Star Wars Conquest is a Mount&Blade; module which transforms a medieval world into the far, far away galaxy... with the same premises than the original game, this module offers an open sandbox where the player can do anything he wants. Based on a Galactic map and hundreds of planets.

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Jedi powers help (Games : Mount & Blade : Mods : Star Wars Conquest : Forum : Help! | Player Support : Jedi powers help) Locked
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Jul 2 2013 Anchor


How does this "force stun" or "force knock-down" work? How about force block or protection?
They all look similar, are they shields? How do they stun then, or do they? I haven't been able to stun anyone.
I have this force stun (or was it block) in my weapon slot in addition to initiate force powers and push and lightsaber. Is it using stun/block when I'm blocking with for initiate powers (ranged weapon)? When I am using lightsaber, is it using it to block? What is then lightsaber shield you can buy? Doesnt it shield always?
Is only stats related to powers strength and force knowledge? Not agility for example? I think it would be more logical if the force powers were int related tho than str.

Someone said force powers are op. I disagree. They SHOULD be over powered according to star wars. Or do you think that ObiWan Kenobi or Darth Vader is just some experienced veteran troop that can be killed with few men...? Just a thought...

Swyter Dream your Life      Live your Dreams
Jul 19 2013 Anchor

They work in the same way than bows and xbows do in the original game. You first get a force power level and put it as a weapon, then choose a power, like lightning, and put it as a ammo. That's it, choose it in battle and do your thing.

Edited by: Swyter


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Aug 4 2013 Anchor

ObI Wan And Darth Vader
Can be defeated in actual star wars with a bunch of men
Thats how it happened in Order 66
and the Mando Wars with the other Jedi and Sith

Aug 8 2013 Anchor

The lightsaber shield is a shield you equip, just like in mount and blade right clicking blocks.

The way this works is the light saber shield looks like a second weapon except you can only block with it.
Personally to me works better and is more reliable then most shields.

I believe you have to manually block by holding down the right mouse button, it does not magically block all incoming fire.
Note it does not protect your back.

Force Jump can be very useful or was useful.

Lightning and push work very similar, first you need a item that defines your mastery then you need the actually skill.
You can pick up these items by the force trainers, best way to find them is to head to any shipyard and visit the merchants.

There should be 2, one that says skills and another for jedi weapons.

Suggested jedi loadout;
1H Lightsaber
Lightsaber shield
Jedi Skill
Force Push or Force Lightning


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