Vietcry is released now, discover the rice fields, jungles and more in our Vietnam mod. Instead of just using the Crysis typical health auto-regeneration, Flow groover imported the classical medikits and armorpaks. Small tests have proven that this wasn't a bad idea. For us, it was especially difficult to get used to the turn, the player will no longer be invisible at will, and the health bar is no longer recharging automatically. Features: * No Nanosuit * New gameplayfeeling * Medikits and armorpaks * Many old weapons * Cinematic environment * New bullettime feature * A mix of open and linear gameplay

s2601d says

9/10 - Agree Disagree (1)

Amazing work need some fixes but it my opinion this mod and this idead at all have very big potencial
I think it's stable 9!