Star Wars Conquest is a Mount&Blade; module which transforms a medieval world into the far, far away galaxy... with the same premises than the original game, this module offers an open sandbox where the player can do anything he wants. Based on a Galactic map and hundreds of planets.

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Computer Throwing Away my equipment (Games : Mount & Blade : Mods : Star Wars Conquest : Forum : Bug Reports : Computer Throwing Away my equipment) Locked
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Jun 22 2011 Anchor

The computer throws away my [MAIN] character's equipment. It has done this several times and it keeps doing it.

- I bought a helmet +31 and some armor +64 & +24. When I am not paying attention, somewhere inbetween it throws out my great helmet or armor (or boots) (doesn't do it so much with my guns - throws them into my backpack mostly , luckily) for some piece of crap that is +16. 5000 cred helmet to 187 cred. Luckiy it threw my armor, boots, lightsaber, gun, and shield into my backpack instead of destroying it. The helmet is nowhere to be found.

- Just like the above example it destroyed my armor and helmet, and threw my pike and gun into backpack for other crap.

I thought it was a small glitch, once in a chance time, but it keeps happening. I told my allies to stop upgrading themselves because I am personally outfitting them now, but I think it has that effect on me now and I don't know how, or can't turn it off.

I am always watching my back (or I guess my character's equipment & backpack), but I slip up and there it goes, ....right out the window, but didn't even know (LP lyrics)... because it slips out my mind to keep checking. Doesn't help to play realistically so it saves automatically.

One last thing, it may have started when I changed commanders and played as one of my companions.

Swyter Dream your Life      Live your Dreams
Aug 2 2011 Anchor

Custom commander bug. Yet again. Looks like is extremely glitched. It threats you like another NPC.
We've practically seen more than five insane bugs due this sub-mod. This one is the sixth. :rolleyes:


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