Titanium Wars Mod is high quality DoW mod with almost all Games Workshop units. Features of this mod: - Many-many new units and buildings. Extended tech tree. - Many-many new abilities and upgrades. - New Heroes and fully functional Heroes wargear. - RPG elements from CutterShane's Heroes System. Experienced units after battles. - Fully functional single campain, skirmish, and multiplayer. - And finally Titans and Titan-like units!

D3@DM4N says

10/10 - - 2 agree (2)

It has been a long time since ive played a DoW Mod with effort and skill in it. Your guys work is so nice i was actually irritated with the map quality in the game xD.

Also to, im glad you guys acknowledged that FLYING UNITS BROKEE!!!!!!! DOW1!!

So thank you, for your brilliant mod.

(P.S. i think you need to look at the balance issues in the game however.) Dark eldar are unbelievably lethal, and orks are big girly babies.