Begins at night in the city, the player is awakened in his hotel room by loud noises at the door and must flee his hotel. His race will bring him into the narrow alleys of the city to end in the city sewers, but also in secret rooms that suggest dark ceremonies dedicated to the mythical god Cthulhu. Finally, he finds himself in an old port where it needs to reach a lighthouse in a final attempt to survive.

Cryptdidical says

10/10 - Agree (2) Disagree (2)

Contrary to what others may think, I see that this mod had a lot of research, time and effort put into it. The addition of so many custom objects and props, textures and re-skins etc. create a very chilling environment worthy of Lovecraft's praise.

In case others do not know, and are wondering upon the origin of this mod. It is based upon "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" by renowned horror-writer HP Lovecraft. The story is all in there, and it is definitely worth a read for those that love a creepy story.

Being me, I took note of every detail (and found a few humorous easter eggs), and while granted there were a lot of things that could have been refined and fixed up I understand that it was a student project, and thus has it's limitations to how much effort can be put in before a certain deadline. Regardless of this minor constraint it has achieved greatly and does justice to Lovecraft's Mythos and legacy. A welcome addition in my eyes.

Good effort, I am impressed. Lovecraftian mods are few but this one like so little others succeeds where many have failed.

Cthulhu Fhtagn my friends, Cthulhu Fhtagn.