PLEASE NOTE: This ModDB page is no longer being updated. For up-to-date information on Tamriel Rebuilt and its releases, please visit the website (link in the description below). TR is a community mod project which aims to recreate portions of The Elder Scrolls universe. We are currently developing the mainland portion of the province of Morrowind as a modification for TES III: Morrowind. Using our own stylistic interpretation along with established TES lore, we intend to flesh out this province and create an engaging game play experience. We are approaching this enormous task on a layered basis, creating 100% of one portion of modding before moving on to the next. We have a number of organized departments working on the various aspects of our mod. These include, but are certainly not limited to: Concept Art, Objects of Tamriel (custom assets), Literature, Sound and Music, Exteriors, Interiors, and Quests. If you would like, join us in modding Morrowind at TR!

Xyrom says

10/10 -

No review provided