The Lost Survivor is a Half-life 1 modification based on Resident Evil storyline.The difference between us and the other RE mods out there is that we have our own storyline, and tells what happenned when the Raccoon Incident finished. When the original script was written, there was no official continuation to RE Code Veronica, but now that there is RE4 and that Umbrella Chronicles is almost here, our plot has turned into an "alternate version" of the fall of the Umbrella Corporation. We know that some things may not follow all RE canons, but we're doing our best to create a believeable story (although it's an alternate one ).

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The Lost Survivor HUGE update

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After some time in silence we're back with a lot of updated content. To start with, we have a totally redesigned website. It simulates the operative...

Updates? Soon, we hope


It's been a few months (too much, we know) since the last update. We wanted to update the website during September but we've had some serious...

New video - VGUI system!

New video - VGUI system!

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After some time without releasing news, we come with a little gift for all of you: a new video showing in-game footage. In concrete, a new VGUI menu system...

The Lost Survivor Update (April 2006)


Hi guys. Finally, another content update. We've posted a new model render (the Hunter Beta) and about a dozen new screenshots (mostly from the new...

The BIG update has come!


Finally, we've found enough time to update the website. We apologise for the delay but we never have all the time that we would like to dedicate...

Novodex Physics Engine Video

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Hi people, for all those who wanted an update, we have something for you. A little bink video that shows a map using the Novodex Physics Engine. As you...

We're NOT dead


Hi people, this is just to remember you that we're still working on this. We already have a little new teaser(nothing important, but anyway it's...

The Lost Survivor teaser available!

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Hello, we are very proud to announce you that we have finally published our first teaser! It shows 2:30 minutes of game footage, including parts of the...