Post feature Report RSS Autumn Aurora 2 F.A.Q.

Frequently asked questions about Autumn Aurora 2 regarding compatibility, tweaks etc. UPDATED for 2.1 on 05.07.14

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It is a known issue that X-Ray engine may damage the quicksaves and even autosaves. We strongly recommend to make incremental "hard saves" through Save Game Menu every now and then on each map to avoid very rare but frustrating situation when X-Ray corrupts all your quicksaves/autosaves and you can't continue your game.

UPDATED for 2.1 on 04.07.16

Q: What version of the game this mod requires?
A: 1.0006. Works on non-Steam or Steam versions, English or Polish language. Read on if you have problems with Steam or other language versions.

Q: The installer displays 'missing files' error
A: Make sure you've unpacked the 7z archive without errors prior running instalator. DO NOT run the setup exe from within the archive!

Q: The game crashes while using Steam version
A: There is a problem with compatibility of SweetFX and Steam Overlay. Try to disable Steam Overlay in its options:

  1. Click on Steam and click on the "Settings" button. Click on the "In-Game Settings" tab.
  2. Uncheck the box next to "Enable Steam Community In-Game" and click OK.
  3. Disable the Steam Overlay on specific games only by right-clicking on the game title, click on "Properties" and uncheck "Enable Steam Community In-Game" in the "General" tab.

Alternatively disable SweetFX at all by deleting (or renaming) bin\d3d9.dll in your game directory after the mod installation.

Q: The game crashes while using GoG version
A: Go to the main folder of SHOC and then run the game through settings.exe
Thanks to the stranger for the tip.

Q: The game crashes on Windows 10
A: Windows 10 lacks the full support for DX9, hence problems with running additional ENB and SweetFX libraries. Install DirectX 2010, located here. If it doesn't help, reinstall the mod with non-ENP option.

Q: The game crashes on the international version other than english or polish

  1. Delete (or rename) gamedata\config\localization.ltx.
  2. Copy gamedata\config\text\zone_news.ltx to gamedata\config\text\your_language folder. Some of the newly added texts will be missing but you should be able to play the mod.

Q: The game crashes after changing FOV with FOV changer?

A: Do NOT use the normal FOV changer you used to. Its dlls are not prepared to work with AA2. Use the provided AA2 Option Changer instead.

Q: The game crashes with 'Not enought textures for shader, base tex: prop\ prop_barbwire3' log
A: You try to play on R1 (static lighting) but selected R2 (full dynamic lighting) in the installer.

Q: How to bring back the character voices from my language version?
A: Delete (or rename) the contents of Gamedata\Sounds\Characters_voice folder EXCEPT:
Gamedata\Sounds\Characters_voice\scenario\video\aa2_splash(two files with _l and _r)

Alternatively unpack this folder from your gamedata and copy it over.

Q: How hide the helmet mask overlay and turn off the breathing sound?
A: Open downloaded Autumn Aurora 2.1 pack, go to the #mod options directory and select proper directory. Then move chosen gamedata to your game's directory and replace all files.

Q: Why my changes in user.ltx file doesn't work after game restarting?
A: Because all user.ltx's settings are saved in Gamedata/Scripts/aa2.scripts. All you have to do it's opening this file and changing values there. You have to do it TWICE (there are two sections). For example, if you want to remove camera's head-bobbing, you need to find TWICE value: cam_inert and change it twice.

Q: I received FN FAL from Fanatic in the Cordon but when I'm aiming, the whole image it's blurring! How can fix it?
A: It's problem with Depth of Field center point and Fn Fal sight in the weapon HUD. You need to opening enbeffectprepass.fx file, find following value:

float 2 uvsrc=float2 (0.5, 0.46);

You need to edit value marked on the red, but remember if you will set too big/small value, image can be blurred when you will use other weapons without that problem (blurring image during aiming).

Q: How to remove mini-map?
A: See answer 7.

Q: How can I disable throwing grenades by NPC's?
A: Go to the Gamedata/Scripts and rename xrs_grenade.script.

Q: I want to choose different settings, for example trees style. What can I do?
A: Just re-install the AA2 2.1 and choose different settings.

Q: What are the system requirements?
A: This mod requires strong GPU and a lot of RAM (at least 3GB). Installing this mod can cause memory problems on 32bit systems or systems with less than 3GB RAM.The overall amount of polygons that the levels are built from doubled due to hi-poly tree replacements and denser vegetation. Because of that the average framerate dropped for about 30%. If you experience heavy framedrop or CTDs try to lower settings as screen resolution, texture quality, draw distance and object quality in advanced graphics settings and/or resolution in basic settings.
If CTD happens due to low memory try to lower the texture quality in options.

Q: Is it compatible with other mods?

A: Not likely, but you can try to merge it.

Q: The texture of the arms doesn't change when wearing different suits.
A: This feature caused too many problems comparing to just one benefit (looking nice). Disappearing weapons when changing suits, ungrouped grenades, troubles with the tasks to bring unique weapons to name just a few.

Q: I can't survive the emision. Where to hide?
A: Check your PDA map for possible covers. If not present on the map go to underground level.

Known Issues

1. CTD related to the wrong detection of model collision

[error]Expression: assertion failed
[error]Function: xrServer:process_event_reject
[error]File: E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\xrServer_process_event_reject.cpp
[error]Line: 12
[error]Description: e_parent && e_entity

Remedy: load the last save.

2. Flickering grass on the edges of the screen
Remedy: reinstall the mod and choose the lower grass distance in AA2.1 installator.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 98)
Lenyavok - - 415 comments

Thank you.

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Guest - - 699,995 comments


i recently installed AA2, grafically incredible and we see that there was a lot of work put into but, with my high end computer (laptop) i've got an incredible drop or framerates. I reduced resloution and a few Advanced settings like it has been recommended. Still the same problem. Also after having reainstalled STALKER and the mod. How does it come to? it's unplayable =s

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Vandrerer - - 1,620 comments

It's heavy mod, what do you expect, mate? :-) On a laptop? Something for something.
Try to decrease grass distance if you're using larger than vanilla and be sure that you don't have enabled anti aliasing in GPU drivers.

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Amoch - - 1,541 comments

Did you save the vegetation textures in a different format? There seems to be less vegetation flickering compared to other mods I've used with increased vegetation draw length (I've only been walking around in cordon). That's good news. Still, there's definitely an issue with the vegetation and render performance compared to other mods, as the performance shouldn't vary 30fps in 1440p between walking on roads or grassy plains/hills. GSC did make changes to the render in v1.0006 (I use steam). There could be something weird going on with the render...

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SUPERNODD - - 65 comments

Question can this be ran with the mod Old good stalker ?
looks very nice

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

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Kriieg - - 12 comments

Maybe a silly question I want to make, I have 2 gb ram, in order to avoid the problems listed above system requirements, can the 3 gb enabler be used to decrease problems regarding with Ram?

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Vandrerer - - 1,620 comments

I answered here:

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diolator - - 309 comments


delete this comment pls.

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

I really like this mod alot, thanks for your work!

I have just one problem with it, the Steam version crashes even if the overlay is disabled. Only solution is disabling SweetFX. Is there any way you can work around that in the future? Do you use SweetFX just for AA/sharpness or also for color changes?

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Lightbearer - - 3 comments

There is a way to play steam version with SweetFX. The only thing in which steam versions of games differ is modified exe. So for Stalker SoC just get a crack v1.0006 and you have a standalone version ready for AA2.

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ConstantOne - - 2 comments

"just get a crack v1.0006" could you explain this better? Remember when offering advice, actually detail what you're talking about so people understand.

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Araklaj - - 42 comments

No rocket science, just google "stalker v1.0006 crack"..

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Estevan_ - - 84 comments

easiest way is to install gog version, copy the xr_3da.exe inside of bin folder of the gog version, and paste it in the bin folder of the steam version of the game

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maxduo - - 2 comments

I just installed this today and have had no other mods on the game. I turned off the Steam Overlay... yet as soon as the game starts to load, it tells me "XR_3DA.exe has stopped working." I tried deleting the SweetFX folder to no avail. I tried googling and the only solution I found at all was deleting SweetFX and reinstalling AA2... and this didn't help me one bit.

Are there any other issues or ways to fix this? Thanks.

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maxduo - - 2 comments

Whoops. Just renaming bin\d3d9.dl worked fine. No need to delete the sweetfx folder or anything. I guess I should leave this comment up for anyone as stupid as me to delete the folder and not pay as good of attention to question 1 of this faq right here!

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

do you rename the d3d9.fx file as well?

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

What did you rename it to?

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Estevan_ - - 84 comments

any name different from the original one will work

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

Sorry for the nooby question, but I've been told to look for overhauls that include a freeplay mod. Does this come with this mod?

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

I notice it's possible to turn off the mask for the HUD

But I was wondering how to change masks?

The exoskeleton mask is much too distracting for me and I'd like to change it to another one.

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

How do I turn the head bob off? That's not realistic at all I don't know why people do that in games. When have you ever run and noticed a bobbing effect like that? You don't because your brain auto stabilizes the picture.

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AdamPurtee - - 29 comments

They exaggerate it to much, along with motion blur. - Like I'm a dumb drunk bitch who can't walk right.

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Targor - - 1 comments

There is a thing called Merechenie. Its when different types of environmental radiation **** with your head. Real deal not a game invention.

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Strogglet15 - - 1,391 comments

Congratulations Targor, you just invented a word!

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MTGunslinger - - 160 comments

Thank you, kind sir.

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

I have a problem with localization, I´ve follow FAQ instruction for get Audio and text dialog in my language, but the colour of text in dialog window is black and i can´t read anything. Could you help me to how change the colour?

Thanks and sorry for my english :/

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

I've got same problems; after some crashes seems I found a solution (GOG version):
Just open localization.ltx and change language only
Then go to gamedata\config\text\ and create a new folder with your language (same as set in localization file and copy all the content of gamedata\config\text\eng to new your language folder (or copy eng folder in the same path and rename copied).

It works well for me and text back in white color, also new added dialogs are perfectly visible (in English).

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

To solve this issue you need to open your game directory gamedata/config then open "Localization.itx" there change the line where say "font_prefix" for this "f _cent; _west". Hope this can solve this kind of problem for some people. Sorry if my english is bad... u.u

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krilzlocc - - 2 comments

i just downloaded the mod and every time i try to start the game it crashes with the message " XR_3DA.EXE has stopped working", how can i fix this issue?

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eradiicate - - 1 comments

Im not sure on how to disable the mask and breathing. What do u mean by comment on those lines. Sorry newbie question IK

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ragsnstitches - - 1 comments

Is it possible to change certain NPC models back to their vanilla versions? I would like Sakharovs original model. Seeing Kleiner from HL2 is just a little too goofy for me.

I assume I would just need to find the corresponding files in the mod and rename or delete them, but I don't know what files I'm looking for.

Other then that, great mod. Really enjoying it

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Vandrerer - - 1,620 comments

Remove meshes/actors.

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

hello vanderer,

[posted from steam]

i have:

1) started a new game then quit out before installing aa2.
2) launched as admin.
3) used recommended install specs.
4) removed both sweetfx & d3d9.dll files
5) disabled steam overlay

nothing works.
the xray engine just crashes.

i seem to keep seeing a lot of people out there talking about the same issue, and some people say one thing works, while others say it their fix doesn't work for them.

i have tried another 6 times.

one of these times i somehow succeeded in getting it to run.

the answer?

i have no idea.

i repeated the steps that i took:

played game up to nimble mission
quit out
verified game cache
installed mod
removed sweetfx and dx9.dll

it never worked ever again

the only variables during installation that might have been different were:

fov 67 default being changed to 75 widescreen
aspect ration 16:10 to 16:9 (my monitor ratio).

i will have to preserve my sanity and just move on, as life really short.

i really have tried my utmost best.

it's a shame, as it loos and sounds very good.

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

I had to find out the hard way that quicksaving caused corrupt savefiles (shame on me for not reading the FAQ properly), however, after restarting again today and staying away from QS'ing, I decided to to use a fast-travel via the main-menu+J to move to the bar from cordon. Moving to the Bar area caused a CTD with the same error I got after the quicksave corrupting my savegames ([error][ 87] : The parameter is incorrect. OR [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'ac'). All previous saves had been corrupted as well after this CTD, giving the same error over and over again.

I know it's not your fault that the Xray engine is buggy as hell, but these bugs/glitches/whatever make playing and enjoying AA 2.1 quite hard. If you ever find a fix for this problem, please let me know, as I really enjoy this mod so far.

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MTGunslinger - - 160 comments

Something happened where i couldn't get rid of 3rd person so I deleted User.itx and validated but my fov was set back to 60 when i want it at 90. I have a download limit and cannot REDOWNLOAD the whole mod and do not have the option changer. Is there a way i can put my fov back to 90? A Download for Option Changer? Thanks and looking for your support.

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Igorcngomes - - 1 comments

after installing the mod and try to create a new game ,i get XRay Engine error

: XR_3DA.exe Caused BREAKPOINT in module "D: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl \ bin \ xrCore.dll" at 0023: 0061CC85, xrDebug :: backend () + 165 byte (s)

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Estevan_ - - 84 comments

same, if someone got a fix, tell me too

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

So I just picked up the Stalker Pack on Steam and I heard that this mod is one of the best mods for the game. I've been trying to install it today, but I've ran into some issues with getting patch 1.0006 installed. After looking at a post on HardForums, I found a solution that mostly worked... I had to do a bunch of things to get my steam version into a retail version, so that the unofficial patch would run, yet I've ran into some issues with actually running the patch. Is there any easier way to get the 1.006 version?

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Manfondler - - 1 comments

I forgot I had an account on Moddb....

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

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Split_Wig - - 12 comments

I've been playing since AA2 first release and love the mod very much. 10/10 imo.
I keep backups and have an AA2 directory I borrow some older features such as the binocs. I was wondering how to get the 'Human Hand' menu cursor back? If I recall the file should be in 'gamedata/textures/ui' but I don't know which one it is. Tried a few of them with no luck yet. Do you know which file it is?

Thank you!!!!!!!

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ComradeMiggy - - 149 comments

is there any way to change the audio back to english? your instructions area bit too vague for me

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harrymarshalluk - - 16 comments

I'd like to know this too please.

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Guest - - 699,995 comments

XR_3DA.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl\bin\xrGame.dll" at 0023:07F7371B
This is what it tells me when I crash after loading a saved (hardsave/quicksave) after turning in the mission to the scientist at the bunker and receiving the veles detector. I tried selling it to him and saving, nothing. I save right before turning the mission in and it works fine, afterwards I cant save or travel back to the wild from yantar. Is there anything I can do?

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KMartinR4 - - 3 comments

I got the same problem but on the final lab. After the door to the monolith hologram opens all my saves are broken. I hope someone knows the solution.

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caplamarca - - 14 comments

Have you discovered a possible solution to XR_3DA.exe crashed?

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DaimeneX - - 863 comments

I must say its impossible to fix FN FAL dof problem without creating another one.
Setting 0.47 to 0.48 fixes it but breaks SPAS12
Setting it to 0.475 wont fix FN FAL and wont break spas12
Setting it to anywhere between 0.477-9 breaks both.

So its impossible to fix. The best way to do it is to press SHIFT+ENTER in game and disable DepthofField option

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Varka - - 3 comments

The PDA map only shows possible shelter from emission by the rookie camp and the tunnel nearby it in Cordon. Are there anymore surface level shelters?

Also not all underground levels are safe either, even in the rookie camp, the only thing is safe is Sid's place behind the metal door and that's the only place underground I've been safe at so far.

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jbrawnyman - - 2 comments

When I use the mod option "#Disabling mask's layer + breathing sound" file, it removes the weapons icons in my inventory along with the mask and breathing sound. I would prefer to keep the weapons icons and just remove the mask. Anyone have a solution to this minor problem?

Still even with the mask overlay this mod is amazing and I am enjoying it!!! Great work.

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