MEGA MOD containing Narodnaya Soljanka plus the new Collector in the largest Zone ever. TecnoBacon has re-designed the core of the original AMK/DMX scripts and has put this mod in high gear. Fast, stable and populated with over 60,000 alife objects and growing. Join the mayhem. Fully updated to DMX135 with new content from dAVROs (Collector quests) and myself, also available in .DB format from the TecnoBacon repository.

the-ghost says

1/10 - Agree Disagree

There wasn't even a Readme in the files, which are completely messed up and in different places from the download client alone.

Nothing a simple installer couldn't fix.

The only thing the modder has done is compile a list of mods together, which can't really be found anywhere else. - If they could only just get it together and create an installer that would ensure that users install everything correctly, there wouldn't be much need for the horrific display seen in the installation of this mod.