The First Tiberian War (TFTW) converts C&C Generals: Zero Hour into the original C&C. We aim to make it as close TD as we can using the generals engine and subsequently recreate the passion and enthrillment of the first comand and conquer. This modification will try to recreate the original gameplay and feel of the original C&C in an extended 3D environment by making a more detailed interpretation of the original ingame C&C universe and using some of the environments as depicted in the original C&C action scenes as inspiration. Generally we are expanding on the original C&C terrain theatres.

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Mods of 2004

Mods of 2004

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After 2 months, 8 thousand votes and 1.4 million mod profile visitors, the 2004 Golden Spanner Mod of the Year Awards have been decided, by you the visitors...