Post news Report RSS 5.0 Is Here!

Soldiers! It is time. This is by far the biggest and best update to date! 5.0 is ready to rock your socks and bring all kinds of new experiences to you soldiers! Not only is 5.0 ready to be released but we have some great news! The 5.0 manual is also finished and ready to be released as well! But there’s more!

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That’s right soldier, the teaser video is finished and released! We all know what that means! 5.0 will go LIVE this Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 3 pm on the EMS Gamers server! I will be releasing the 5.1 server files on Friday to ensure that all the bugs are gone. Because of the stability of 5.0, we will not be releasing the in-game codes that players can type to get extra special stuff in game. This is currently in the works and is not ready to be released. However, we will post all the commands in this news post so that players will know about the commands when they are ready to head onto the server.

The biggest change is the name of our mod. Since I’ve brought aboard two additional coders, we will be cranking out the updates now with more and cooler things. The new name of the mod is now called Tactical Ballistics! In 6.0, not 5.0, the servers will have an entirely new python gaming experience. What this means for players is that the top player will have access to weapons that no other player will have. The top 3 players overall on the server ranking system will also have weapons and abilities that are not even available to admins on the server! And I’m not referring to the top players on the round, I’m referring to the top players overall on the server ranking system! So you better fight for first place because first place has all the goodies! I know I will!

And now, onto the good stuff! What can we expect in 5.0 to date? Let’s go over the list, shall we?

* Throwing Knives
* Knives Revive Players
* Knives have Napalm on them called Black Magic.
* Elite Sniper Learning System
* Standard Sniper Rifles shoot Atlas EMP rounds which disable vehicles.
* EU Standard Engineer Anti-Tank Weapon is called the Orbital Launcher.
* The Orbital Launcher is capable of launching infantry and vehicles into orbit.
* The Orbital Launcher launches a barrage of uncontrolled 16 shock missiles at a time.
* The Orbital Launcher locks onto heat sources.
* PAC Standard Engineer Anti-Tank Weapon is called the Napalm Launcher.
* The Napalm Launcher is identical to the Orbital Launcher, but looks much cooler.
* The Rorsch Kz-27 (Standard AA Gun) is called the SAP or Stationary Artillery Platform.
* The SAP launches artillery shells over long range.
* The SAP shells are capable of downing aircraft in one shot.
* The SAP is immune to EMP.
*The Rorsch MK-S8 (Standard Rail Gun) is called the U.S.S.R which stands for Universal Stationary Sniper Rifle.
* The U.S.S.R. fires player-guided sniper missiles towards their target.
* The defibrillator fires the Black Magic Napalm balls that the knife has but over greater distances.
* Ammo Hubs are now Advanced Explosives.
* Medic Hubs cause a massive implosion when destroyed.
* Medic and Ammo hubs can be attached to vehicles to upgrade those vehicles to support vehicles.
* Frag grenades are now shock grenades which can be upgraded to implosion grenades.
* Shock grenades on a string.
* All radar and sonar systems last longer and stick to vehicles.
* RDX are now Multipurpose Explosives.
* RDX can be used as Timed C4, Booby Traps, Manual C4, and Mines.
* APM Mines are more powerful.
* Motion Mines have a mind of their own.
* Motion Mines follow the CoTU effect (Center of The Universe).
* Motion Mines detonate on both vehicles and infantry.
* EMP Mines are now called Implosion Mines.
* Implosion Mines house a micro singularity which is powerful enough to pull in everything around the map into it and crush it.
* Implosion Mines can be safely disabled by using a diffuser.
* Implosion Mines have a maximum life of 2 minutes before imploding.
* The Zeller sniper rifle is powerful enough to destroy infantry in one shot.
* The Zeller is powerful enough to damage light vehicles.
* The Portable Personal Shield is used to boost infantry on top of buildings.
* The Portable Personal Shield is used to keep infantry out of confined spaces.
* Players can place up to 4 sentry guns.
* Sentry guns have a medium explosion radius capable of destroying other sentry guns near by.
* Spawn Beacons can be placed on walls and vehicles.
* Squad leaders of one can place a squad beacon to which players will spawn directly on the beacon.
* Smoke grenades are 8 times thicker and cover 3 times the area.
* Players can throw 16 seizure EMP grenades at a time to confuse and blind their enemy.
* The RDX shotgun is now the Smoke shotgun which blankets areas with large amounts of smoke.
* The Clark Shotgun is now the only sole shotgun in the game capable of blowing away infantry in the next century.
* The standard support weapon is a flame thrower capable of setting your opponents on fire.
* The Pilum is now called the PAC or Portable Artillery Cannon.
* The PAC fires artillery shells of destroying everything within 15 meters of the blast radius.
* The PAC can only be used in excess of 150 meters.
* All side arms are pistol grenades capable of killing infantry very quickly.
* The SAAW is a PPC or Portable Particle Cannon.
* The PPC can kill infantry instantly and destroy vehicles quickly.
* Squad leader sentry drones have been replaced with deadly decoy drones.
* Squad leader recon drones have been replaced with suicide packs capable of destroying everything around it within 15 meters.
* The Diffuser will change all hazards into friendly claymores.
* Introducing a new weapon called the HOFF-3000, known as a EPIC FAIL PWNAGE weapon.
* Introducing a new kit called the Special Assault Operations Kit.
* This kit includes such weapons as the Lightning gun, RDX shotgun, Particle Gun, EMP Gun, Automatic Pistol Grenade Rifle, Voss, Standard Kit weapons, and Recon/Sentry Drones.

This concludes all the new weapons you will find in the Tactical Ballistics (Crazy Ballistics) mod. This next section will concentrate on vehicle upgrades.

* Jeeps now have 4 wheel drive.
* Jeeps are capable of reaching all new high speeds.
* Jeeps are designed to take more damage without blowing up.
* Jeeps are designed to operate under water longer and with better control.
* Jeeps have a built with an all new drift-sprint system.
* Jeeps have all new wheels.
* EU Jeep has a very basic anti-gravitational system with no air control.
* Jeeps fire motion mines.
* PAC jeep has the most advanced anti-gravitational system with the best air control.
* The EU APC is called the Hercules.
* The Hercules is the slowest thing on wheels, but has a sprint system which makes it boost up to regular APC speeds.
* The Hercules is the strongest vehicle in the game with major armaments.
* The Hercules has a Particle Cannon, Flame Thrower, Grenade Launcher, and Mine Launcher.
* The Hercules contains a nuclear reactor and is resistant to EMPs.
* All PODS now have an all new control system which gives full control to the player.
* Some call the new Pod controls POD SURFING.
* The PAC APC is an All Terrain Vehicle capable of climbing 90 degree angles.
* The PAC APC is extremely quick and can soar over mountains.
* Gunships have regular glass instead of bullet proof glass.
* Gunships have an all new missile locking system to which the controller just fires and goes and worries later.
* Gunships drop cluster bombs instead of TV guided missiles.
* Gunships have an X-Treme Acceleration Thrusters which allow it to quickly get out of hot situations.
* Gunships have a special Airwolf flip system.
* Transports have quick release POD systems which allow the players to quickly reach the ground in a fraction of the time.
* Transports are extremely light weight and quicker.
* Transports float on water while taking less damage than before.
* The PAC Tank is now called the GAAT which stands for Ground Assault Artillery Tank/Vehicle (GAAV).
* The GAAV flies.
* The GAAV fires camera assisted artillery shells which allow the operator to see where the shot lands.
* The GAAV is nuclear powered with a barely stable reactor. Critical damage will cause it to explode into a nuclear explosion.
* The GAAV contains all kinds of anti-gravitational systems.
* The GAAV hovers over water.
* The EU Tank is quick on its tracks which allow it to quickly turn, accelerate, and have a very quick top speed.
* The EU Tank can climb up 90 degree angles.
* The EU Tank has a great anti-gravitational system which allow it to control itself in the air.
* The EU Tank has a stealth system which allows it to operate silently without being detected. It’s quiet like a feather.
* The walker is quick on its feet, literally! Instead of speed walking, the walker runs at incredible speeds, which allow it to quickly get out of harms way.
* The walker has an anti-gravitational system which allows it to jump onto buildings while taking the least amount of damage.
* The walker is sometimes called the Road Runner.

* Some vehicles have ejection systems which will eject the operator out of the vehicle out of harms way.
* All players have jet packs instead of parachutes.

This concludes all the changes in the mod from the start of the mod over a year ago to now which are currently in use. Here are some, but not all the changes you will find in 6.0. Please note that these are NOT currently in 5.0. These are in-game commands that players can type in chat.

Something special for first place!

#stealth - Allows the player to be stealthed for x amount of seconds. Once per round.

#change weapon/vehicle projectile - Changes the projectile of said weapon/vehicle with the projectile they choose. This is global and for the round only.

#unlocks - Gives the top player ALL unlocks.

#deathshield - Gives the top player the ability to have a shield around them that will instantly kill any player that gets too close for x amount of seconds. Once per round.

#freezeplayer player - Freezes a player once per round for X amount of seconds.

#addportal -radius- -PlayerID/Flag/Location- - Adds a portal in front of the location that a player is standing. When a player enters this radius, that player will be transported to whatever location the portal is set for. Players are limited to just one portal per game.

#setportal -Radius- - An alternative to using the portal. It sets up a portal at the location of where the player is standing. When a player enters this radius, that player will be transported to the end portal on the map, which is set by the player who set up the portal.

#endportal - Sets the end location for the portal. Players will be located to this location upon entering the portal.

#removeportal - removes the exisiting portal.

#jumpup -Height- - Allows the player to jump up into the sky to a certain height.

#barrage -location- -Projectile- - Sends a barrage of whatever projectile to a player's location.

#decoy - Spawns a real life decoy of your soldier to fool other players.

#gunship EU/PAC - Spawns a gunship on levels that do not have gunships.

#distance -NUMBER- - Sets the visible distance at which you can view.

Something special for the top 3 players:

#shield - Provides a shield around the player for X amount of seconds. Might be done using titan shields or giving the player 100000 amount of health.

#spawn vehicle - Spawns a vehicle in front of the player spawning it.

#superman - Makes a player invincible and allows the player to fly around the map for x amount of seconds.

#bunker - Builds a bunker around that player for X amount of seconds.

#relocate -PLayer ID- - Allows that player to relocate to another player on either team, once per round.

#playerjump -Player ID- -Height- - Makes a player of their choosing jump X meters. This can be used only once per round.

#relocateplayer -PLayer ID- -Player ID- - Makes a player of their choosing relocate to another player. This can be used only once per round.

#gravitygrenades -Radius- - Turns all the grenades globally into gravity grenades for X amount of seconds. Gravity grenades will pull anything within the specified radius towards the center of the explosion of the grenade. Players can reuse this command over and over.

#radiate -Radius- - Will set a radioactive area for X radius for X amount of seconds. This area will slowly kill infantry.

#clean - Will clean up any radiated areas near the player.

#ammo - Gives that player full ammunition upon request. Can only be used once per round.

#health - Gives that player full health upon request. Can only be used once per round.

#crush player - This spawns an object on top of a player which will crush them. This can only be used once per round.

#fire - Sets your player on fire.

All player commands:

#rank - Tells the person's rank and their current score. Also shows who is above and below them in the ranking and what their points are. 3 separate lines.

#rank person - Tells the rank about a player that somebody requested and their score. It shows who is above and who is below them in the ranking and what those scores are. 3 separate lines.

#compare player player - It shows both players' scores and ranks and shows how many points are between the 2 players.

#progress - Show's that players progress to their next rank. It also shows how many points they have now compared to what is stored.

#progress person - Shows the requested person's progress towards their next rank. It also shows how many points they have now compared to what is stored.

#stats - Shows the current player's important stats, such as overall kills, score, deaths, KDR, knife kills, who is their favorite victim, who has killed them the most, their best killing streak, and the most dog tags of what player.

#stats person - Shows the requested player's important stats, such as overall kills, score, deaths, KDR, knife kills, who is their favorite victim, who has killed them the most, their best killing streak, and the most dog tags of what player.

#top5 - Shows the top 5 players in the server and what their scores are.

#knife person - Shows if they have knifed a particular person in the past and how many times. It also shows if that player has knifed the current player and also how many times.

#votemap map - Starts a vote to change the map to a particular map.

#taunt player - Will have the server taunt a player for them.

#VoteGravity -Number- - Starts a vote to change the gravity of the server to whatever number they vote for.

#voteRandomGravity - Starts a vote to have the gravity change every 30 seconds on the server.

#ventrilo - Shows the current ventrilo information of the server.

#website - Shows the current website information of the server.

#requestrestart - Starts a vote to restart the map for whatever reason.

#voteNOKilling - Starts a vote to make all weapons non-lethal.

#votekilling - Starts a vote to make all weapons lethal again. This means all weapons will kill again.

#selfprotect - Allows a player to use this command once and only once for the life of the server. It allows them to automatically get unbanned if they are auto-banned for using bad language. The system will add that player to a list so if they get banned, the system will search for that player on the list and check if they have used this system before. If they have not, they will get unbanned instantly. A player only needs to initate this command once for the life of the server.

#votemode gamemode - Will allow players to vote to have a particular game mode they choose, like capture the flag, freeze tag, fort wars, etc.

#help - Gives players all the basic commands.

#votetitanrepair - Allows players to vote to have all titans auto repair. This will be a server setting.

#voteautorepair - Allows players to vote to all all vehicles auto repair. This will be a server setting.

#votejump -Height- - Allows all players to jump a distance of X height for a single round.

#votespeed -MetersPerSecond- - Allows all players to run at a speed of X meters per second for a single round.

#voteab on/off - Starts a vote to turn autobalance on or off.

#voteranking on/off - Starts a vote to turn on or off the ranking system.

#flip - Flips your soldier upside down.

#eject - Removes your soldier from your current vehicle and ejects them above their vehicle.

Moderator & Admin commands:

#mod.login - Tells the server to make that person a moderator. The player enters no password. If the player is on the trusted player list, it will compare the information on that player (such as IP, cd key hash, PID, AND name of the player), against what is stored. If most or all of the information matches, then it will give that player a moderator.

#smack player - Tells the server to randomly kill a player for 1 minute.

#add player - Adds a player to that trusted player's account. Whatever actions they do will reflect on their account.

#votekick player - Starts a vote to kick a player.

#change map - Changes the map to the requested map.

#ab on/off - Turns on or off auto balance.

#teamkick player - Starts a vote to switch a player to the other team.

#requestban player - Tells the server to collect all the information it can and store it for an admin to come by and review. If the admin accepts the ban request, it will ban that player using a smacktard ban.

#say "-string-" - Tells the server to say whatever the player wants it to say in BIG orange letters.

#unban player - Unbans a particular player.

#restartmap - Instantly restarts the map.

#builder player - Temporarily makes a player a builder for either a round or until they disconnect from the server.

#revokebuilder player - Removes a player from being a builder for either the round or until they disconnect.

#NoKilling - Tells the server to make all weapons non-lethal.

#Killing - Tells the server to make weapons lethal again.

#voterealism - Votes to turn off the huds of all players and makes it so that they play only by sights for x amount of seconds.

#protect player - Prevents a player from getting permanently banned from the server. This does not apply to any other cases, just permanently banned. This is a one time deal for a player.

#safezone flag -Radius- -Team- - Provides a radius of protection around a flag for a team. It prevents players from entering this area and shooting weapons into the area. This is to replace the spawn protection area.

#drop player - Drops a vehicle at a player's location.

#ads - Adds active defense shields to all vehicles including static vehicles.

#removeads - Removes ads from all vehicles.

#normalads - Returns ads back to normal.

#changemode gamemode - Changes the current game mode to have a particular game mode they choose, like capture the flag, freeze tag, fort wars, etc.

#modhelp - Gives all the moderator commands.

#hackcheck Player - Disables that player's HUD to see if they are hacking and using an AIM bot. If their game play is uneffected by this, then they are hacking. This is only active for 2 minutes. Admins and moderators can restore the player's HUD by typing #restoreHUD Player.

#restoreHUD player - Restores the hud of the specified player.

#changegravity -Number- - Changes the gravity of the server to the number provided.

#randomgravity on/off - Sets the gravity to become random on the server every 30 seconds.

#allammo - Gives all players full ammo. Can only be used once per round.

#allhealth - Gives all players full health. Can only be used once per round.

#crushplayers - This command will spawn an object on all players to crush them.

#titanrepair ON/OFF - This command will tell the server to auto repair the titans.

#autorepair ON/OFF - This command will tell the server to auto repair all vehicles.

#jump -Height- - Allows all players to jump a distance of X height for a single round.

#speed -MetersPerSecond- - Allows all players to run at a speed of X meters per second for a single round.

#allstealth -Number- - Everybody becomes invisible for X amount of seconds - this can be completed using the cloaking system.

#stealthteam -Team- - Everybody on the team becomes invisible for X amount of seconds.

#transportall -Location- - Tells the server to transport everybody to a specified location.

#lockteams - Locks the teams as they are, even if they are unbalanced. New players joining the server will be moved to the team with the most players.

#ranking on/off - Turns on or off the server ranking system.

#lock -player/Team- - Locks a player to a team or a team in general and prevents them from getting switch and prevents them from switching.

#unlock -player/Team/Teams- - This is the global unlock command. Use this to unlock a player, team, or both teams.

---Admin commands---

#admin.login - Tells the server to make that person an admin. The player enters no password. If the player is on the admin list, it will compare the information on that player (such as IP, CD key hash, PID, AND name of the player), against what is stored. If most or all of the information matches, then it will give that player admin.

#addtrust player - Adds the player to the moderator/trusted player list so they can use moderator commands.

#trust player - Temporarily provides a player with moderator status.

#deltrust player - Removes a player from the moderator list.

#removetrust player - Removes a player's moderator status temporarily.

#ban player - Smacktard ban. This is an entirely new way of banning a player. The server will first add that player automatically to the smacktard list, which is explained further down. After that, it stores that player's IP address, PID, Player name, CD hash and IP range into a file called the Smacktard Ban list. Once this is completed, it will ban both the IP and the CD key hash into the game's ban system to ensure they remain banned. Then every time a player connects to the server, the smactard ban system will check that player's IP address, CD Key hash, PID, and IP range against what is stored. If any information matches what is on file for that player, the smachtard ban system will automatically store and reban the new information for that player and kick him off the server to ensure they never bother the server again.

#allowban player - This command is used for admins that want to talk to repeat ban offenders. When an admin initiates this command, it turns off the smacktard ban system for a particular player. Their previous bans are still in place and their inforamtion is still stored in the smacktard ban list, however, it will allow them to reconnect so they can talk to an admin. Remember, they won't be able to play because they are already on the smacktard list but they can at least talk to an admin.

#restoreban player - After an admin has talked with a repeat offender, initiating this command will turn back on the smacktard ban system for that player, preventing them from ever returning.

#wipe player - Removes all traces of any kinds of bans for a player.

#removeban player - Removes a player from the smacktard ban list. This does not remove their IP or CD Key hash bans that might be present in the game's ban list.

#banrange IPRange/IPRange - Adds a ban range to the smacktard ban list. Any players within this range will automatically be added to the smacktard ban list upon connecting storing all their information.

#search player - Searches for any kinds of bans that might be placed on a player.

#kick player - This command first kills the player instantly then kicks the player from the server.

#crash player - This command will crash a player to the desktop if possible.

#Crashall - This command will crash all players to their desktop. A warning will appear and a code must be entered before it will take effect.

#kill player - This command will kill a player instantly.

#killall - This kills all the players in the server.

#switch player - This command will instantly kill a player and switch them to the other team.

#addsmack player - Adds the player to the smacktard list. When a player is on the smacktard list and they are connected to the server, the server will continuely kill that player upon spawning, preventing them from playing the game. This is permanent whether or not they reconnect or the server changes maps. The only way for a player to be able to play the game again is for them to be removed from the smacktard list.

#removesmack player - Removes a player from the smacktard list.

#addbuilder player - Permanently adds a player to the builders list.

#removebuilder player - Permanently removes a player from the builders list.

#trustedbuilder player - Permanently adds a player to the trusted builders list.

#allowbuilders Yes/No - Turns the ability to have builders on and off for the server (Not for the round).

#setbuilders map Yes/No - Sets up maps to either allow or deny the ability to have builders.

#realism -Number- - Turns off the huds of all players and makes it so that they play only by sights for x amount of seconds.

#pearl player - Provides a permanent shield of protection around a player. No player can get permanently banned, added to a smacktard list, or ever be voted against with the pearl command. This is for the life of the server.

#removepearl player - Removes the permanent shield of protection around a player.

#pause - Pauses the server for X amount of seconds.

#freezeteam - Freezes an entire team in place.

#unfreeze - Unfreezes all players.

#unfreeze player - Unfreezes a single player.

#freezeall - Freezes all players.

#freeze player - Freezes a player.

#adminhelp - Gives all the admin commands.

#addadmin player - Tells the system to add the player as a permanent admin.

#admin player - Gives that player temporary admin.

#deladmin player - Tells the system to permanently remove the player from the admin list.

#removeadmin player - Temporarily removes the admin for that player.

#spawntime player - Sets a player to have a certain spawn time.

Builder commands

Trusted Builder Commands

New Game Modes


FreezeTag - In freeze tag, the goal is for each team to successfully freeze the other team. When a player on one team gets within the radius of another player on the other team, both those players are frozen in place. A player from the same team can unfreeze a fellow player by simply getting into their radius. To win, one team must freeze the entire other team before their team gets frozen. The most number of players frozen on a team when time expires loses. Lethal Weapons are disabled in this team mode.

CaptureTheFlag - In capture the flag, one team must capture the flag of the opposite team and bring it back to their base. The other team can do the same. The round ends when one team has captured the opposite team's flag 5 times.

HideandSeek -Player ID- - Turns off auto balance and switches everybody except for that one player to one team. The server will prevent any player from switching to the other team. Commander assets are also disabled. Upon spawning, that player has to go hide while the rest of the players are relocated in a part of the map where they can't leave. After X amount of seconds, the restriction is lifted and all players must seek and destroy that single player. If that player can survive for X amount of minutes, then he wins. If he fails and gets killed, then the player who killed him wins. The game ends and returns back to normal upon the death of the hider.

FortWars - In Fortwars, all kits get infinate health and all players become builders. Then both teams must find good locations to build miniture bases. Once a player on a team has selected a place to build their base, they type the command #buildfort and a base is built at their location. They can then move stuff around and tweak it in any way they want. Both teams have x amount of minutes to locate and build their bases before a base is built for them. Upon timer experiaton, the kits for both teams return back to normal, and both teams can kill each other again. The goal is to capture or destroy the miniture bases. The team to capture or destroy all the forts on one team wins!

Racing - This disables all weaponry including grenades and all vehicles except for fav's. If the map supports a racing system, it will load explodable barrels around the map which will respawn if destroyed to guide players around the map.

EMS Gamers Game Server: 16567
EMS Ventrilo: 3795

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vicmam93 - - 1 comments

como descargo el mod

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