
Turns the Minimap into a "Square", also provides many options for Compass, Detection/Sound Bars, Player Icon and Friendly/Enemy detector.

SquareDOV - Square & Customizable Minimap
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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments


- "Static Counter" has a new feature; "Contact Sounds".
Enabled by default, can be turned off by reading "MODDING GUIDE".
Also as a bonus, has another optional function to make it so another sound works when contact is lost.
Big thanks to "HarukaSai" for making this.

- Static Counter no longer counts corpses.
(Just in case you want the feature back, please read "MODDING GUIDE")

- Static Counter no longer shows up in the inventory.
- Changed the way the Static Counter works, it should be a bit more reasonable now.

- SquareDOV should now work properly with 21:9 resolutions.
- Added "Player Icons", either keep the original (Orange Dot) or pick the White Dot, Triangle or Arrow.
- A "Static Counter" has been added. (This is the surprise, also big thanks to Tronex for making it)
If you don't like it, check the "MODDING GUIDE" on how to disable it.

- Added FOMOD
- Fixed an issue with "Disable Compass", which only made it work in one aspect ratio.
(21:9 support is coming, along with a surprise for you all)

- SquareDOV should now work properly with 4:3 resolutions.

- Updated the "MODDING GUIDE" to have a tutorial on how to change the map position.

- Fixed wrong pathway in add-on "Compass [CORNER] [DARK]"
- Updated the modding guide to include how to change map size.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
kallecarlund - - 1 comments

Dear strogglet15,
thx for your effort in putting together this mod, i really enjoy it. I developed a fix for 16:10 resolutions which works like a charm at least on 1680x1050, havent tested any others. would you be interested?


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heirl00m - - 1 comments

hi! can you please post the guide how to fix the mininmap for 16x10? thx

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments


"How can I change Minimap Size/Position/Transparency?"
All configuration information is in the "MODDING GUIDE" that you get from downloading this mod

"Are there any other plans in mind?"
Yes, there is an "icons pack" planned for the minimap, but it will be independent from this mod.

"Why does it seem that the map is badly stretched in 21:9?"
Because that's how X-Ray's calculations work, they're incredibly bad that a chimpanzee with no math skills could do better.
There is nothing whatsoever I can do to fix that.

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

If you feel generous, please give donations to this link:

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lildioss - - 128 comments

Whoa looks dope. I should try this.

Wow this addon is great. But by any chance it's possible to change size of the minimap?

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

There is, I put it in the "MODDING GUIDE" after Update 1, I will put the small guide here for ease-of-access:

1. Go to gamedata/configs/ui and open up "zone_map_16.xml"
2. In the first section, called "level_frame", you'll see height="0.25". Change this to something smaller or bigger, I recommend a margin of 0.025. height="0.22 should make it small enough.
NOTE: The "width" doesn't work here, neither in the next value, "background".
3. Go to the next line, called "background" and change the height there as well. I recommend a margin of 0.04, in tune with 0.025 from the "level_frame".
4. Go to the further next line, called "compass" and change both "width" and "height" simultaneously. I recommend a margin of 64 each.
NOTE: It might be best to not edit the "compass" as it may get too small to have any details.

In short, the Math Formula for these three is:
V1 "level_frame" = 0.25
V2 "background" = 1.52 * V1
V3 "compass" = 1024 * V1

Reply Good karma+4 votes
lildioss - - 128 comments

Thank you.

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Comrade14 - - 17 comments

any plans to make the width configurable? Trying to make this work on 21:9

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

Nope, it doesn't work that way.

You'll have to wait for a 21:9 version, which is on the works right now.

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smilin - - 78 comments


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MrYedix - - 2 comments

Is any chance to add NPC counter? Like this in vanilla Stalker games?

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

Sadly, no, you must ask the Anomaly developers about it because they apparently disabled it, I'm unsure if accidentally or intentionally.

It can be enabled back, but they have to be convinced.

EDIT: Added! All thanks to Tronex.

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flayou22 - - 2 comments

Hi, I like your map but it's on the left and I want it on the right, how can I change it?

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

It will be included in the "MODDING GUIDE" next update, for now, you can have an 'early view' of it here:

1. Go to gamedata/configs/ui and open up "zone_map_16.xml"
2. In the first section, called "level_frame", you'll see x="0.143".
3. Change x="0.143" to x="1.19", this will move it to the right with a good margin to it.
4. To move it down, change y="0.117" to y="0.865". You can combine it with the above to make it go to the Bottom-Right.

In short, these are the presets:

TOP-LEFT [Original]
x="0.143", y="0.117"
x="0.143", y="0.865"
x="1.19", y="0.117"
x="1.19", y="0.865"

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black-valkyr - - 36 comments

will this mod working fine with Body Dots MiniMap addons ?

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

Yes, absolutely, I even recommend it.

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BlackPiligrim - - 700 comments

Спасибо смотрится здорово ! но вот трабл один не могу исправить помогите

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

Are you using an older version of Anomaly? This was made for 1.5.1 only.
Or did you mess around with zone_map.xml?

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tenacious79 - - 97 comments

I see that you updated your nice mod again but i can't see a change log ?

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

It's the very first comment here.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
tenacious79 - - 97 comments

Thank you for reply :) sorry , i didn't realize you were using that as change log.

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BlackPiligrim - - 700 comments

Версия новая последняя

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

What is your video resolution?

Anyway, the best you can do is check zone_map.xml, then find rounded="0", which should be in level_frame itself, check that it's 0 instead of 1

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Guest - - 699,950 comments

I pulled main files to Anomaly folder, and, nothing happened. |1.5.1 1920:1080, fullscreen| I am sorry for stupid questions, that's my first try to install an addon for Anomaly

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

You need to move "gamedata" from the folders into your main Anomaly folder.

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BlackPiligrim - - 700 comments

Спасибо попробую

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BlackPiligrim - - 700 comments

все сделал как вы написали , там стоял 0 вместо 1

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Renesi - - 9 comments

Can't wait for 21:9 support! ^_^
I'd also like ro help, but i'm not any sort of coder. But if you need someone with 21:9 monitor to test stuff, you can contact me by Telegram or Discord (tg: Renesi; dc: Renesi#5064).

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Vakkeran - - 81 comments

Just thought you'd like to know, the static counter stays visible when you aim with a scope.

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Hazura - - 54 comments

how do you make it smaller? it bothers me when i use my PDA and it blocks part of the PDA

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accolyte1022 - - 600 comments

It comes with a modding guide....

The "MODDING GUIDE" offers tutorials on how to change the map's transparency, size and position, so do give it a read if you want to modify any of it.

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

Thanks, I always liked when other people other than the author himself gives an answer to a problem, properly too


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Sgt.Safronow - - 8 comments

21:9 map for 21:9 monitors, seems legit lmao
Some feedback about 21:9 support -

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MarkColt - - 439 comments

21:9 version is in the works, according to a post above by the author.

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Faroya - - 24 comments

hey uhm question since the NPC counter got added back is there a posibility to add the Dots for the Npc's too?

i liked that much because so i managed to find some dead Bodies or NPC near me that could trade with me.

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

That's being worked on and might be for another mod.

Even then, an item called "PDA 3.1" that appears in Anomaly itself might be what you want, I am not sure if it makes all neutrals & allies appear as dots though.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Faroya - - 24 comments

ah thank you.

Thank you very much i liked that feature in Stalker and without that it feels incomplete i will try to use the "PDA 3.1" and see if it has that :D

I wish you a good day and have fun modding :)

Edit: i've tried the 3.1 PDA and sadly it only shows the Squad and their Leader but not the People themself but thanks for the Help :P

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PripyatBandit - - 166 comments

If you moved the clock and the counter to the top, that would be awesome

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CthuluIsSpy - - 30 comments

Can this work for 1920*1080? I tried using this addon and everything looked weird, like the resolution was all stretched out.

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

This mod is made with 1920x1080 as the base resolution, so of course it works.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
King_Rediusz - - 161 comments

I just decided to switch to this minimap mod. I regret not switching earlier.

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MarkColt - - 439 comments

Amazing mod, thank you so much for your hard work!
Would it be possible to add an option or addon to show enemies as dots on the minimap like in the original CoP? That would be awesome for casuals like me :D
Thank you!

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

Already on the plans, just not sure when it will be done.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
gregdaweson7 - - 4 comments

Hello, is there any chance you could make the minimaps compatible for this mod?

The only problem is the number at the bottom left, which ends up sticking around after the map is toggled off.

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

It's already being worked on.

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fitrieliass - - 23 comments

Is there any way to adjust the red objective arrow opacity? Its barely there, I have to squint my eye really hard to see it. I hope there's a way to increase its opacity. Keep it up the good work! Best minimap addons ever

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Strogglet15 Author
Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

I think what you're asking for will be available for another planned addon that replaces Minimap Icons, no idea when that will come.

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AlphaLion - - 31 comments

Can you please share how can we do that on our own, or where to find this arrow texture? I'd really like to have it at least be a different color, it's really hard to see right now which is quite annoying. I did read your guide and I checked the files but I couldn't find a way to change the objective arrow

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war1ox - - 80 comments

Edit - just read you were already planning to do this, I hope you succeed, it would look great.

I have a request/suggestion, it would be nice if the detection bars were white vertical columns to the right of the mini-map instead of a circular shape. Being this is a square mini-map and all.

Exactly like Narodnaya Solyanka 2016's mini-map, as seen in this video:

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