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This is the unit roster of the Hill-men of the North, in the campaign. DCI: Last Alliance is a Third Age: Total War submod.

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Happy new year, fellow players!
In such a good spirit we now proudly present you the

Official preview of the roster of the Hill-men

A host crafted by Earl of Memory

[Hill-men of the North] Map

The Hill-men of the North descend from Easterlings who in the First Age wandered towards Beleriand, both with wicked and with noble intents.
Fearing the Elves the Hill-men never gained enlightenment, and in difference to the Lossoth, who they are kin to, the Hill-men came to heed Sauron during the Dark Years of the Second Age, when the Black Master's will dominated the land.

Living under harsh conditions, ruled by petty chieftains and occasional great warlords, the Dúnedain call them savages and dismiss them. Folly, as the artisans of the Hill-men are very capable, their sorcerers cunning and, if proper alliances are forged, numerous beastly forces may be called upon.
If this happens, they may even be able to cast out the Númenórean occupiers, who have no right to Rhudaur or the land of Eriador!

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From a gameplay perspective the player face the challenge of a small realm on the fringe of the world. Resources are scarse and the fated enemies of Númenórean and Lindon are strong. However, the Hill-men might bide their time as their foes are occupied at many fronts, and even if the northern warriors are fewer in numbers than other Men, they are great warriors.
The issue of numbers may be amended, if a formal alliance is forged with Mordor. Sauron then may send mighty Boldogs who send out great companies of Orcs, and terrible beasts, to ravage the West. Naturally, inviting wild creatures to your lands can have perils in itself...

* * *

And now, to the roster you been waiting for, shot by Veteraan:

Hill-men Skirmishers

Hunting with spear is a most ancient way of securing meat on the table, but what may be a tool to secure survival is also a tool that can bring death.
The Hill-men is a independent and proud folk in north of Eriador, Angmar and the eastern roots of the Misty Mountains, akin to Northmen in culture but decend mostly from Easterling settlers.
To survive here one must be hardy and determined, and the skirmishers gladly act as vanguards to their chieftains, to harass the enemy with lethal spear throws until heavier troops can move in for a final strike.
And victory, that mean spoils of war to bring home to the family.

[Hill-men of the North] Hill-men Skirmishers

[Hill-men of the North] Hill-men Skirmishers

Warda Hill-men

However desolated the vast land may seem, a grim folk dwell in the North, in and around the Misty Mountains. They descend from the Easterlings who in the First Age went west to seek the prosperity of Beleriand, in service or defiance of Morgoth.
Many who never reached the Wars in Beleriand settled in the north of Eriador known as Angmar, and became the neighbours of the kinfolks of the Edain that lived close.
In the harsh climate the Hill-men became a warlike and proud folk, defending and capturing what valuable resources needed to survive. One of their most feared opposition come from the mounted Northmen, as the Hill-men has little cavalry of their own, and each larger homestead and farmhold do by tradition keep their clans sons and farmhands well equipped with spear and shield, to meet that threat.
When called out the Warda are eager to prove their worth as warriors, and can often be seen among the first ranks, rampaging in the lands of North Eriador.

[Hill-men of the North] Warda Hill-men

[Hill-men of the North] Warda Hill-men

Angmar Yeomen

In the lands in the shadows of the Mountains of Angmar Hill-men live. It is not an easy life with long winters and unforgiving nature, raids from Orcs and strife with other Men, not seldom between clans of Hill-men over pastures, strongholds or matters of honour.
The yeomen, who own land, may not afford much gear of war for themselves but are ready to march out in defence of their lands, and pick up their household's hunting javelins, as well as axe and large shield.
As more senior and disciplined men than the Hill-men they are as often positioned behind the frontline as at it, so when their warlord command the Yeomen can move around and bring full destruction to the foe in a rear or back assult.

[Hill-men of the North] Angmar Yeomen

[Hill-men of the North] Angmar Yeomen

Hill-men Hunters

Farming and cattle breeding in the North isn't all to bountiful or reliable so the need for hunting is firm, and the wildlands has enough game to ensure the quality of this practice.
Much of the region consists of smaller villages and settlements where civilisation hasn't quite settled yet and many of it's people keep independent and self-sufficient. They roam the forests and hills in search of game animals but, at times, the hunter becomes the hunted.

In situations like that he must employ all of his cunning and skill with the hunting bow to survive. The hide armour that the hunter himself makes will protect him from cold weather or a wolf's bite but swords, spears and arrows are a completely different matter.

[Hill-men of the North] Hill-men Hunters

[Hill-men of the North] Hill-men Hunters

Rhudaur Bowmen

From Rhudaur come skilled archers armed with longbows, a wepon they gained from the Middle-men they traded with and fought against for generations.
The Bowmen are natural hunters and are well-versed in hit and run tactics fighting their enemies from cover of the woodlands. So do the Hill-men Hunters too, but the Bowmens homelands have a more fertile soil that even allow them some leisure.
That is time that can be spent on concentrated training, and chieftains eagerly encourage the practice.
The bowmen carry little armour, so at end they depend on protection from their kinsmen and allies. And while their bows do not match in quality and reach with some other folks, training do give result, and often the enemy fall with an arrow to his troath long before he can prove a threat.

[Hill-men of the North] Rhudaur Bowmen

[Hill-men of the North] Rhudaur Bowmen

Rhudaur Scouts

Horses are not very common in the northern parts of Eriador, in Angmar and Rhudaur. There is little proper forage to feed them and the pastures are precious for cattle, and thus they have never become rivals in horsemanship to the Northmen they live in contact with. \nHill-men Scouts from the southern fringes are of old adopt at raiding villages of their neighbours, Hill-men or Northmen or other races alike. \nLightly armoured, armed only with simple sword, spear and plain buckler, they prefer speed and maneuverability over heavy and expensive garment.

[Hill-men of the North] Hill-men Scouts

[Hill-men of the North] Hill-men Scouts

Rhudaur Axemen

A tough land breed a tough people, and the Hill-men of the North are no exception. They descend from Easterlings who wandered west, and when they gather in their meadhalls during winter nights singers yet hail the memory of their brave journeys to this land.
Since they are not very numerous they value each warrior highly and put effort into providing as great gear of war as they can manage. While they still fear the Elves, non the less they have recieved much from the Middle-men, Dwarves and the agents of Sauron, who attempt to make them firm allies, that they pose true treaths on the battlefield.
Armed with crude axes, clad in sturdy leather and chainmail, Rhudaur Axemen are ready to offer their services to chieftans, who fight for the lands of their fathers that the Dúnedain now grasp for control over.

[Hill-men of the North] Rhudaur Axemen

[Hill-men of the North] Rhudaur Axemen

Rhudaur Nobles

The noble families of Northern Eriador track their linage back to the leaders who once lead them west, and some make claim even to be the kin of the great chieftains Bór and Ulfang who fought in the Wars of Beleriand, both against and for Morgoth.
The harsh land of the North has formed a society of feuding clans, and not seldom in conflict with Northmen or Orc tribes, calling for their cheiftains to act as fierce warlords.
The nobles train from childhood to become warriors, and the sword is their status symbol. The few great smiths with the ability to craft quality chainmail, quality helmets and shields are in their service, making them a respectable heavy infantry.
The Rhudaur Nobles are devoted fighters, eager to prove their clan's honour and position.

[Hill-men of the North] Rhudaur Nobles

[Hill-men of the North] Rhudaur Nobles


Horrible stories surrond these devoted disciples of the Dark Master, who surrendered the last hope for their souls salvation trough secret rituals, in exchange for tutelage in the Black Arts.
They enter the battlefields in small companies, heavily clad and armed with maces, but their physichal power is not measured in mere physichal capacities. Through secret enchantments and songs of power they put fear into the heart of their foes, and warlords praise how they put fire into the spirit of their own army.
But it is not clear if that is due to the Black Arts, or due to a greater fear of the sorcerers themselves than any enemy.

[Hill-men of the North] Sorcerers

[Hill-men of the North] Sorcerers

Angmar Housecarls

In a tradition of the Northern chieftains hold themselves with companies of Housecarls. These are sturdy and brute warriors, handpicked for the honour, with great two-handed axes, weapons that can penetrate armour or cleave a man in half in mighty strokes.
They wear the good armours to protect themselves from harm, and are renowned for their stout spirits.
Housecarls are deployed on the battlefield to cut down enemy formations, encouraging the friendly forces who follow in their steps toward victory.

[Hill-men of the North] Angmar Housecarls

[Hill-men of the North] Angmar Housecarls

Infantry Bodyguard

In the traditional warfare of the North, among foothills of mountains or in hilly wilderness, the footsoldiers always been the decisive factor in battle.
Around himself each chieftain and warlord gather a sturdy hird of personal warriors, who pride themselves as champions of lord and realm.
The bodyguards of the Hill-men generals are excellent heavy infantry, wielding sword and shield.

[Hill-men of the North] Infantry Bodyguard

[Hill-men of the North] Infantry Bodyguard

Mounted Bodyguard

Horses are few in Rhudaur and Angmar, and noble warriors by tradition fight on foot, dismounting when getting close the enemy.
But that is not always the case, and it has become increasingly apperent that the advantages of mobility against the Dúnedain, and their allies in this great war, in favour of a firm shieldwall, can not be understimated.
Therefore the Warlord have initiated a military innovation, that is spreading among the commanding chieftains.
While clad as heavy cavalry of other folks, the Hill-men still prove their uniqe strain still in that the nobles, who have no tradition of using lances, utilize their skill with the javelin, before drawing sword to charge in for the final kill.

[Hill-men of the North] Mounted Bodyguard

[Hill-men of the North] Mounted Bodyguard


Orc Raiders

Orcs make frequent forays into Eriador west of and Rhovanion east of the Misty Mountains, pillaging and terrorizing any poorly defended settlements they find.
With the advent of a new war they have been tasked from Mordor with joining side with the Hillmen of the North, and if possible march straight to the walls of Annúminas, Elendil's city, and beyond.
Though their scavenged and improvised weapons and armour together with a lack of tactical sense for open warfare make them unsuited for head on clashes with decently equipped and disciplined troops, inexperienced or overconfident commanders just might find their lines broken and overrun by the raiders' sheer numbers and beastly aggression.
(Unit by King Kong)

[Hill-men of the North] Orc Raiders

[Hill-men of the North] Orc Raiders

Orc Trackers

While most goblins prefer to stay in their deep caves and caverns most of the time, Orc Trackers often prowl in packs through the deep forests of the north, like predators, preying on animals and men alike.
Their sharp eyes pierce every darkness, their steps are totally soundless and they smell the enemy from far away.
Orc Trackers might be despised by the larger warrior orcs, but they are stronger and prouder than the mere Snaga scum and more cunning than the average Orc.
When the armies of the Dark Lord go to war, they form the vanguard, leading the way, the snouts close to the ground, scouting the foe and showering him with a rain of arrows, before the main army attacks.
Equipped with crude bows and clad only in shabby chain mail they should avoid melee if they can, but as long as they keep out of the range of the enemy, they are a deadly part of the orcish forces.
(Unit by King Kong)

[Hill-men of the North] Orc Trackers

[Hill-men of the North] Orc Trackers

White Wolves

Strong wolves of the North, their white colour and greater size compaired to their southern kin show their adaptation to the unforgiving nature they come from.
Seldom are they seen in the south, unless the winters prove unusually cold and long, yet when encouraged by the will of the Dark Lord their packs may gather.
Not as common as grey wolves their impressive stamina, natural fierceness and deadly teeth and claws make them an excellent addition to any warlords host.
They should not be left in close quarters however, as they bring no protection beside their own swiftness as any hunter or shepard long since learned.
The mere song and sight of the White Wolves send fear into enemy cavalry when they approach.
(Unit by Araval, from original wolf by Briarius)

[Hill-men of the North] White Wolves

[Hill-men of the North] White Wolves

Snow Trolls

The name refers to the trolls who dwell in the mountains far north in Middle-earth, tamed by the Orcs there and well-adapted to the cold and hostile environment within.
While not as physically robust as their specially-bred kindred from the land of Mordor, these creatures make deadly foes on the battlefield, and cause frightening amounts of damage at close range.
Despite the fact that they bear no armour, their incredibly tough troll-skin is able to withstand tremendous punishment in a fight. This, combined with the devastating weapons that they so effortlessly wield, serves to make Snow Trolls some of the most deadly troops in Middle-earth, capable of smashing apart anything or killing anyone with ease.
(Unit by Araval, from original troll by glassakias)

[Hill-men of the North] Snow Trolls

[Hill-men of the North] Snow Trolls


Just as greater Maiar taken the physichal forms of Balrogs, Dragons, spiders and other beasts, the least of the fallen Maiar in Morgoth's service took upon themselves the guise of Orcs, only much more powerful and perilous.
Thus it was that the histories speak of Great Orcs or Orc-captains who were not slain, and who reappeared in battle through years far longer than the span of the lives of Men.

Terrifying generals and agents of Morogth, Sauron has summoned what evil He may that inhabit Middle-earth and some of these beings have heeded Sauron's call.
Gathered around a leader, they are put in command where the need will be great by the new Dark Lord, and gladly bring their hate and destructive will once more upon the Free Peoples.
(Unit by King Kong)

[Hill-men of the North] Boldogs

[Hill-men of the North] Boldogs

Credits: All units, unless stated otherwise are crafted by Earl of Memory.
Some units. as refered to, are made by Araval, King Kong, glassakias and Briarius.
Further, detailed credits will come.

Regards from the DCI team

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Elbareth - - 80 comments

"I've stolen iron to use for angmar!"

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Hoar - - 1,682 comments

*I've got stone and iron to use for Angmar* lol

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Maddel01 - - 7 comments

Looks amazing!!

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Guest - - 694,047 comments

When this fantastic submods will be relaesed?

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Ngugi Author
Ngugi - - 891 comments

Thanks for the kind words!
It will be this year

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MoArt - - 33 comments

If Rhudaur (and by extention Angmar itself) have few horses, where did they get their cavalry from?

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