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Features of Perisno. Updated 1-29-14

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> Diplomacy 4.3
Everything that comes with the Diplomacy mod.
As vassal
Persuasion attempts to convince your king to start a war
Appoint a chamberlain, who will decrease tax inefficiency by 10% and gives you the ability to set tax rates. Taxes also have an effect on center relation and prosperity. In addition he will take care of paying wages and collecting income as well as giving you the possibility to secure your money
Let your companions pick items from the chamberlain item pool (autoloot)
Appoint a constable who recruits and trains troops and provides information about garrisons and troops of lords
Send patrols to important locations
Appoint a chancellor who sends gifts and messengers to other lords
Village and town riots may occure if the people hate you and have to pay high tax rates. Counter them or negotiate with the leader.
Let your spouse buy some food (I know, it has nothing to do with diplomacy but it's fun :mrgreen:)
Pay staff salary (you knew that a woman will cost money before you married her :P)
Troops will start running away if you go into debts (this also applies to garrisons)
Return fiefs to your king, he won't like this, though
Move your residence (via spouse)
Negotiate Mid-siege surrender/walk-out terms if defending your own keeps and towns
Affiliate to families
Send scouts to settlements
Pay to avoid defeat

As king
Threaten other kingdoms with war and try to squeeze money out of them
If a faction sues for peace you will have the option to set terms
Possiblity to send a gift to another faction (fief or money)
Send a spy to another kingdom
Form an alliance, conclude a defensive pact, sign a trade agreement or conclude a non-aggression treaty with another faction.
Change the domnestic policy of your kingdom. Choose between Centralization/Decentralization, Aristocracy/Plutocracy, Serfdom/Free subjects, Quality/Quantity which affects trade income, vassals armies size, AI army strength, relation between king and vassals as well as tax inefficiency
When asking for a truce you will get the option to pay and/or give fiefs to conclude a truce.
If another faction recognizes you as king you will have the option to ask for help against your enemy and in certain circumstances support the decision by paying money
Choose your faction culture so all your lords will recruit the same type of troops
Exchange or release your (own) prisoners
Distribute spoils of war after you conquered a town or castle
Send emissaries to persuade lords to join your kingdom

> New Music
All new music for better gameplay.

> Better Sounds
Most of the sounds have been replaced with better ones which enhance gameplay. From someone getting shot with a bolt to a horse trotting. It's all here.

> New Horses
Do you love horses? Well we have horses, and lots more where they come from. So enjoy them all from the black saddle horse to the heavy plated warhorse. It's all up to you.

> Better Landscapes/Field Of View
New trees and better textured grasses, skies and everything else you see in the world of Perisno. Look beyond the great horizen without needed a all powerful pc.

> New Crosshair
The boring old crosshair is now replaced with a red one.

> New/ More Items (currently: over 2,200+, that’s more then 1,600 then Native!)
Perisno features more items then most other mods.

> New Banners
New banners all around, from knights in shining armor to a very undressed lady. Uh-huh, that's right.

> New Map
One of the most important features in a mod is the map. Who wants to play the old boring one? Perisno is much bigger in size and boosts lots of trees, snow, deserts, and some bridges.
(Expanded Map In Version 0.6)

> New Graphics (Menus)
Many menus now have new graphics for a better outlook.

> Dynamic Troop Trees
Wonder how the troop trees look? Well it's easy now, just open up reports >> troop trees and there you have it.

> New Troops
There are now tons of new troops, unique with every faction, and bandits.

> Tavern Additions
More NPCs in taverns to talk to, + tavern keeper now has more options like sell prisoners and flip a coin.

> New Factions
7 new unique factions all with all new troop trees and 1 invading faction.

> More/New Quests
More info to come...Self Explanatory. Yours to find them all.

> Household Troops
Some Kings And Lords Now have their very own troops that no one else has.

> Color Coded Messages
Messages are now color coded, adding a nice organized feel to notifications

> Roaming Parties
Perisno is filled with roaming war parties and outlaws who are very willing to test their blade against yours.

> Lore Characters (for immersion)
Now you can find some lore characters in Perisno for the purpose of immersion and story in certain places.

> Unique Places
There are now 2 new unique locations for you to visit and discover

> Random events & spawns
Now, there are random events that happen on the world map and medium sized spawns to kill for loot that spawn anywhere on the map every few days.

> New Mercenaries
This includes a whole different mercenary troop tree and a Freelancer Guild where you can hire special mercenaries from.

> Fog Of War
FOG can be on or off. It is recommended to play with FOG as Perisno has unique feature where you can buy maps to unveal the lands, and thus giving the player a better play through with more surprises.

> Sea Travel
Travel the sees and the unknown places or engage in battles on the open water

> Freelancer Mod v.1.51
Now you can join the ranks of Lords and Kings alike and become a warrior!

> Formations
Formations are expanded adding more detailed ranks and many other deployment methods.

> New kingdom management features
There are many new kingdom management features and unique new advisers - the Spymaster and the Highmarshal.

> More Ridable Mounts
List of Ridable Animals In Perisno
- Horses
- Camels
- Elephants
- Wyvern
- Wolves

> There are many, many more features for you to discover!

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 59)
Bobslide - - 3 comments

sounds great just dont give up :D

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Michadr Author
Michadr - - 1,345 comments

We wont ;)

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Svend_Tveskaeg - - 2 comments

This is one of the best mods I've ever played, and trust me, I have a LOT of mods xD

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

Because there are household troops, will you ever give the player the ability to make his own?

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Michadr Author
Michadr - - 1,345 comments

Maybe in the future, at some point ;)

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Tearace - - 31 comments

Just wondering, do you also incorporate the freelancer mod? where you can join a lords army

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Michadr Author
Michadr - - 1,345 comments

Yes it is incorporated in 0.6

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Tearace - - 31 comments

Great! Thanks

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lonesomeman97 - - 18 comments

Is Freelancer mod in this?

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Michadr Author
Michadr - - 1,345 comments

Read the above comment ;)

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Cadel_Brytenwalda - - 23 comments

New Items Are Actually over 9,000 Micheal is just a lying bitch :D

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Michadr Author
Michadr - - 1,345 comments

lol... hey nobody is supposed to know that!! :P

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Xire70 - - 3 comments

WHAT 9000!? There's NO WAY that can be right!

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

Are there killable lords in this mod?

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Michadr Author
Michadr - - 1,345 comments


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paulsavilla - - 3 comments

How to create fort?

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Michadr Author
Michadr - - 1,345 comments

That feature was removed.

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simonmodica - - 13 comments

Why? I would love to create my own house's residence =)

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

I'm begging you not to let this mod become abandoned. Too many good ideas thrown out the window for Mount and Blade WB

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Michadr Author
Michadr - - 1,345 comments

Don't worry. I have no plans to stop anytime soon.

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

music great as it is loaded into

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judgementine - - 1 comments

so why exactly was the player created outposts and forts removed, cause i really liked the ability to garrison troops into a place without being a vassal to a kingdom or a rebel who owns a castle. i just thought it was a great addition that could help one towards the path of rule, without rebelling against a ruler you are sworn to, and i was really sad to see it go.
P.S. i looked through the forums and didn't find any mention or reason as to it's removal.

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Michadr Author
Michadr - - 1,345 comments

Maybe you just looked in the wrong place ;)
Alas it was removed because it was to bugged and we got endless bug reports about it. The person who made it will eventually fix those bugs, and when he does it will be put back in.

Best regards

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

REALLY REALLY AMAZING AND AWESOME MOD!!!! KEEP UP THE GREATNESS GUYS FOR REALL!!!, :) thanks this is still keeping me busy looking forward to new releases, just a quickie are you guys planning on making the Perisno mod for M&B2 if it ever comes out lol?

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Michadr Author
Michadr - - 1,345 comments

Possibly... we will see when the time comes.

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

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halt317 - - 4 comments

Are the Perisoan Ruins glitched? Because when I went to look in them it was just an open field.

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Michadr Author
Michadr - - 1,345 comments

Yes they are. Will be fixed in 0.7

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

where do i find the perisnoan ruins?

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Yatorl - - 1 comments

You're supposed to find them on your own, but a hint; they're near mountains.

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

Just wondering, the answer is prob "No" but just want to make sure :P if kings and lords have their own units can the player "I" get my own units that no-one else has? or will it possibly be implemented in the future?
finally, Keep up the good work :P loving this mod

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Michadr Author
Michadr - - 1,345 comments

It is possible, but that feature would be too easy to manipulate, but if we can make it work without being abused :P we will try adding something along that line.

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halt317 - - 4 comments

Michadr! I joined in my world and all of a sudden all my items were gone! I've posted this on a few forums, but my skills and my inventory items were gone! My troops and Auorums were still there, and my text log isn't working either, my "Maccavian Footman killed by Aratez" Thing is not working... Is this something i've done or is it some glitch that i am the first one to encounter? Any tips would be considered help btw.

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

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Macrath85 - - 18 comments

Looks awesome. Downloading now

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

You can ride a wolf?! instant download!

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Gagbaz - - 1 comments

Is is possible to an elf or dwarf in this mod?

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issaya21 - - 1 comments

Any chance the next update will add the ability to change around your kingdom's troops as king? Like select their equipment? Or even choose between a variety of preset troop trees to fit a theme of your choice? It's a minor complaint, but having a decked out dark knight theme set up between my character, my army and my companions and then having a bunch of green dudes in my newly formed empire was awkward the first time.

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ravaxar - - 46 comments

u can choose from preset troops it costs 200k

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ravaxar - - 46 comments

i have one suggestion if its possible ofc. to make a tower on the bridge and enemy cant pass through without sieging that tower it would be amazing and try to make forts again it makes game more enjoyable, also u could make noblemen with their own army so u can hire them at taverns to make them lords

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junylee16 - - 17 comments

Is there custom troop mod for player kingdom?
Other than that, GREAT MOD!

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

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Fayzan - - 7 comments

does it supports direct x 7

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JakePlantagenet - - 11 comments

Suggestion, On 1257 Ad They Have There Own Special Addition That Lets You Play One Of Your Men After You Die Could You PLEASE PLEASE Add This To Persino As It Would Be Much Cooler Then Free Cam.

Sorry Guest Last Post Mistake!

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mustafo - - 3 comments

I like these mods but my computer its not so good,so when i play huge battlers or load anytinhg of huge mods, the computer lags and this is my favourite mod that i played but my computer its not good

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11Jhon11 - - 1 comments

Don't worry, your computer is not the only bad thing, your english is kinda bad too... I don't mean to be mean lol

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Guest - - 699,980 comments

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