Begins at night in the city, the player is awakened in his hotel room by loud noises at the door and must flee his hotel. His race will bring him into the narrow alleys of the city to end in the city sewers, but also in secret rooms that suggest dark ceremonies dedicated to the mythical god Cthulhu. Finally, he finds himself in an old port where it needs to reach a lighthouse in a final attempt to survive.

The_Phantom_Chicken says

6/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

I loved this for its potential. The actual gameplay is lacking unfortunately. The mod is Lovecraft as rendered via Half-Life 2. It is deeply familiar experience to Half-Life 2 fans yet set within the setting of Innsmouth. It is about what you would expect from a fan mod including the limitations that sometimes arise with such projects.

The short story this mod is based upon is a favorite of mine. Having the game set in the fishing town of Innsmouth is enough to garner a few points for the score immediately. This mod features new textures, new models, and three new maps. The maps tend to be shorter which is okay given the somewhat bittersweet quality of this release. I did not notice any new sounds which is a problem as immersion is hampered. Lovecraftian fiends should not be uttering combine and HL2 zombie noises. Another problem is the maps themselves. There are clipping/boundary issues as well as design issues. The pacing is unsatisfactory in that it feels as though enemies were just dropped into places after the fact.

If you can accept this project as a Lovecraft fan-produced mod for Half-Life 2 and not a professional commercial game, there is a lot to admire and applaud here. I recommend it.. Just do not expect a modern Dark Corners of the Earth game or a "pure" Lovecraft journey.