Star Wars Conquest is a Mount&Blade; module which transforms a medieval world into the far, far away galaxy... with the same premises than the original game, this module offers an open sandbox where the player can do anything he wants. Based on a Galactic map and hundreds of planets.

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Some bugs/ glitches/ suggestions (Games : Mount & Blade : Mods : Star Wars Conquest : Forum : Bug Reports : Some bugs/ glitches/ suggestions) Locked
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Oct 6 2012 Anchor


first of all, i like this mod very much, keep it up.
I have downloaded the mod about 3 days ago, so it is not the last version. These are a couple of bugs/glitches i have found so far:
- there are some races that ignore my commands and just charge in the fastest way they can. So far i ve recognised this behavior with: twileks (in particular the female), jawas, raiders (those from tatooine).
- at the contrary, the bug race (geonosis?) seems to always use ranged attacks, even when i set "use blunt weapons".
- if you chose to fight on your ship and in the cargo there is the white ship, charging npc can get stuck and be unable to fight because they have LOS problems. unfortunately they can be hit, you as well.
- winning fights can be very easy because some npc's keep trying to hit their previous target, no matter where he is, with ranged weapons and you can just circle them and hit them from behind with little retaliation. I ve been able to win fights with 40 men against 200 since i was oneshotting people from behind (normal difficulty)
- lightsabers are op, for the aformentioned reason. Every weapon that does more than 65 damage is a 99% oneshot.
- after a brawl in the cantina, even if i don't win, when i move to other planets i keep getting the message that all the hostiles have been killed with 100 credits for free.
- friendly npc's with shields rarely use them
-fighting on a speeder is very hard because it turns around very fast and makes missing very easy
- some of the prices of the best gear are way too low, like 1300 cr for an armor with 50+/24+ protection. There are more pieces that have these low prices and they are mixed with other that cost 10 times more but with similar stats
- the experimental bazooka (illegal vendor) doesn't seem to work properly, sometimes you manage to fire to a distant target and sometimes, aiming in the same way, you kill yourself.
- It is not possible to ask for a ransom for named enemies, it should be possible to dispose of them in some way
- when you try to sneak inside a city that is hostile and you are found, some of the enemies can spawn on buildings without stairs, becoming almost unbeatable
- pazaak is very hard, most of the times you lose because the npc has incredibly lucky cards. Moreover if you win betting 50 cr you lose 1 point of favour. These two things together are very annoying, i suggest removing the favour reduction.
- in some zones all the quests are about herding cattle. I have not been able to figure out how i am supposed to do it. if i "take an hostile action" against a planet i can steal some of them, but they do not appear inside the cargo bay nor anywhere else, so no idea about how to complete it.
- it would help if the ship stats had some kind of description because i have no idea what they do: as an example, the number of computers
- you cannot hire your prisoners, why? everytime you capture one of them you are forced to go back and forward from the slaver or release them
- on Cartel planets, imo, the ransom broker should always be there. As an alternative, it could be done by putting on every planet another option for a black market, that reduces your friendship with the local faction but at least spares the useless trips.

This is all i have found so far. Thanks for releasing such a fine mod.

Swyter Dream your Life      Live your Dreams
Nov 3 2012 Anchor

Thanks for this. :)
Been spending some time fixing and tweaking stuff from your report:

-From now on Hutt Cartel planets will have priority when spawning ransom brokers
-You'll only lose relation points if the bet was over 25 credits (max is 50), and you win. Tweaking the Pazak itself is a nightmare of spaghetti code. :(

Will be adding more stuff in the next weeks!


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