Star Wars Conquest is a Mount&Blade; module which transforms a medieval world into the far, far away galaxy... with the same premises than the original game, this module offers an open sandbox where the player can do anything he wants. Based on a Galactic map and hundreds of planets.

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Offering some language help (Games : Mount & Blade : Mods : Star Wars Conquest : Forum : Suggestions : Offering some language help) Locked
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May 16 2012 Anchor

Hey there guys, I am here for two reasons.

1) To congratulate you on the Star Wars Conquest mod development, so far it's awesome, and you just can't make only one profile, you have to make more in order to enjoy completely what you can do (kinda like the original Mount & Blade but still). I liked some specific things, like the clone implementation, or the reverse griped lightsaber, both awesome.

2) And main reason to create this thread, is to offer me to help on language translations. I'm from Argentina, and have a great level of english, so I thought I could help you guys with translation (unless the beta was half spanish half english on purpose to not waste time on the development).

Then again, great game folks, and I wish to be of some help with the language.


Swyter Dream your Life      Live your Dreams
May 26 2012 Anchor

Gracias compi. Pues si te soy sincero yo soy español. :)
Y bueno, la traducción va bastante bien, he terminado con todos los items y la mayoría de las tropas y lugares del mapa.
Quedan un par de cosas como diálogos, menús,... El problema es que últimamente estamos haciendo cambios a muchas cosas y es posible que la traducción cambie de un día para otro.

Cuando tengamos un poco mas estabilizado ese frente (seguramente cuando saquemos la beta pública) danos un toque aquí o en los foros de TaleWorlds, necesitaremos toda la ayuda posible.

Soy muy olvidadizo y tengo muchas cosas en la cabeza aquí que puede que yo no tenga la iniciativa. Envíame un MP una vez liberemos al monstruo y te pasaré unos cuantos archivos.

Thanks mate. If I I were honest I'd tell you that this guy is spanish. :)
And well, the translation is coming along pretty well, I'm done with all the items and most part of the troops, plus the map parties.
There are still some loose ends like dialogs, menus... The problem is that lastly we're doing changes to many parts and is possible that the translation changes from day to day.

When we have a bit more stabilized that front (surely once we release the public beta) call our attention here or in TaleWorlds forums, we'll need all the help that we can get.

I'm somehow forgetful and with so many things in my head it's probable that I'd don't have the initiative.
Send me a PM once we release the monster and I'll send you a bunch of files.

Edited by: Swyter


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May 30 2012 Anchor

I'd love to help with a Swedish/Scandi translation, I speak fluent English (and Cockney).

Swyter Dream your Life      Live your Dreams
Jun 6 2012 Anchor

MalachiteFart wrote: I'd love to help with a Swedish/Scandi translation, I speak fluent English (and Cockney).

A bit delayed but thanks for the offer, I'll add you to our translator list.
Every bit of help counts. I'll send you a PM. :)


My Mount&Blade Tools: » Iron Launcher for Warband » Iron Launcher » Font Customiser » WarKit 

Jun 9 2012 Anchor

Thanks for the reply, but I have two more things to mention...

1) Do you got any idea of the release date? No need for a especific date, just some reference.
2) Would you please add to the mod the function to order a unit to form a patrol? If you don't know what I'm talking about then use Lords and Realms 1.505, get some units, talk to one of them and the option should appear; I find it a cool action since you can have more than one fleet at your command (including your own), plus you can give some troops to the new party to form another just as big as yours; the game feels empty without that (specially for being a clone leader/leader of clones :P )
I don't know if you are actually doing that, but I thought I could mention it to you just in case you weren't developing that.

Again, great job!
Gracias por la respuesta, pero queria mencionar otras dos cosas:

1) Tienen una idea sobre la fecha de lanzamiento? No necesito fecha exacta, solamente una referencia.
2) Podrian por favor agregar al mod la funcion de ordenar a una unidad para crear una patrulla? Si no sabes de que hablo prueba el mod Lords and Realms 1.505, consigue unidades, habla con ellas y la opcion deberia aparecer; yo creo que esa opcion esta muy buena porque puedes tener mas de una flota a tu disposicion (incluyendo la tuya propia), y ademas puedes darle mas tropas al nuevo grupo para formar uno tan grande como el tuyo; el juego se encuentra un poco vacio sin eso (especialmente para un lider clon/de clones :P )
No se si en realidad ya estan programando esa opcion, pero pense que podia mencionarselos, solo en caso de que no lo hayan estado programando.

De nuevo, muy buen trabajo!

Swyter Dream your Life      Live your Dreams
Jun 10 2012 Anchor

1) Just take a look to the number of open and closed issues in our tracker, only by having a look you can get the idea:

2) Our mate Motomataru did the AI, I haven't touched his code as it is pretty complex already and doesn't gets along well with another battlefield systems.
In previous versions the troops just punched each other as the battle started. So, that's an improvement.

Edited by: Swyter


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