faction... Fulcrum was always a rebels fighter jet

Good karma+1 vote
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ ROTR Stream announcement 2023-04-21

Mixture of “make it glow” + “ it’s so quiet here” + “ i ve lost a bomb” 😝
Looks Very nice 👍

Good karma+3 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ Za Rodinu! - TEOD 0.98 CBT

Nice texture. I am still convinced that this texture would have fit GLA the best. It looks metallic and serves the purpose of crates and so on design wise. Shades of orange and green variations like USSR would looked better on russian vehicles. ( just an opinion) Thanks for your efforts Alexey. Great inspirational job as usual. All the small footsteps that i took in modeling are indirectly thanks to you. You got influence dude 😎

Good karma+4 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ The End of Days

They are not. Not even the old howitzer systems are obsolete. Current wars in the last few decades demonstrated that. You cant nuke when u want, cant use fighters due to risk an embedded expenses. Still mechanized troops are the “the cheapest” and most reliable. You need them to occupy territories and defend at same time which you cant do with jets, robots and so. Speaking from scientific background :)

Good karma+1 vote
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Please return Berkut original voice. It needed few more lines and sounds way better than the adapter RA3 MiG ones. Kindly consider that if possible

Good karma+2 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ Rise of the Reds: HanPatch

Please consider adding fulcrum to GLA something like this ghost :) that will be epic, maybe as a recycler upgrade for hyena

Good karma0 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ 1.9 Russian Update

Yes i know :) but vss is cooler :))) anyways we will enjoy it :D

Good karma0 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ 1.9 Russian Update

Sergeant with Vintorez will be cooler :) action rifles fits more US rambo style :)
Looking forward for the new update.
Thank you

Good karma+1 vote
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Very nice dude :) you are talented

Good karma+1 vote
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ USA Cameos

Looks nice. As usual great work. I liked avenger and f35 the most

I have one observation, if I try units on test maps (in add-on section the one done by Haubibban) and then playing on normal map, upgrades unit constructions are immediate. it takes literary microseconds to build a unit or buy an upgrade. is it only with me?

Good karma0 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ Russian Federation Logo.


Please don't use this logo. It is not nice and the idea behind it is also very simplistic, marshal star. I usually don’t criticize efforts, but this is not done to the level of TEOD.
I suggest to use this one’s colors at least

Or as alternative could serve as idea the ussr KGB or spetsnaz insignia ( the one with fist, a star and AK)..

Good karma-5 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ GLA Updated Cameos

nice cameos. I really liked T72 and Scud or shaheen's. they look awesome.
I think the chevrons will cover mirage cameo, it is better to have the cockpit to the left.
and finally please, keep my request for mig-29 for deathstrike in your mind if it is possible :D


Good karma+3 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ The End of Days - 0.97.7 - Full Version

Hi Alexey, thanks for the 97.7. I noticed the following on Mac, maybe these notes are common for windows users as well.

1-there is a game crash due to JarmenKell.ini, I replaced it with partisan code and it started. I could not find the problem, maybe due to specialpowers?

2- Heavy sam not attacking, I think it is due to camera height, I tried to find the gamedata.INI file to test, bit couldn't find it
3- Raytheon SAM is acting like having a sluggish locomotor, just drifting in its place and causing dust, or maybe clash due that It can attack maybe other Armor.ini subjects?
4- the upgrade of Shtora is momental, once clicked it directly upgrades
5- the pro commander is not fully active due to d3d8.dll I think, the button resolution is also somehow squeezed and does not accommodate the button name
6- I realized that AI is building fighters now in contrast with the previous version ( a problem that I was facing solely and it is not global note)

thanks again

Good karma+2 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ European Faction Acronym Public Poll

6 or EuroCorps

Good karma+3 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ Russia Orion Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

I always liked this UAS. one of my wishes for TEOD instead of MiG SKAT, It can be configured to suit different doctrines.
my ultimate wish is to have fulcrum for GLA even as crate upgrade for MiG21 :D, it will look tigresh with the yellow black texture :))))

Best of luck

Good karma+1 vote
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ Updated Russian ground units cameos

Alexei_Stukov : Looking awesome dude. Your mode do deserve better than 9th place to be honest in term of originality, continuity.... they should at least promote other awards.. this mod might not be miss world but is for sure miss congeniality, it has so much quality in it and should not be compared with other mods really.

2 things:
1) About Cameos: i suggest if you have time, redo the dozer cameo it is bit difficult to visualize (maybe toucan clear the paysage in front of the shovel) , T90 with SHTORA lights on will give better effect.

2) still have issue with AI not building planes no matter what I do, install/ re-install/ readme :D....other versions of TEOD are running great...could it be due to Mac or so?

Well done dude :)

Good karma+2 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ Russia Su-47 Multirole Fighter

Happy holidays
What a Jet! looking at it is fearsome.. pogosyan and Simonov did wonderful job. petty it didn't mature to serial production. Good work Lesha

Good karma+5 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ MiG-35 multirole fighter

Single-seat Fulcrum looks better than double seat :)
Only one thing to state, especially for the frogfoot, with these color samples it looks like A10. I suggest to give them more grayish or blueish shade.

Check these if you are interested :)

Good karma+4 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ The End of Days - 0.97.5 Patch 3 - Full Version

3. Some OP is ok but obviously you are looking for the overall balancing. But an iterative weaponset with veterancy to achieve 1S/1K is somehow golden middle in my opinion.

5. T90MS looks like a damaged US vehicle, texture wise. When there are lots of vehicles involved it will be difficult to identify (my opinion).
6. I have other versions installed in different C&C folders and they run ok. My issue is with 0.97 and its patches only. I will look at it again
7. Yes know, but a battle between a tank and spawned single rifleman from destroyed structures takes 2 hours uselessly. both are invulnerable against each others (unless crushing). Funny enough two riflemen make more damage to a tank than a tank can make to them.. they are equipped with SMALL_ARMS damage at the end of the day..

Good karma+1 vote
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ The End of Days - 0.97.5 Patch 3 - Full Version

Hi Alexey,
Thanks for the update :) allow me for few notes.

1- Shtora animation for T90MS is below the lens (between the chassis and the turret).
2- sometimes Spetsnaz attacks with the remaining missile surrounding infantries (after attacking twice a vehicle for instance), isnt better to set a preferredagainst command for auto selection?
3- Partisans, Spetsnazs and Pathfinders are Snipers, they should have once 1shot/ 1 kill ratio otherwise it doesn't make sense to have them as snipers...maybe a waiting time can be set to balance or clip sizes?
4- Tor-M1 once or twice has launched its missiles against ground targets
5- the new camo for Russian vehicles is nice, but I resembles as damaged texture for US vehicle.. when lots of units are built friend/foe, it become a hassle without assigning ctrl+number to identify.
6- I followed the installation very carefully, but still when playing against US, I am not facing any danger from above, [playing on Mac if that has any impact]
7- I suggest to re-introduce machine-guns to Tier1 MBTs, maybe via a transported infantry. its damage and fire-rate can be changed with doctrines

Good karma+2 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ Russia T-90A Vladimir Tank

I like it, it goes well with Shtora:)
is it possible to share a plain texture of the red urban cameo pls

Good karma+2 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ Russian new Skin style

4 Monochrome, just little darker pls so it can differentiate from Chinese yellow green. (with victory ruban will be fantastic)

No.3 is nice but best suites for GLA in my opinion as insurgent state

Good karma+1 vote
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ An-225

Yes i know, i m just saying it is not fully ukranin as well. Like other airplanes are not fully russia For Mrya Most parts were designed and manufactured in Russian and i think in Tashkent ( uzbekistan) but the main coordinating and design office was in ukraine.
I think this was intended to carry the buran space ship- an engineering wonder this An really.

Good karma+4 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ USA - AWACS

time to hibernate :))

@Alexei_Stukov - We all, including EA.GLE. (although I don't speak on behalf of him) love your mod and acknowledge your efforts. maybe some fans of your mod sometimes miss the correct words. :)

I start working on my own mod and i know how much efforts it takes just to satisfy myself at the first beginning and in contrast to remove any subjectivity (I like mig 29, the result it becomes worth 100000 fighters strength heheheh) so yeah!

P.S. it will be good idea the one that you mentioned (suggestion), I can share few ideas which are realistic (don't know they are programmable)
-for us special forces// bribes- like the spy in other games- and convert the affected units to the other side (like Yuri)
- for high tech, overwhelming the radars and until burning them (active radars make such impact)
- AI virus strike/ global hacking
- reduce building spaces/ areas, so the other party cannot build everywhere it wants
- remove experience points from the other general if it is possible or blocking some special powers to be purchased in the power screen

Good karma+4 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ The End of Days - 0.97.5 - Challenge Update

For Mac users (crossover), to run the launcher, install .NetFix 4.0 and above in ZH bottle.
(Readme and WorldBuilder buttons are selectable but not executable)

Good karma+2 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ Spetsnaz RPG-27 Anti-Tank Attack

I think this is an excellent idea, better than calling for missile strike. Do plan having the heroes back?

Good karma+2 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ New uniform for Chinese Infantry Part 1

Impressive :) way way better than the previous model.!

Good karma+3 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ New model of Russian Spetsnaz

previous model looks better in my opinion, I mean without the helmet. this is more of a shock trooper infantry. the camouflage looks better with the pathfinder animations and skeleton than the helmet.
Color combination for is better though :)

Good karma+2 votes
DrDaher - - 72 comments @ GLA MiG-21 Fishbed Fighter

When we are going to have a falconish- mig 29 instead?

Good karma+3 votes