Losing his parents during the holocaust to a mad man of a doctor. You're to play as Grobuskna Vladinov, 20 years after the incident that changed his life dramatically. Grobuskna receives an unknown phone call that'll start a journey that'll twist your mind...

thedeadcamper says

3/10 - Agree Disagree

I played the Steam version of this mod, and I hate to say it, but I had a really bad time while playing it.

It feels like the entirety of the game was rushed and that it needs much more playtesting than it got before release.

From extremely-fast, bobble-head zombies, to near moon logic puzzles, to enemies that will kill you from full health within one second (this is no exaggeration and this is almost every enemy in the game), this game seems to do so much wrong that it's hard to pinpoint what went right in the whole thing.

It tries very hard to be similar to the original Resident Evil, giving the player a limited inventory, limited save spots, even a very similar looking mansion to explore near the end of the game. However, when weapons are so ineffective as in this game and zombies can kill you in less than a second, I found myself pretty much using every exploit in Source just to survive. And still, this game will kill you by unpredictably spawning enemies from the middle of nowhere.

The voice acting is not particularly great here, but I can let that pass as the highlight of this game was the bad acting (everyone talks to each other in English with "ze German Accent"), though it was probably also unintentional. I feel like this could have been more tongue-in-cheek with the dialogue and I would have had more fun with the cutscenes.

The mechanics are the real killer here, though, with weapons that are extremely weak, to certain tabs not pausing the game even though they completely cover the screen, to binding keys in ways that aren't familiar (I died so many times trying to use the health kit because I would accidentally hit tab and couldn't get out of the menu in time.)

In the end, I had to give up, just before defeating the big bad Nazi boss, and the walkthrough I ended up using even acknowledged that getting past him boiled down to pure luck, hiding behind a wall, and just hoping to get a headshot with one of the rifles.

I feel bad and I wish this thing had more feedback before release, but it's at version 2.4.0 now and it still feels unplayable.