Enter Tolkien's world of turmoil set in 1900 TA! There is war in Eriador, Rhovanion, Enedwaith, the Calenardhon, the Haradwaith, the Forodwaith, and all throughout all of known Arda! Enter a little-known era of Tolkien's mythos and shape the course of history before the Ring of Power is ever recovered!

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Wars of Arda: Developer Diary #3

Wars of Arda: Developer Diary #3


This article previews some of the changes that came in V1.2: The Gifted of Iluvatar as well as some of the progress that has been made since the release...

Wars of Arda Developer Diary #2

Wars of Arda Developer Diary #2

News 1 comment

An update via developer diary that shows all the changes made in V1.1: Song of the Firstborn.

Wars of Arda V1.0 Patch 1 Prerelease

Wars of Arda V1.0 Patch 1 Prerelease


A Prerelease description of what will come in V1.0 Patch 1.




This article previews a bit of what you can expect in V1.0 and gives a rough idea of what will come next!

Third Age Total War: Wars of Arda Developer Diary #1

Third Age Total War: Wars of Arda Developer Diary #1


Our first offical developer diary is here, and we showcase one new faction!

Mod Announcement

Mod Announcement


Dev Diary, Mod Announcement, and call for recruitment

Enedwaith is Coming!

Enedwaith is Coming!


This article gives an update regarding the upcoming v5 test build patch of the Ultimate Compilation Mod

UCM update

UCM update


A mod update with future patch and test build developments!

Ultimate Compilation Mod V1.0 Development Update

Ultimate Compilation Mod V1.0 Development Update


A development update, and a mod recruitment effort!