Post feature Report RSS RaW Locations (Planets) List

Here is a complete list of the all the locations for RaW

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Locations List

  • Abregado Rae
  • AetenII
  • Alderaan
  • AlzocIII
  • Anaxes
  • Atzerri
  • Bakura
  • Bespin
  • Bestine
  • Bonadan
  • Bothawui
  • Boz Pity
  • Carida
  • Cato Neimoidia
  • Corellia
  • Corulag
  • Coruscant
  • Dantooine
  • Dathomir
  • Duro
  • Endor
  • Eriadu
  • Felucia
  • Foerost
  • Fondor
  • Fresia
  • Geonosis
  • Hoth
  • Honoghr
  • Hypori
  • Ilum
  • Ithor
  • Jabiim
  • Kamino
  • Kashyyyk
  • Korriban
  • Kuat
  • Mandalore
  • Mechis III
  • Minntooine
  • MonCalimari
  • Mustafar
  • Muunilinst
  • Mygeeto
  • Naboo
  • NalHutta
  • Ord Mantell
  • Polis Massa
  • Rattatak
  • Raxus Prime
  • Rendili
  • Rhen Var
  • Roche Asteroids
  • Rodia
  • Rothana
  • Ryloth
  • Saleucami
  • Sluis Van
  • Sullust
  • Taris
  • Tatooine
  • The Maw
  • The Wheel
  • Thyferra
  • Trandosha
  • Vergesso Asteroids
  • Utapau
  • Yavin
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Akalonor - - 1,686 comments

'Rhen Var' will be interesting.

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powercramp - - 1,005 comments

agreed! loved the Rhen var maps in battlefront

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NanoCAPO12 - - 10 comments

agreed with the two. I remember capturing CPs on the Citadel or smashing rebels with th AT-AT

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R3bornSh4dow - - 230 comments

looking forward for "Raxus Prime", gonna be badass! :D

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Tom●E - - 315 comments

I hope you mean the moon Yavin IV. Yavin is a gas giant.

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Akalonor - - 1,686 comments

Space combat only ? Hrmm maybe a platform combat like Bespin

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blargtroll - - 308 comments

No Bespin and Taloraan, to my knowlage are the only Gas Giants with a Habitable Layer. Now you could do Space Combat In the Gas Giant, But Land Combat Platform Style wouldn't be Feasible.

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HJB1994 - - 51 comments

cant wait to play on them all. What about the planet Christophsis

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Rogue_Outlaw - - 61 comments

Z3rox said that it will not be a planet in the mod. But a skirmish map.

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Sanguinius - - 5,719 comments

Only 64 planets :[ ??? wish people would make 100+ again, like in some other mods :P. Well never mind its better then normal 55.

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obliterator789 - - 1,052 comments

Less planets = less lag, I'm down for less planets. I mean, what's the use for over 100 planets, when there's only around 7 or 8 planet types?

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TheExile1 - - 331 comments

Not when all these planets have custom maps on them. And these just aren't things that can be done with the map editor. Alot of work went into each map.

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blargtroll - - 308 comments

Its not the Maps, its the Computation needed to track fleet movements. The Engine itself can't handle that computation, which bogs down the game.

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matzru69 - - 4 comments

what is the solution to that problem? the game is unplayable....

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Cropto7 - - 82 comments

Looking forward to Duro and Ithor (KoToR planets nonetheless)
Will there be new indegious units, like Duros on Duro for example?

Can't wait to play it ;)

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z3r0x Author
z3r0x - - 1,384 comments

Yes the Duros are in plus an additional 12 Indigenous species.

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MawDrallin - - 215 comments

hmm. Interesting. I was just looking at the moddb spot for IA2 and it already had a planet list. It doesnt look like much has changed in the planet line-up since then except for Foerost.

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Tynan0 - - 471 comments

I can't wait for December to come! This mod is by far going to be the best.

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XavierAgamemnon - - 647 comments

no bother reading it ill wait

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Cakester - - 61 comments

0.o raxus prime? SICK :D

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Mattack - - 164 comments



nice planet list, this is gonna be EEEEEEEPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC

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Benjimable - - 544 comments

Can't wait for release :)

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llamaguts - - 288 comments

wow 64 planets!!!! a new record!

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lord_X - - 45 comments

no there are mods with 100 or more... but most are just the same thing over and over... unlike Z mod that will have its own map for all planets for both space and land

as where others just use the stock maps over and over or have a few new maps for the planets, as far as i have seen so far


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Legion778 - - 338 comments

how big will the maps be

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black_wizard - - 30 comments

Hopefully not too gigantic, I can't stand that. :/ I prefer smaller detailed maps. OMFG I m not a fan of like 200 different pathways either lol

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TheN00btuber - - 525 comments

I would like some small maps but I would also like some huge maps where you would get great use out of speeder bikes, artillery and troop transports (LAAT and Juggernaut)

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darth_fauxt - - 149 comments

indeed LARGE maps~!

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EiSiKaLi - - 18 comments

I don't mind 100+ planets and gigantic maps .Actually , gigantic maps would be interesting with gigantic army.

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Katy_x - - 2,719 comments

OMG wheres Byss? I have much love for that planet Nooooooooooooooooo

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gen4321 - - 1,034 comments

Wtf is "the wheel"?!?!?!?!!!! Is it like a giant sharp wheel that slices planets in half?! ;D

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CISftw - - 137 comments

You Wish But NO
The Wheel was a large space station located in the Besh Gorgon system of the Mid Rim. From WookiePedia

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CaptainKickass - - 25 comments

ord mantell had better have some god damn trains, so many mods do ord mantell but have obviously never seen Shadows of the Empire.

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z3r0x Author
z3r0x - - 1,384 comments

Sorry.. our Ord Mantell doesnt take place on in the Junk Yard.

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TankGirl90 - - 802 comments

Nice list of planets, going to be great :D

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101stDroidBattalion - - 1,057 comments

im looking forward to playing at ord mantell

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MTGraves - - 178 comments

First off, this mod is going to be great. Second, I thought since you guys are adding so many systems from the Clone Wars that if even after the game was released these could be added. But not really important though. Great work I can't wait till this is out.
Here's that list of planets.

Christophsis - I saw what looked like pics of this planet, but it wasn't on the list?
Skako - Techno Union main homeworld
Castell - Commerce Guild main homeworld
Toydaria - Toydarian homeworld
Malastare - Dug homeworld (famous planet never added)
Glee Anselm - Nautolan homeworld (Kit Fisto)
Tython - Jedi Origians
Kalee - Grievous's homeworld
Vassek and/ or Vassek moon where Grievous's lair was located
Shili - Togruta homeworld (Shaak Ti & Ahsoka Tano)

All these are big story line systems before and during the Clone Wars.

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Axxif - - 403 comments

Christophsis is a Skirmish map only, sorry

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MTGraves - - 178 comments

Yeah a read that on another post somewhere. Maybe in the expansion it will be in a GC mode.

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masterdude94 - - 741 comments

i agree, there are mods that dont lag up with a lot of planets, like Thrawn's revenge: imperial civil war. it has a lot of planets in its biggest gc, but deosn't lag on my computer,which is normally pretty slow. if this were for EAW, it would be a different. but with Foc's better systems it should be able to work

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masterdude94 - - 741 comments

and how can you have Kashyyyk and Trandosha in the game? are you going to have them in seperate GCs? cuz(i'm sure you already know this) they are in the same star system, so it might make it dificult to have both of them in the same gc map

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JangoFett_Unstopable - - 48 comments

Where is Concord Dawn?

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DrTroll - - 29 comments


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Guest - - 700,035 comments

What about Umbara

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Zhackray - - 6 comments

Is there a way to find out which planets aid which side (Militia Ground Forces)

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