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Think your problems away... (Groups : qc : Forum : vault() : Think your problems away...) Locked
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numbersix quake-c coder++
Nov 22 2013 Anchor

So, you have a quake mod and you just added some spiffy feature.

Gun shell casing eject for instance.

Great. Until you have 5000 of them littering the level and the server is coughing up its network intestines.

Now what?

You need a .think solution!

Full .think tutorial - Moddb.com
Like this:

entity e;
e = spawn();
// set model, size, origin, velocities, etc.

// entity remover found in subs.qc:
// void() SUB_Remove = {remove(self);};

e.think = SUB_Remove;
e.nextthink = time + 60 + random() * 60; // gone in 60 - 120 secs

Your casings, body parts and other decor will now remove themselves.

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