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Welcome to Project: Korea's Dev Blog ! Let me introduce Korean costumes to you.

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Hello, traveler!

I'd like to introduce the items to you guys after a long time. :)

Let's begin.

1. Paper Armor / 엄심갑 / 掩心甲


[ 엄심갑(掩心甲) / cotton cloth jacket or Paper armor ]

- Significance: Armor to protect the heart (around the chest) or, in a more tolerant category, armor to protect the heart (= Paper Armor) if it is made solely for covering the chest, whatever material it is made of. However, it is important to keep in mind that Paper Armor, which was commonly referred to in the Joseon Dynasty, was manufactured based on the materials to be recorded below.​

- Material: cotton or paper, cotton cloth painted or painted black (usually not made of leather), a common factor being tough textile fabrics.

[ Historical records ]

1. 掩心甲所入休紙, 以各司及忠淸、全羅兩道所儲, 載船輸之。

엄심갑을 제작하는 데에 들어가는 휴지(폐지)는 각 관사와 충청, 전라 두 도에 구비해둔 것을 배에 실어 옮길 것.

The paper used to make the paper armour shall be carried on board each government office, Chungcheong, and Jeolla provinces.

2. 皮甲尙不能防箭, 況掩心乎? 其軍器寺及開城府所藏舊造掩心甲輸送事, 亦只許着於常時, 豈可用之戰乎? 今若別送休紙新造 (後略)

피갑(가죽 갑옷)조차 화살을 막아내지 못하는데 엄심갑이라고 다를 바 있겠습니까? 그 군기시와 개성부에 소장하고 있는 오래된 엄심갑을 수송하는 일 또한 평상시에나 착용할만한 것이지 어찌 전쟁에서 쓸법하겠습니까? 지금 만일 별도로 휴지(폐지)를 보내어 새로 만들게 한다면~ (후략)

Even leather armor can't block arrows, but paper armor can't, of course, it can't. The Defense Acquisition Program Administration and the transportation of old paper armor in the Gaesong area are also commonplace, so how can we use this old one in war? Now, if we could send the paper to the defense contractor and the Gaesong area to make a new one...(skip)

3. 凡禦敵, 若無鐵甲, 則掩心衣, 最爲便好, 邊方軍士, 貧不能辦。 司贍寺鼠破緜布, 積於無用, 量宜分付各司, 染皂用紙爲絮, 造一千領, 分送兩界甚當。

무릇 적을 막아내는데 철갑이 없다면 엄심갑이 가장 편하고 좋지만 변방의 군사들은 빈곤하여 엄심갑을 갖출 수 없습니다. 마침 사섬시에 쥐가 갉아먹은 면직물이 쌓여있지만 쓸 곳이 없으니 적당한 양을 각 관청에 나누어주고, 검게 물들여 종이(면직물을 포함)를 솜처럼 만들고 1,000벌을 제작하여 양계에 나누어 수송하는 것이 심히 옳을 것입니다.

Although "Paper Armor" is the most comfortable and convenient without iron armor to stop the enemy, the frontline soldiers are poor and cannot have "Paper Armor." There is a pile of cotton cloth eaten by rats in the Mint Office, but there is no place to use it, so it would be very right to distribute the appropriate amount to each government office, dye it black, make 1,000 pieces of paper (including cotton fabric), and distribute them to the north of the Korean Peninsula.

4. 初琳使軍中各持厚紙掩心甲, 衆初以其負重爲苦, 至是虜箭皆着紙甲, 甲柔而靭, 矢不能透。

처음 병마절도사 유 임이 군중에서 두꺼운 종이를 각기 추집하여 엄심갑을 만들었는데, 병사들이 처음에는 엄심갑의 무게를 짊어지는 것을 힘들다고 여겼으나, 적병의 화살을 경험하고서는 모두 지갑(종이로 된 갑주, 즉 엄심갑)을 입었으니, 갑옷은 부드러우면서도 단단하여 화살이 쉬이 뚫지를 못하였다.

At first, Commander Yu-im collected thick papers from the crowd to make Paper Armor. At first, the soldiers considered it difficult to carry the weight of Paper Armor, but after experiencing the enemy's arrow attack, the soldiers All wore Paper Armor, and Paper Armor was soft and hard, so arrows could not penetrate.

5. 掩心等物, 最爲制勝之利用, 而若非厚紙, 無以造成, 今此京外監試落幅, 爲先移送於本寺, 及期措得戰用事, 捧承傳施行, 何如?

엄심갑 등의 물품은 적과 싸워 이기기에 가장 이롭고 유용하나, 두꺼운 종이가 아니면 만들어낼 수 없으니 지금 경외의 감시(과거)에서 쓰였던 낙복지(낙제자들의 답안지)를 먼저 본 관청에 이송하도록 하고, 때가 되면 전투에 대비하여 쓰일 수 있게끔, 주상의 전교를 받들어 시행하는 것이 어떠하겠나이까?

Items such as Paper Armor are most beneficial and useful to fight against enemies, but cannot be produced unless this armor is thick paper. So why don't we have the papers of the flunkers on the civil service written test transferred to the government office first, and when the time comes, they can be used to produce the Paper Armor in preparation for combat?

(▼ About the more detailed Paper Armor fabrication process )

掩心甲造試事, 榻前定奪矣。依其所言, 厚鋪雪綿爲絮, 糝以松脂末三斤, 疊木綿四重, 爲表裏, 仍加縷飛, 被之藁同, 射於五十步之外, 矢入半尺, 放丸則透過四五十步矣。

엄심갑을 제작하여 시험하는 일에 대하여 주상께서 친히 재결하셨습니다. 그 말에 의하면, "두껍고 넓은 설면(흰 면포)을 솜과 같이 만들어서 송진으로 3근 남짓되는 풀을 만들어 바르고, 목면(목화로 만든 면직물) 네 겹을 겹쳐서 속과 겉으로 삼아 그대로 누벼서 말립니다. 이렇게 하여 다섯 보 밖에서 엄심갑을 쏜다면 화살은 반척(15cm 남짓)이 들어가니, 만일 탄환이 뚫고 지나간다면 족히 4~50보의 거리는 될 것입니다." 하였습니다.

The king personally decided to make and test Paper Armor. According to the word, "A thick, wide white cotton cloth is made like cotton, made of resin, and applied with about three layers of grass, and then rolled over four layers of cotton cloth. If you shoot Paper Armor from five steps away, the arrow will take about 15 centimeters, so if the bullet penetrates, it will be 4 to 50 steps away."

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[ Paper Armor in Bannerlord ]

2. Cholik / 철릭 / 帖裏

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(출처 : 한솜/ 방송의상)

Cholik is a kind of Hanbok. It is a one-piece military dress.

During the Goryeo Dynasty, it was introduced from Mongolia and used as a costume for kings and civil servants. During the Joseon Dynasty, it became popular enough to wear ordinary outdoor clothes for aristocrats.

It was also worn as an undergarment of the king's clothes and other official clothes, but after Imjin War, it was completely settled as a casual dress of the royal family or officials.

It was popular throughout the Joseon Dynasty, but the style varies slightly depending on the time.

file 2[ Cholik in Bannerlord ]

3. Eolin - gab / 어린갑 / 魚鱗甲

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어린갑 / eolingab / 魚鱗甲

The term "Eolingab" means armor made by attaching a small piece of metal to the surface of the armor like a fish scale. ( = Scale armour )

Eolingab is made by overlapping three or four layers of wood to form a thick garment, adding a bed of silk or 240 layers of raw silk to the surface of the garment, and riveting a small brass-shaped piece of fish scale on the surface of the garment.

The Dusukrin armor was arranged alternately with pieces of Dusuk and black-painted fabric, with dragon-shaped silk attached to the upper shoulder of the armor, and fur fur around the rim of the armor.

Eolingab is a structure that not only has low shielding power, but is also too small to properly distribute external shocks because it is made of brass. Nevertheless, such impractical armor was produced purely because of its splendid appearance, and was mainly used as a design for senior generals.

Perhaps because Westerners who visited Joseon at the end of the Joseon Dynasty preferred the unique appearance of Dusukrin armor, there were cases in which Dusukrin armor was presented to foreigners as gifts.

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[ Eolingab / Dusukrin in Bannerlord ]

4. Dujung Armor / 두정갑 / 頭釘甲

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According to the literature, Dujung armor was first featured in the "국조오례의" and "병기도설" published during the reign of King Seongjong of the Joseon Dynasty.

There were two types of Dujung armor of "병기도설": Iron-Dujung armor for practical use and brass Dujung armor for chairperson without protective material. Iron-Dujung armor, which is for practical use, is a form that is made of chunggeumpo and fixed with an iron nail tightly attached to the inside of the clothes.

Dujung armor is similar to Western Brigandine armor, while Asian-style Dujung armor is known as Mongolian or northern Asian nomadic armor.

These armor spread to Asia, including Korea, China, and Japan, and these armor evolved in different forms depending on each country's culture.

Therefore, the shape of Dujung armor in Korea, China, and Japan is very different.

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[ Dujung Armour in Bannerlord ]

5. GyeongBun Armor / 경번갑 / 鏡幡甲

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Gyeongbun Armour is an armor made of iron made of 6cm of iron and wire rings.

It is easier to make armor than the iron armor of the Three Kingdoms Period in Korea.

It is believed to be an artifact of the late Goryeo Period, indicating that Gyeongbun Armor was already in existence during the Goryeo Period, and that Gyeongbun Armor was widely used during the Joseon Dynasty.

The remaining relics of Gyeongbun Armor during the Goryeo Dynasty are the Gyeongbun Armor of General Jeongji, designated as Treasure No. 336.

In addition, Korean historical records describe the Gyeongbun Armor made by putting iron mills and beef between each other.

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[ GyeongBun Armour in Bannerlord ]

6. Hwando, Korean Arming Sword / 환도 / 環刀


[ Hwando of Korea in the German Museum ]

Joseon's military swords were largely decorated, Tae-do (twisted sword), admiral swords, double swords, and double- A circumference is a type of sharp sword that is mounted at the waist and is about 1 m long.

In addition to the hwando, there were dagger and sword in the funeral sword. A double-handed sword is a two-handed sword, and a ceremonial sword, a Tae-do (twisted sword), an admiral's sword, a double-handed sword, and a double-handed sword.

A circumference is a type of sharp sword that is mounted at the waist and is about 1 m long. In addition to hwando, there were dagger and sword in the ceremonial sword. A double-handed sword is a two-handed sword that is longer than a ceremonial sword.

The first record of the name "Hwando" appearing in Korean records was during the reign of King Chungnyeol of the Goryeo Dynasty.

It is speculated that the Hwando came from the introduction of Curved Sword-style swords, which were popular among the nomads in the north, through the Yuan Empire (Mongolia).

Prior to that, the iron-daedo or Hwandu-daedo used on the Korean Peninsula, and Simbu-daedo, which appeared in the late 6th century, had a similar appearance to the peninsular, with a sword-guard and a smaller back, but the blade was close to a straight line.

Although large-scale artifacts with large curvature are found among relics from the Three Kingdoms Period, they are close to the shape of the Curved style's sword or even added curvature to the straight large sword.

The words "~do" and "daedo" above refer to swords in Korea. (do is usually a sword, daedo is a large sword)


6. In - Game

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7. Trailer

Thx for reading !

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