Welcome to the UNSUNG Vietnam War MOD. This mod has been around since 2004, producing content for all the iterations of this military simulation. The goal of this team is to develop a level of realism and immersion that leaves the player with a sense of the difficulties encountered when conducting operations in the environment of South East Asia. We use actual DEMS/SRTM (digital elevation mapping /Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) of the historic AOs and Satellite imagery as well 60s-70s era aerial / on the ground photos when making our islands. Our units/vehicles/aircraft/buildings are based on actual pictures from that era, we have accumulated an extensive database over the years, as well as active and ex military team members that contribute their unique knowledge. We hope you enjoy our work, as much as we did making it.

^Namaekeks says

9/10 - Agree Disagree

Not gonna boast about bugs and glitches as it aint the final release yet.

The Vehicles and Weapons feel really authentic and you will definitly find yourself enjoying the jungle warfare with the fitting music in the background, unfortunately does the dense jungle make support assets pretty much useless (i.e. Artillery/CAS) as it the destroyed trees will make it literally impossible to see anything, which takes away a lot of immersion when servers outright ban the use of such equiptment (even tho its understandable)
In the mod are also serveral roleplaying items including like packs of cigs or playboy magazines (No actual use) Which adds even more to the pretty well established immersion.
The maps are all really well designed and look great, tho Duong Island dosn't have any roads, not even between villages plus offroaders get offroad around 10km/h which makes getting around pretty annoying especially since that map features basicly no bridges aswell, even tho it has a huge amount of rivers running through the island, while it is fun to drive(?) through them with a PT boat you'll have a struggle with it as infantry or crewman

Overall my immersion-meter concludes an solid 9/10 for this mod, which is essential for Vietnam era wargames